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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/20/2012 in all areas

  1. The biggest practical application, and the one that drove the founding fathers to recognize the right to keep and bare arms in the 2nd amendment, was to ensure that the government is kept in check. The citizens must retain the means to make sure the government works for the people and not the other way around. Self defense is also a natural right. Hunting is an interesting hobby, but it is not what the 2nd amendment is about. With gun ownership comes responsibility, but we should not have to get permission to exercise a basic right. We should not be denied a right guaranteed by the constitution without formal adjudication in a court of law. You can shop around and get a doctor to say anything. There will always be some criminal misuse of guns, just like anything else. It is unfortunate, but it is a cost of liberty. The alternative of a totalitarian government without the means to escape it is ultimately far worse. If you think that no citizenry armed only with small arms can prevail against a large organized army, go read about Afghanistan.
    2 points
  2. 2 points
  3. I signed up 3 people this week. Only costs $10 for an associate membership, so got my wife, mom and brother a membership. Also put $100 towards the NRA/ILA. Bought a new high-cap gun yesterday too. Why? Because fuck Magz that's why.
    2 points
  4. So, post what you have bought, or been unable to obtain through the last few days in terms of weaponry. 3 - 20rd mini 14 mags - $14.99/per @ CDNN Sports. I don't believe the item was backordered, but they said 5-8 extra days for processing due to increased demand. 6 -20rd mini 14 mags - $55.94 for all 6, and 6- 30rd mini 14 mags - $69.98 for all 6 @ Sportsmansguide.com, these are all backordered, the 20rd mags til 9 Jan, and the 30rd mags til 16 Jan. No mini mags available at Aumiller No mini mags available at Gun Envy Also cannot find any decent Saiga 12 mags anywhere Still looking for .223, all seems to be sold out. I figure I can wait on this though, as an entire class of ammo will probably not be banned.
    1 point
  5. Quit calling these assault rifles........do you have any idea how small few in this country own a fully automatic combat rifle? Do you also realize that most AR and AK/SKS owners use their rifles to hunt with, or shoot targets? These are semi automatic rifles capable of high capacity, these are not M16's or full auto AK47's. Do you realize how many semi automatic pistols are capable of holding/shooting more than a 12 round capacity magazine.....are those assault pistols? We know that you would rather everyone only own a revolver or a single shot shotgun or rifle, but that just isn't being realistic or fair to the millions of responsible gun owners.....and I mean millions. Do you know the main reason why law enforcement went to semi automatic high capacity pistols, it is because the criminals had them and were killing too many police and overwhelming them. I will admit that I am not a big fan of gun shows, so wouldn't affect me at all should they ban them or make them much more strict with purchases. There are so many different ways a criminal can get ahold of a gun, no new laws or bans is gonna make a dent in that problem. Fight fire with fire, that is the country that we live in, you just haven't experienced that yet. Maybe if you had a Wife or kid to protect and keep safe, you "might" feel a bit differently about things. You truly think you are safe, and being complacent and under that illusion is very dangerous for you.
    1 point
  6. I'll take Snow White and slip her my 7" dwarf.....
    1 point
  7. Think of it as pre-tenderized.
    1 point
  8. If you sell it. Ill pay more than the other two.
    1 point
  9. Huffington Post Adam Lanza's Motive: Did Fear Of Being Committed Lead To Sandy Hook Elementary Shooting? (UPDATE)
    1 point
  10. Fucking imbecile. How many times do you need schooled on this? You determine the application of any device, from a knife (originally invented as a weapon), to a baseball bat (clubs originally invented as weapon) to a rock on the ground (perhaps the first weapon ever). It's origins are irrelevant. If I pick up your anus-shaped fleshlight and beat you to death with it, it's a deadly weapon. If I use my AR15 to compete in matches, it's a target rifle. You're a fucking imbecile, puking out anti-gun talking points. Did I mention you're a fucking imbecile? Here is a dedicated, purpose built, designed for one thing and one thing only target rifle: It's also an AR15 Let's talk abut nun-chucks. Classified by most people as a weapon. Origins were wheat threshing tools, which were used as weapons when the Chinese were outlawed the use of traditional swords, knives, etc and developed weaponry from sticks, agriculture tools, etc. So, are they now not a weapon because they were not invented to be so? Or, are they a weapon because they have been re-purposed as a weapon? If I thresh grain with them, are they their origins? Or a weapon? How about if I beat a toddler with them? Not a weapon because they are for threshing wheat? It's easy to figure all this out, unless you're a fucking imbecile.
    1 point
  11. This is correct, well maybe not the idiot part, I don't know you.
    1 point
  12. Spray them w/ your venomous vagina juice. Duh.
    1 point
  13. And in a few weeks, he'll put them all out of work.
    1 point
  14. WHAT he put the workers at every shop that produces AR/AK stuff on overtime. He should be gun salesman of the year.
    1 point
  15. That big ass hair kept covering their eyes back then causing those wrecks.
    1 point
  16. Shit Speedy! I have 3 of them to break in. Let's meet out front of Bad's place and figure shit out from there.
    1 point
  17. I'm more worried about the idiots driving on the streets or the pilot flying the plane I'm on than whether or not they have firearm. I guess what I'm saying is there are a lot more things out there that have a greater opportunity for negatively impacting me than John Suckygunowner down the street so while I agree it's a small concern, I'll not be losing sleep over it. In all cases, there's not a whole lot I can do about them but make sure I do my part right.
    1 point
  18. I heard this on the radio the other day and couldn't stop laughing. I cranked it up, not gonna lie. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QK8mJJJvaes
    1 point
  19. not sure how this sentiment is "attention whoring" maybe he's a man of faith who is trying to bring some peace to himself (and to others) by imagining that the victims are in a better place, and that his faith is not without merit? some believe, some don't.
    1 point
  20. 1 point
  21. i figure if its going to be cold and shitty out, id much rather there be a ton of snow to go with it.. i do love how pretty snow can be, and to be able to play in it.. but damn do i hate the cold.
    1 point
  22. I'm speechless, I didn't know I meant so much to you...I'm really sorry, but I'm in a committed relationship, and I'm pretty happy...you'll find someone, just keep your chin up;)
    1 point
  23. But it's not like any lessons are learned when you pop a crackhead, or a drunk, or someone in a psychologically altered state... they won't remember that they were fractions of a second away from death. So, why not...
    1 point
  24. Sometimes I feel like I have a second job with how much I am at my job.
    1 point
  25. I don't because I have to help them at the mall and it's annoying. I want to close the shop at 10 when we close and not at 10:15 when I should be heading home!
    1 point
  26. This makes me a cold blooded killer. http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/soldier/JRMMiii/stats/303508079/xbox/ j/k - I just wanted an excuse to post my BF3 stats in a relevant conversation. I should get an achievement for that.
    1 point
  27. Not angry at all, but I, as well as many others, do find your constant armchair lawyering to be extremely annoying. Do you really think there would be so many aftermarket parts made for these if they were illegal?
    1 point
  28. If the people were packing heat they could of shot the bird
    1 point
  29. NC Trying to reason with Magz is pointless. He is stubborn, convinced he is right, and wrong on many counts. Yes, a very annoying combination. Pointing out his flawed logic is pretty easy, and sometimes even entertaining. But his simplistic view of the world around him will not change.
    1 point
  30. Jesus dude! IT'S NOT ILLEGAL. It was imported as a fixed mag sks.
    1 point
  31. The dump I took last night referenced the apocolypse
    1 point
  32. [Rant! on?]:rant:Magled, you troll like you live under a bridge. Go f'n take the CCW class, have a meeting with the County sheriff and see how many people die because YOU have an itchy trigger finger and inability to make good decisions. Or don't because YOU think you have an itchy trigger finger and inability to make good decisions. But STOP making stupid statements based on your views as they are like listening to a premenstrual emo teenage girl who gets all her info from Justin Bieber. How have you managed to not kill yourself on a motorcycle? You must not actually own one as real bikes require split second decisions in heavy traffic. Something you fear. [rant~off]
    1 point
  33. Some bikes are to fast for anything but a race track under a professionals use. Why not ban those while we're at it. Why should cars be able to drive faster then the freeway speed limit maybe we should pass a law that restricts cars top speeds to 70mph?
    1 point
  34. I agree that we draw the lines in different places because I feel that if I want to buy an assault rifle its my right to. I'm agreeing to disagree because I try to hear the other sides opinion.
    1 point
  35. Title says it all.
    1 point
  36. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ZF5m-vmDzM
    1 point
  37. Ok....... I went ahead and bought tickets to the show for myself, my cousin and our respective sammich makers. Then I started looking at lodging in the area.... The Ramada airport west is the closest flop house and has a bar and grill on premises but after reading some reviews I'm a bit iffy. Most reviews are negative and complain of drunks loitering in the halls and parking lot; no problem, I plan on joining their ranks. What worries me is one report of bed bugs. Other complaints include no towels, dirty rooms, stained carpet etc. I can't get the maps app on my phone to show me hotels and bar/grills at the same time. Would love some input from anyone who knows the area and can recommend a bar within stumbling distance of a decent hotel that's reasonably close to the ix center. If the recent activity in this thread is any indication, I may as well be asking magz to buy a machine gun. One thing is for sure, we are going and we are staying up there for the night and getting drunk.
    1 point
  38. Sounds good, which is your autox car? I see 3 potentials in your sig. Here is my CRX project that I just picked up for $300 to make a budget beater: http://i271.photobucket.com/albums/jj138/vgsrule4ever/CRX%20Project/IMG_0729.jpg http://i271.photobucket.com/albums/jj138/vgsrule4ever/CRX%20Project/IMG_4948.jpg Surprisingly the body hasn't rusted away too bad: http://i271.photobucket.com/albums/jj138/vgsrule4ever/CRX%20Project/IMG_4951.jpg And here is my forester, nothing special but it makes decent power: http://i271.photobucket.com/albums/jj138/vgsrule4ever/2004%20Forester/IMG_2724.jpg
    1 point
  39. Thanks guys, was just thinking back and looking through some dusty old photos on the hard drive. Here was from a few years ago when I first started autox: http://i271.photobucket.com/albums/jj138/vgsrule4ever/Integra/Autocross1-1_zps011399cc.jpg I guess I did not mention that the autocross events I've been to have been mostly at the Ackerman Rd. lot. I am not a fan of the Ohio Historical Society lot because it is small and has A LOT of gravel so I traditionally avoid gravel-blasting my car there. I have also been to some in Columbus, Indiana which were pretty fun on an old airstrip. And here was last year as I was phasing out the body kit before I switched wheels: http://i271.photobucket.com/albums/jj138/vgsrule4ever/Integra/IMG_8415-whiteplate_zps9ca770d1.jpg
    1 point
  40. Top apex predator!!!!! That family was so lucky, that baby was just a snack for that Eagle. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tirp674vsSA
    1 point
  41. you take his credit card, and slide it slowly down his cold dead butt crack while simultaneously tazing his corpse until it emits a "beeeeeep" there, your transaction is approved.
    1 point
  42. never happen in the US....we make our kids waaaay too fat to be picked up by some silly bird!
    1 point
  43. Welcome to the forum. Please don't hump my leg....
    1 point
  44. Hello CR! My name is Ryan, I've been in to cars my entire life. Learned from my dad and been improving ever since. My first car was an 86 Dodge Daytona Turbo Z, I had it torn apart and put back together before I could legally drive. Sold it and drive my dads 79 Mustang (ugly as sin but ways ran) while I rebuilt an 82 Camaro I picked up and had for a few years and sold after high school (8mpg just didnt cut it...). 5 years ago my friend got me into DSM's. I picked up a 92 Talon Tsi awd for $400 needed a windshield and had a miss (previous owner had installed a n/t engine to be able to drive it). Found a windshield, fixed the miss and 3mo later I turbo'd it. Ran that engine hard at 14psi and no intercooler for a year and never gave me a bit of trouble! Built a 6bolt, still running the 14b, and just waiting on the day I can bolt on the holset I have for it. Picked up a 91 Talon Tsi awd for my wife recently, so clean you could eat off the underside! Needs engine work but I'll get something together for her. I've built 3 other dsm's, another one soon for a local guy and countless old chevy's, always gotta have a project! I dd my talon, she does good, full 3" exhaust, 6puck clutch, 2nd gear is junk (gotta love used transmissions....), 17's, cams, forged internals. Just put on gc's and new struts, first time this thing has had good suspension since before I owned it! Paint is bad but the body is solid and I am planning on painting her if I have time next year. http://i1277.photobucket.com/albums/y497/EVILDSM/IMAG0050_zps655279b9.jpg http://i1277.photobucket.com/albums/y497/EVILDSM/2012-10-03_12-47-15_883_zps7b2d7ce8.jpg
    1 point
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