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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/01/2014 in all areas

  1. I personally liked the sparkly Price is Right lettering when we walked in. The high chairs were the official signal that the outlaw biker aura that used to be Jimbo's is dead and gone. Best quote do the day from a Mrs. Pirate to Ben and Shawn as the we're zipping up their leathers " why do ya'll have to wear all that". Second best quote from Shawn to Mrs. Pirate "because I like my skin".
    2 points
  2. Apparently you missed the 1199SL and how well it was sold. Never made a showroom. Some deals went sideways once bikes were delivered, but sold out before they were shipped. Always a market. Depends on availability and how realistic it will be. I do not foresee Honda doing this differently than what they already offer in the Customer Bike such as what Nicky is riding. There is a market. Always has been. Always will be.
    2 points
  3. I'm not saying there wasn't a drunken disagreement last night that ended in me declaring I was riding down for the trip next weekend lol
    2 points
  4. The days if treating employees with respect and like we are a asset are long over. At my work it's always us against them anymore. I wish I could respect the man I work for because that's the way it should be but they make that impossible. When guys get older at my work instead of trying to tap into that experience and knowledge they look at it as "this guy gets too much vacation and can't work as fast let's get rid if him" but they don't want to sweeten the retirement pot so they can. We are nothing more than a number in their system and it makes me sick.
    2 points
  5. And that's exactly why a woman would never be involved in my gap trip plans. Unless they ride on their own, they will likely foil it Example: I don't get to go in this trip because a woman decided that we had to get married at one place and the only availability they had conflicted w this trip. FML
    2 points
  6. So she'll be at Cedar Point and you'll be at the Gap
    2 points
  7. My place of business calls me in to the office today and starts to give me grief about me taking my vacation in 2 weeks and try to cancel it and they know about my trip that I applied and got my vacation approved for back in December of last year. So here is what is going on there are five of us in my department It takes all five of us to keep it running smooth but we can get by ok with 4 so only one of use can be on vacation at a time My vacation starts on the 11th and ends on the 17th one of the other guys starts on the 18th and ends on 24th which is not a problem but the other 3 guys in the department all turned in their two week notice Friday. I worked for Eaton Corp for 31 years and get a pension and I’m at the age where I can get social security now. I told them I would be more than happy to work overtime and cover my coworker’s vacation time but if they canceled my vacation they would have my 2 week notice by the end of the day. My coworker is a few years older than me and retired after 30 years in the navy. Turns out my coworker told them the exact same thing I did. I will find out by the end of the week what they decide. I will be going no matter what their decision is. F-ing ass hats I may turn in my 2 week notice Monday anyway.
    2 points
  8. I ordered a box of cigars for my wedding in 3 weeks and I don't quite have enough room in my humidor to fit them. The box is wrapped in plastic and was shipped to me today My question is can I leave them in the box for 3 weeks without ruining them? Can I open to inspect or should I wait to open?
    1 point
  9. Bet that black pond sludge was delicious.
    1 point
  10. It isn't a big deal... Only one that's really sad is Brandon. He really needed me to help him seal the deal with the 12 yo...
    1 point
  11. That's Harleys new roadside assistance kit.
    1 point
  12. Do it! It's the ultimate test of her love.
    1 point
  13. I understand that and I didn't intend to piss you off...just another noob sticking his foot in his mouth I guess, didn't realize you were so busy. It's all good, I'd still buy the first round if/when we ever meet. Difference between us is I feel bad for the bike, not the dipshit owner.
    1 point
  14. $10/person gate fee. It's a little steep for what the track has to offer, but at least we know now that the money will actually go towards fixing up the track. There will be sprint races from 11 till 2:30-ish, then endurance racing starting around 3:00. I think there may actually be a 3 hour team endurance going on so there might be bikes on the track till 6. But the sprints are probably a little more exciting to watch from a spectator standpoint.
    1 point
  15. I knew I liked you for a reason!!
    1 point
  16. Wut? Re-sprocket that chain, boy. Get yer sunglasses, wife beater, cargo shorts and sandals on and ride that thang!
    1 point
  17. I would make a sammich, then ask a lawyer.
    1 point
  18. ditch the women? Problem solved.... Kidding dude. Congrats!
    1 point
  19. A dick move because..... sometimes it is better to inform the public of the law and how it may pertain to their situation. Just because I/you have a book full of tickets, I/you don't have to use them. In reality, he could have stopped and informed about the lane violation, and while there, inform the proper use of the said safety device and how it is a violation to use it in a different fashion, it is called officer discretion. I find this funny, I had to take the Sheriff's (where I work) Explorer in for service on Thursday, he had both front seat belts behind his front seats and plugged into the buckle end of it. Maybe I should have wrote him a ticket for improper use? He (the officer) may have done her a favor by warning on one and citing on the other, but he could have done her a solid by just giving her a warning on both if she had a clean driving record, a thing I have done many times, as a citation and cash extraction usually only makes people hate the police and people will tend to buck the system worse, a little help and training goes a long way.
    1 point
  20. It's the wife... She was comfortable with the way it was. Instead, we are going to do a Sandusky trip and hit up cedar point.
    1 point
  21. Like I said, I'm sure we can find space. If nothing else, get a lodge room.
    1 point
  22. Dude, give it up. Trying to convince one cop that another cop doesn't piss wine and shit gold is like trying to convince you that your wife has never ever told a lie. Not gonna happen, bruh!
    1 point
  23. Yes, but I can decide not to go to google.com, not use chrome, not use an android phone and be more incognito on the interwebs and avoid Google knowing everything about me. But choose to not do that, I give them my PI in return for the services they give me. Totally my choice. Different thing when the government makes it mandatory.
    1 point
  24. I would contend that other than the usual lapdogs the world is more pissed at us. Certainly that is true with Europe, mid east, russia....and others I can't think of now. He can't play anymore golf than he already is. He plays far more than Bush, who the left ridiculed for it. Nite the don't say Jack.
    1 point
  25. Welcome! This is all think of when I hear "the revolution"
    1 point
  26. Seconded. Relatively inexpensive, mild, and smokes very well. For an occasional cigar smoker, it's a great choice. Save your money. Unless you're a genuine aficionado, you're really not gonna appreciate the difference enough to justify it. I've had $5 Olivas and $25 Cuban Cohibas in Europe and honestly can't justify the pricing difference.
    1 point
  27. Love me some makers on the rocks
    -1 points
  28. I would write this in crayon if I could so maybe you could understand. I never said anything about a right on red. Now listen, if she turned right and didn't maintain the lane curb lane initially but just moved into the left lane to make her next turn at the light like you explained then it's a violation. KNOW THE LAW BEFORE YOU RUN YOUR MOUTH, Period. Be a big boy and go to court or ask your wife what the officer REALLY told her. I realize that you and spectra think EVERYONE should get warnings all the time but it's called being held accountable for your actions a not whining like a b*tch. She got a break believe it or not. He did use discretion and you guys still cry. You have a real job but can't afford a SB ticket because of your "Limited income" without making a thread about it. Never said I was a cop. Just can read and comprehend the law and don't blame others every time something doesn't go my way.
    -1 points
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