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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/11/2014 in all areas

  1. Facebook is for women but Twitter is not? That's attention whore Central for 12 year olds. I'm only Facebook friends with people that I'm actually friends with for the most part. I have also started deleting people I'm not actually friends with. No offense if you're on that list. Facebook is cool if you use it as is is intended. For posting funny shit, making fun of people and seeing pictures of dogs pooping.
    3 points
  2. http://www.nbc4i.com/story/25228596/west-side-crash-kills-one-along-i-70-freeway-closed People, if you're going to street ride, remember, it's still April, it's still Ohio, it;s still a state filled with dickhole drivers. Wait another few weeks until people get over the whole winter and rain bullshit driving. Hate seeing this, but at this rate, we're going to set a new, terrible record. Remember to also not ride like a dickhole, seen too many guys on sportbikes this week acting like they are Rossi on I270, when in fact at any given time it'd be game over. Ride within your limits, and ride within the law, and don't be a dickhole. That goes for cruisers, sport bikes, duals, wtf ever you'r riding. Oh and don't be stupid and go hit Hocking this weekend, please... I didn't even waste my time on that thread if it exists which I am sure it does, because last year I straight told dudes it was too early and they'd wreck. Person A told me I was wrong, person A wrecked, believe totaled his shit. It's not riding season yet, sorry. RIP rider.
    1 point
  3. Weird, dude who hates on it is all about bragging on the duration.
    1 point
  4. It's about her isn't it. Poor GF. Why can't the deer just play nice, get in close and let hunters use something they can more easily handle? Darned inconsiderate deer.
    1 point
  5. If I can shoot a deer with a Ruger Super Blackhawk, I should be able to take one with a lever .44 carbine. No? This is all this is.
    1 point
  6. So, how many off you will be in the parking lot at IP tomorrow for our test? Want to make sure I bring enough ammo.
    1 point
  7. I engage deer at low yardage all the time, it's called bow hunting...... Once again, please tell me why a pistol caliber won't kill a deer.....
    1 point
  8. Fake camera outside and a large bowl of Haribo gummy bears
    1 point
  9. How could I refuse you Bubbie? Been on some great rides. Thanks for not kicking me out of the club. None of my tires have came off the rim either. Your a good guy Pauly. I'll claim ya.
    1 point
  10. Text me when you're heading up. If I'm free, I'll roll up and meet you. Well, with sausage there, maybe I'll meat you.
    1 point
    1 point
  12. july 6 2005. i totally only joined it to be ironic, though. so, you know... like, who cares?
    1 point
  13. Lots of good reviews in the mags for the new Strom.
    1 point
  14. Cameras only give evidence of the crime..better to improve the lighting around the garage and put a lock on the door...an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
    1 point
  15. Here you go, $8.95 delivered from Texas. Just pay for your ebay transaction. No searching needed, click, buy, ride.
    1 point
  16. btw, with that gearing it would kiss redline leaned over on the small side of the tire in the kink and then return to 500 under. don't wanna find the limiter in 6th in the kink... seriously. lol
    1 point
  17. Use a beer can. This is supposed to be budget racing.
    1 point
  18. I don't know you and probably never will and could care less about your skills unless you can suck a good dick, but I get enjoyment seeing you take the internet so fucking serious.
    1 point
  19. Hello everyone, I was invited here by Clay from Columbus Cars and Coffee. I have been looking for a group like this for a while since moving to Columbus from "northern" Michigan and I am quite glad Clay pointed me in the right direction. Cars have always been a passion for me and I enjoy not only working on them but trying new things and experimenting to see the end result; a tinkerer of sorts you could say. I’m still just an amateur in my own opinion, and have a lot to still learn. Right now my main goal is to learn more about autocross and become a more proficient driver on any track. That being said I am lifelong student and will never stop trying to improve myself and learn from others. Another great passion of mine is photography and cinematography. Car photography would be second to none on my list and really enjoy employing my massive and diverse techniques and trick photography to cars. It is amazing the kinds of work one can accomplish with nothing more than a portable light box, and 30 seconds of one’s time for a beautiful long exposure shot. One of my specialties is 360x180 panoramic spheres. My goal here is to start doing more of these abstract pieces at the racetracks of Ohio with a group of cars circled around me to capture the world of racing in a new perspective. With that in mind, If anyone here wants photos or video please send me a message and we can come up with a date and time to meet up. That being said, the only time I do not charge is at events and for promotional work for a few close friends and their businesses. As for my own car, I own a 2011 WRX STI. The story of that car is a fun one, and I mean fun in an extremely sarcastic manner. However, that story is best told over a beer at 16 Bit or Hookah at one of the lounges in the city. Either way, I look forward to meeting you guys and learning a great deal as well as helping out with events and doing photo and video work as well. Sincerely, Chris Marshall (My STI, Taken with a phone, does not represent the quality of my work) http://i58.tinypic.com/2aiplzn.jpg http://i58.tinypic.com/onv45.jpg http://i62.tinypic.com/2zdokm8.jpg A few pictures of many, that I have taken while at Cars and Coffee in Hudson http://i62.tinypic.com/2co2zpl.png http://i62.tinypic.com/3136gk5.png http://i61.tinypic.com/23tp91z.png http://i60.tinypic.com/15mbxnk.png
    1 point
  20. Looking at parts online, I can buy a can, 1/8" NPT brass fuel fittings, some 1/8" ID hose and give you a bracket. I can then get the can drilled and tapped for you. I can get you that setup for $55 delivered. (that gives me about $8 for the bracket I made and my time). The only thing you need is the larger vent line you can can buy at lowes, depot ect. Just throwing this out there for you just in case you don't have the taps or access to the fittings.
    1 point
  21. Thank you Clay. I cant wait to get some great shots for you this Saturday to post on your site.
    1 point
  22. I don't know you nor do I know your work, so I have nothing negative to say to or about you, but realize CTD is also "booked".
    1 point
  23. don't scare the guy! it's not like a first-timer at CRP is going to drop 5 positions because he ran the wrong carb jet! just show up with the bike safety wired, and street tires mounted up. The rest is just gravy. I would advise that the folding shift lever and bark-busters are nice items that keep you riding more than wrenching. that said, we have one or two spare shift levers if anyone needs one to get back on track.
    1 point
  24. How do you mean? I'm sure there were plenty of guys named Jesus who were born in that region of the world at the approximate time Jesus lived. I'll even go so far as to say I believe this person was a great human being, who we could all model our lives after and make the world a better place. ...why he has to be the son of god to make him a relevant example for the religious is beyond me though. I would say the same about whether or not he was married. What difference does it make? Either he was a good person, or he wasn't. Hell, even if he was completely fictional, that doesn't remove or eliminate the lesson or example.
    1 point
  25. Get one of those game cameras for your garage the kind that only takes pictures whenever something walks in front of it and put it where they will not see it you will find out who it is next time they come around if you have kids do not tell them about it.
    1 point
  26. Like others have said RonAyers or local Honda dealer. here are some part numbers to get you going! Your bike is newer than 98 so you will want the needle jet assy. part# 16012-KN4-A10 $17 http://www.ronayers.com/Search.aspx?k=16012-KN4-A10%09 Pick up a 102 main jet also $4 http://www.ronayers.com/Search.aspx?k=99101-GHB-1020 You will also want a 38 pilot jet pn# 99103-KA9-0380 http://www.ronayers.com/Search.aspx?k=99103-KA9-0380 Ronayers will prob take a week or so to get you the parts.. so if you can score them locally that would be a plus for you! You now have 2 weeks to get this done.... clock is ticking!
    1 point
  27. Let me see if I can help you on the right rider part. Don't over think it because with this simple experiment I can prove to you how much better something can be in capable hands. Okay this is what you will need--- 6 nice size nails,a hammer,a nice piece of wood. Preferably oak as this will help to better prove the point. If you are right handed start with the hammer in your right hand and hammer 3 nails home. Now take the hammer in the other hand and hammer those three home. Same wood,same hammer,same nails. Unless you are ambidextrous there was a big difference in performance and outcome.
    1 point
  28. Yes welcome to the family of "getting in my fucking way"
    1 point
  29. I call "bullshit". No way this happened. Not with all of those posted gun signs and all.
    1 point
  30. Good luck on your buy but I'm surprised that nobody mentioned Craigslist. You can find some serious deals on guitars there.
    1 point
  31. It produces riders that go 185 flapping their arms on the freeway... LBTS
    1 point
  32. That's why I stay in the kitchen. I have never been on Facebook or will.
    1 point
  33. I quit smoking and ditched the vape... Kept burning up coils and getting a mist of ejuice in my throat.. No thanks, not worth the money and hassle so went cold turkey... Haven't had a cig since Mardi Gras.. Still use snus pouches at work sometimes though
    1 point
  34. Do you mean hook up with women they knew in college, or find women currently in college to hook up with. Because if it is the latter I may have to rethink this whole Facebook thing.
    1 point
  35. 1 point
  36. I hate you. I had to go check and see if I actually had liked Nickelback on Facebook.
    1 point
  37. Or was it because people de-friended you for being a fan of Nickelback? Cool cover bro
    1 point
  38. Yes!!!!!! and I'll leave this right here Bad324 said Who are the Blue Jackets? cmh_sprint said a pro sports team that will make the playoffs before the Browns....
    1 point
  39. I loath Nancy Grace, but this is awesome! Use headphones because that woman's voice can be construed as cruel and inhuman in the workplace:
    1 point
  40. Fuck, Cox! (Woah that sounds weird.) I wanna cry. But I suppose I understand. With that being said, I want the boots and maybe the gloves. Haha
    1 point
  41. sjc, don't listen to these chumps. go karts, bro. go karts.
    1 point
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