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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/30/2013 in Posts

  1. What a complete botard......if he lived in Alabama and sang country, then sure, I'd get it......I bet it would be tough to have a civil conversation with that fool when his last 2 brain cells won't stop fighting......that guy is about half a chromosome away from a rotten potato
    3 points
  2. Kids should get jobs and buy their own damn candy.
    2 points
  3. There are A LOT of areas being covered in this thread. And the attacks toward others "perception" are almost pointless. What I'm surprised by is how we Americans view poor, poverty, middle class, rich, and success. Carl hit on it a bit. And I get it, that we have some very impoverished areas of this country. But, go to a country where most people live bare foot, hungry, little to no electric power and just over all filthy conditions. America, we have our issues. We are not poor. We are, to some extent lazy. The people who have ruined their life and live in "poverty", that's a choice. MOVE. Leave the area that offers nothing. The means to start fresh in a new area are all around you. As stated, CR is mostly ok and though there are people on here who struggle, if you have internet, you aren't that bad off. I think we lose track of a few important things talking about this stuff. Are you doing what you like? If you are, then that's where you are and the life you live. That's your place in the food chain. If you aren't doing what you like, what are you doing the change that? Again, that's where you are in the food chain. Finally, ARE YOU HAPPY? What would it take for you to be happy? Get to where you are happy. Have the drive to create a good life for yourself and loved ones. Help others if you can, but know it's not up to you to support everyone. If there is someone thinking I can't relate tofinancial hardship. I grew up in a shitty trailer park in Vermont. My first rule I made growing up was GTFO of a trailer park and never go back to that living style. So far, I'm winning.
    2 points
  4. man I really hope kids set a world record for how many eggs used during an egging
    2 points
  5. That is one arrogant and ignorant stupid fuck.
    2 points
  6. Am I the only one that did his research and found out that this was a gag/publicity stunt by the radio show? Same people that brought you the idiot deer crossing sign lady. Internet =/= truth.
    1 point
  7. Am I the only one that thinks her letter is a little tacky, but she's pretty much right? There's a reason we're the 2nd fattest country in the world.
    1 point
  8. Yeah baby, smack that ass...
    1 point
  9. Yea who cares how old it is!? guess who's still riding! This guy!!!
    1 point
  10. that's not where I was going. I will shoot you a call on my way home
    1 point
  11. After Ouray, we humped it into Vail for our last night in Colorado. We rode through the storms that flooded out Denver last month, so I didn't get my camera out for one picture. Spent the next three days riding in heavy rain and 50 mph winds across Colorado and Kansas. I wouldn't wanna say it sucked but it sucked. Made it back to Indy the night before Mark had to fly home. He had a great time on his first visit to the US and I had a great time riding with him and showing him around. Can't wait until next year to do it all again. And Again, etc.
    1 point
  12. "I'm over here, over here!" I kept yelling. But she ignored me.
    1 point
  13. Great news!! Obama knew about all the security risks before they went live. "Due to system readiness issues, the SCA (security control assessment) was only partly completed," said the internal memo from the U.S. Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services. "This constitutes a risk that must be accepted and mitigated to support the Marketplace Day 1 operations." But its ok, they are going to do a full security audit in two or three months. "The memo goes on to explain that the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services would create a "dedicated security team" to monitor the risk, conduct weekly scans and, within 60 to 90 days after the website went live, "conduct a full-scale SCA test." What a bunch of BS. http://www.cnn.com/2013/10/30/politics/obamacare-website-warning-memo/index.html?hpt=hp_t1
    1 point
  14. Lots of folks have trouble with view new content. It defaults to whatever app you're in, and saves any settings you make. For instance, if you're in the calendar, it'll only show calendar entries. The what's new is only forum posts, and always shows unread.
    1 point
  15. As a foreigner that lives here now,I have to say most poor people in America are not really poor,shoeless kids in Turkey Istanbul are poor. As for the top 5-10 percentile having everything does that not motivate you? to do better?? I think they still pay you well in America for a unique idea product or service,I,m pretty happy to live here where I can participate and get paid If I get of my duff and make it happen…..off soapbox now.
    1 point
  16. Epic right here,. Rep for you and Casper. This guy is such a moron, I almost wish I had never listened to his music and he was removed permately from planet earth. I mean he has enough money, maybe him and all the kardashian sluts can get shipped to Mars?
    1 point
  17. this was exactly my thoughts. Oh well, if I'm being honest with myself I was somewhat relieved he changed his mind
    1 point
  18. One day class/welding may be in the works but will entail a long day.
    1 point
  19. The thing everyone needs to understand is that not every person is given the same opportunities. A very small percentage of people are born with a golden spoon in their mouth. The thing is, you have to dedicate 2-4 years of your life living like shit and in poverty if you're not born in the upper class. After you suffer your 2-4 years of shit life getting a degree, or some certificate, you can then START to move on to living a better life. Yes, you will still struggle to pay off student loans and what not, but they will eventually be paid off, and you will be able to make a decent living if you live within your means. America is not a land of equal opportunity, but it is a land of opportunity, and everyone is dealt a different hand...It just depends on how you play that hand. All of that being said, I am not making an excuse for lazy people on welfare. I can rationalize and understand that when you're born into generations of poverty, and all you know is to rely on other people to live, it does make it much tougher, but it does not justify it completely. We are humans that have the ability to think and make choices and understand what is right and wrong. That is why I don't justify laziness, but at the end of the day, I know if I work hard and get to where I want to be and live within my means, I won't have to worry about what the lower class is doing.
    1 point
  20. What would you expect from someone that would name their child North West? He ain't playing with a full deck.
    1 point
  21. http://www.southparkstudios.com/full-episodes/s13e05-fishsticks
    1 point
  22. How about a necklace made of C4?
    1 point
  23. I have a good friend that has a Paintball shop out this way, if interested, I can post his info.
    1 point
  24. My bike's LOVING the extra space in the garage, like having the whole bed to itself
    1 point
  25. Nice try...you know you need this to play BF4 and Barbie's Playhouse 3D
    1 point
  26. Haha, figured everyone was tired of me talking about it. I mention it every thread I am in. 2013 Kaw Voyager. Not the greatest pics, all I got right now.
    1 point
  27. I road my new bike home from the dealer today! That has to count. Yes, dragon is on, I will post the plans in case any of you want to go. 4 day trip, probably leaving Friday or Saturday.
    1 point
  28. I might be a red neck! That's right I took the boy's to Iron Pony to buy there Halloween costumes! I bought 3 Fly jersey's and matching riding pants $72.70 out the door, and yea were going riding this weekend too! I figured why not instead of $40.00 or so each on a costume they might were twice.
    1 point
  29. The guy raped and killed a 3 year old! Why make it humane? Kill him with .22 bullets. They are cheap. No shots to the head. Make it slow and painful to dissuade other perps from harming innocent kids.
    1 point
  30. Go here: http://www.nhraracer.com/content/general.asp?articleid=46983&zoneid=175 Read through it... It seems like more than it is, but if you're going in the 9s and plan on running more than just once in a while, like running an ET series sooner or later you'll get kicked out if you don't have it done. You need to be an NHRA member and you'll need to have a physical done before making your license runs. You can go to an Urgent Care if you don't have a family doc. Usually not a big deal. The forms for everything is at the above link. Once you got that done we can hook up while were at the track, you'll need a few guys with license's in your class to sign off for you and watch your runs. If you've never ridden the bike at the track that chances you'll go in the 9s aren't great. It's possible but not likely. If the bike is stock height and short with nothing done to the motor... probably wont happen right away. You can get away with running 10.0s all day long and not need a thing as far as a license goes. You'll need to have your safety gear in order. Snell 2005 or newer helmet (look inside the shell of the helmet for the sticker), leather jacket with pants that zip to the coat (If you go over 120 mph , which is possible on that bike) if not running over 120 jeans are fine. Leather gloves, Boots that cover ankles (high tops will usually pass.) You'll need a positive teather kill. Lotsa guys drill a small pilot hole in the kill switch on the handle bar and a small sheet metal screw to a teather attached you so if you fall off it kills the bike. If you don't want to drill holes, there are nice kill switches out there to be bought. Chain guard at least to the rear axle (stock is fine if you don't have an arm or extensions). No bald tires, must have at least one tail light, for night running. The usual highlights that people get dinged on.
    1 point
  31. Wait, it's Ohio's fault the exchange is totally f'd up? How about you hold Obama responsible for this mess, just once don't be disingenuous. Just once, That's not much to ask for.
    1 point
  32. Because it's a federal law and the federal government should be responsible for running it.
    1 point
  33. My oh my, it was a no bid contract for one of Michelle's college classmates. Wonder when the liberals will join in this thread and explain how all of this is awesome. http://dailycaller.com/2013/10/25/michelle-obamas-princeton-classmate-is-executive-at-company-that-built-obamacare-website/
    1 point
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