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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/28/2011 in all areas

  1. =Dont((Trust),Mj,"She's a woman":WhichIs(< Men)) GOTO Kitchen
    5 points
  2. My name is Blake, I'm from Massilon, OH and I'm new to the CR Forums, but not CR itself. I was actually in Columbus this past summer during the weekend of the Good Guys Show with a few of the guys from the Canton/Akron/Cleveland area (Chris aka 01WS6), learned a little more about the forum, and then decided I better get my butt on here and make an intro before someone bans me lol. Anyways, I drive a red 2000 Pontiac Trans Am WS6. Only mods are the free mod, lid, smooth bellow, and a SpinTech catback. Not entirely sure if I'm going to mod it over the winter or sell it yet, haven't decided. It's pretty clean. I also have a 2004 Grand Prix GTP for daily use. Enough about my turd. I'm 21 years old and currently in my senior year at Malone University located here in Canton, where I also play NCAA Division II football, which is why me and my car disappear for most of August, September, and October. My major in school is sports management with a minor in business management and a focus in marketing and pubic relations. Whenever I'm not in school or at practice, you can normally find me at the Canton QSL or Starbucks at "the Strip". Here's a few pics of my Turd Bird and the GTP: http://s65.photobucket.com/albums/h239/BS_Tiger56/?action=view&current=CopyofSN851740.jpg http://s65.photobucket.com/albums/h239/BS_Tiger56/?action=view&current=SN851745.jpg http://s65.photobucket.com/albums/h239/BS_Tiger56/?action=view&current=DrivewayAngle3.jpg http://s65.photobucket.com/albums/h239/BS_Tiger56/?action=view&current=SN851749.jpg http://s65.photobucket.com/albums/h239/BS_Tiger56/?action=view&current=CopyofSN851742.jpg http://s65.photobucket.com/albums/h239/BS_Tiger56/?action=view&current=Levins.jpg http://s65.photobucket.com/albums/h239/BS_Tiger56/?action=view&current=GTP.jpg
    4 points
  3. try this: =IF(OR(C8<MAX(B2:B7),C8>MIN(C2:C7)),"stop","good")
    1 point
  4. 1 point
  5. http://main.makeuseoflimited.netdna-cdn.com/tech-fun/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/iquit.png
    1 point
  6. Mid season finale my balls.
    1 point
  7. she figuratively shit on his heart so he figuratively shit on her back, I'm not seeing a problem
    1 point
  8. looks like that synthetic weed stuff you can buy at waterbeds n stuff http://melissamcclain.hubpages.com/hub/Spice-A-Dangerous-New-Drug
    1 point
  9. good contact for paul: post something politically liberal in nature on this site. he will respond
    1 point
  10. Uh oh, there's a new prez in town.
    1 point
  11. Spit works but I'm always willing to try a new type of taco sauce.
    1 point
  12. Quick - someone get me a picture of my mother-in-law.
    1 point
  13. This little off shoot community of the main board kinda went no where:) Oh well..couldn't get any thing going here either..http://www.ohioriders.net/showthread.php?p=754193#post754193 I think on this site the pace is every second.I am 57 so I am a bit slow at all this stuff so this place is more my speed. So what kinda direction are we headed for...pics in general or all mc related.I just point and shoot..I just like looking at pics.
    1 point
  14. People in general are fucking selfish disgusting pieces of worthless shit. Very rarely do you hear a story about someone helping a stranger in need, but there are millions of videos of people being beaten unmercifully while nobody intervenes, especially not the.coward holding the camera. Our society has deevolved into such a mass of greedy selfish shit that most people wouldn't know how to save their own souls if it involved something as easy as opening the door for someone else. I may not be perfect or even good by some standards but I still know its wrong to trample your fellow man to get a fucking toy 30% off. There should be grave consequences for discarding your humanity in the name of deep discount prices. Those sad fucks should get what's coming to them. Merry fucking Xmas
    1 point
  15. i really dug all that side boob from when asian guy lost his virginity. it reminded me of the view i had from the first surprise gang bang i participated in. she was SO surprised.
    1 point
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