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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/21/2014 in all areas

  1. http://money.cnn.com/2014/05/21/technology/security/ebay-passwords/index.html?hpt=hp_t1
    4 points
  2. Heard and experienced rider bashing some new ones and it got me to thinking. After 45 years in the saddle, if I was sitting on a barstool next to you here is what I would tell you: 1. Glad you took up riding! Changed my life way back when and hope you get a passion for it too. 2. Forget the image thing. Popular culture is kind of like music you know. From swing to twist to disco to pop to whatever the hell you kids do these days! A rider in Boot Hill Saloon on Main Street in 1975 would probably be incarcerated pretty quickly today. In the old days, if you rode a Harley in the wrong part of town, you were an automatic hoodlum. Now most Harley customers probably live in better sections of towns to be able to afford them. 3. Get great gear that lasts. It will be cheaper and more functional in the long run. A great leather jacket that will last you 40 years is worth $600. If it serves a purpose, wear it. If it doesn't, its extra gear to carry. 4. Its ok to be an idiot. We've all been there. Just learn to be safe. If you want to sit at a stop light and blip your throttle, you'll get over it eventually. Of course, these days you might get a ticket. 5. It’s not a horsepower competition. Unless you've really been taught, your ability will never come close to matching a newer bikes capability. So don't waste your money on "mods" unless something really bugs you. 6. Last, go on road trips. Longer the better. I don't mean on a trailer. Become a motorcycle enthusiast. The road is really what being a biker is about. New places, new roads, new friends. Won’t matter if they ride Bmw, Honda or Harley. People who ride for the road appreciate motorcycles regardless of the brand and will strike up friendships and share experiences.
    3 points
  3. My neighbor is a member of The Ohio Patriot Guard Riders. He invited me to go on a mission last week and I accepted. In the interest of privacy, I will not go in to detail, but the whole experience was amazing. I had no idea what these guys actually do. It was interesting, humbling, and made me very proud to be an American. These guys are self funded for the most part, and participate only at the invitation of a family member. Thank you Fred Phelps. JB
    2 points
  4. I hate everyone, don't matter what bike you are riding.
    2 points
  5. I agree with the guy.... I don't know how many times I hear "I bought my first gun, I'm going to add xyz mods to it" or "what mods should I add?". Same with bikes. Change what you don't like, but when you list your mods when you sell it, please know that I don't give a fuck and think the modderer is a tool. "Power commander to squeeze out ten more HP than the 20 I never will use"...."blah blah blah....".... Comfy seat? Sure. Fender eliminator? Ok, I dig that look. Heated shit and luggage? Ok, I'll play. Other speedy chromey skully crossbones gayness? Nope. And Mohawks on helmets also gay (not in the derogatory homosexual sense, but more like you're a fag sense). Long week. Been drinking. Cheers.
    2 points
  6. I've been a member of PGR for several years. I participate in the missions when I can, and have never participated in one that I regretted. I've done missions for WW2 and Vietnam vets, as well as casualties from more recent military action. The families and friends are always very welcoming and appreciative to have the PGR there. I've had many people come and shake my hand and thank me for being there as I stand outside in a flag line. I've always felt kind of awkward when they do that. I always consider the honor to be mine for being allowed to be present. The most amazing mission I've ever had the privelege to attend though, was when my wife and I happened to be in Northern VA visiting family when I saw a mission post for Arlington National Cemetery. We met at the Marine Corps memorial, and escorted the family into the cemetery to the plot. I'm proud to stand for those who stood for me. Good on you for honoring our fallen.
    2 points
  7. Michigan roads suck. That's a fact.
    2 points
  8. 2 points
  9. Haha I thought the same thing.
    1 point
  10. Cleveland vs Columbus. The Special Olympics of internet city v city arguments, basically.
    1 point
  11. Any decision that results in a nice long day of riding is prudent in my book
    1 point
  12. What good does it do to lock the guy up behind bars and make the taxpayers pay to keep him there? I think something like an indefinite license suspension (since he's proven he can't be behind the wheel without being a danger to others lives) and then making him attend weekly/monthly meetings at local high schools speaking about the dangers of driving while texting/eating/operating gps/otherwise driving distracted for some number of years. Mean while, let him continue his life and work so he can pay restitution to the family, and contribute to society instead of being a burden on it?
    1 point
  13. No it's not. But it is your fault that this line of attacked ended so badly for you.
    1 point
  14. I think it would be a great idea for you to get a bigger bike. That way we can add one more slow old guy to the OR Iron Curtain!
    1 point
  15. Spin the dial without pressing it for volume control. Press and spin to skip tracks if playing music. If you have voice commands off (which I do) then tapping the button will try to use the intercom. Pressing the phone button will access your phone and from what I can tell you can ask it whatever you can normally ask your phone to do with voice commands. Press the phone button and jog dial for about four seconds to turn on. Press then again and it will immediately turn off. I love this thing lol. Sent from my iPhone.
    1 point
  16. Yep media suppression, story only covered by 4 local news agencies... https://news.google.com/news/i/story?ncl=dTzsN7olEtDZ_JMQdGeuMq3dTBgbM&q=qandil&lr=English&hl=en
    1 point
  17. My hate for you is justified. http://www.concealednation.org/2014/05/the-recent-mall-shooting-that-you-wont-hear-about/
    1 point
  18. Here's an idea.... Don't get blackout drunk and drink responsibly.
    1 point
  19. AutoZone carries 4t now. Will need to check used to not be sold around here. Sweet will save myself an arm or a leg now.
    1 point
  20. Longer than a mile, and very rough and sketchy, saves a bunch time versus going back around though... The good part (paved section), is getting pretty rough too, still a challenge, and fun though. Tpoppa, I will make a list of roads and send it.
    1 point
  21. I hate to bash pony because it is super awesome to have a store like that in town. I will say that with the caveat that you really need to be an informed consumer before you step foot in there. Some of their prices for things are really out of line. Boots, Helmets, Gear I have to search really hard to find any better deals than what they normally have. Fluids, oils and cleaning supplies buyer beware. Take Mobile 1 Racing 4t in 10w-40 (what my bikes use) Pony is asking $16.99 a quart. Both Advance Auto and AutoZone are selling it for less than $12 a quart and most times is on sale for $9.99. Why so much of a price hike? Heck even Walmart shows they carry it for $9.97.
    1 point
  22. You're a slim 220 man. I'm 6' @ 290 and an XL anything wouldn't fit in my pocket
    1 point
  23. What kind of oil should I pull the trigger on when I wave or don't wave to other riders while wearing my novelty, "no shroom" helmet, assfull chaps (Not assLESS), fingerless gloves, and SOA vest while simultaneously wondering if others see me as a poseur or a biker considering I don't remember where I put my gas cap at the last stop?
    1 point
  24. Saab 9-5 sportcombi just saying.
    -1 points
  25. Quoted for truth. Replace either of the respective cities with some place outside of Ohio that is not a 3rd world county and the results will be entirely different. Yeehaw!! Ohio is better than the 3rd world!!!!
    -1 points
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