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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/20/2014 in all areas

  1. I think Rick found a little more respect for at least a few sporty riders last week, he was a bit impress on how myself, mike, and phil handled our bikes and what they were capable of doing.Said he was use to seeing nothing but squids on city streets and we impressed him a bit. So i guess the stereo types are on both sides of the fence that make the bad examples. Rick likse his loud pipes and bling yet is still a very good rider that gears up and loves anything on 2 wheels. While the sporty guys in the group were semi fast riders that like to tear it up yet still respect others on the road and are not just posers trying to look cool.
    3 points
  2. I have never seen a motorcycle I did not like
    2 points
  3. Yup.....take my V-Strom and WR250R in the dirt and gravel all the time "and I tear up the pavement too", you will find a vast majority of guys and gals over on ADVrider to be very much hardcore and not posers.
    2 points
  4. Reminder, I hate all of you. Power Rump Rangers and Pirate Fags....Don't matter.
    2 points
  5. As it states- Browning BPS 12ga cantilever slug gun. Excellent condition. Beautiful gun. It's a Browning! The pictures show how it is today. I've never fired it, been sitting in my gun room and well... This is spring cleaning. Stock has faint marks from previous owners use. It has been fired but to what extent I have no idea; he was a older gentleman who passed it on to me. I'll start at 450.00 o.b.o. I'm located in Nashport, near Newark
    1 point
  6. Anyone have a good solution for creating a custom route that can be used with a navigation application like Google maps? I can create the custom route in a map but can't get the navigation to accept it. It justs routes me along the shortest route.
    1 point
  7. finally go my bike washed, made my boy do it for lying to his mom
    1 point
  8. Just tried to sign up for the twilight, looks like I waited too long. Sold out.
    1 point
  9. It would explain the single front brake disc, too. Probably couldn't license the radial-mount or whatever it's called and just decided EH LOOKS GOOD ENOUGH LET'S ROLL
    1 point
  10. We have to admit though, ADV riders do love safety gear. And farkles. Some guys have impressive investments in Klim gear, camping equipment, GPSes...!
    1 point
  11. Goldwing riders are huge douches too. Those gay ass helmets with the microphone things hanging in front of their faces. Oh, and ADV riders.... Really? Have you ever taken it in the dirt? Gay. BMW.... Nice day-glow. And Cafe racers.... They weren't even cool when they meant something.
    1 point
  12. Guess I screwed that reply up....so here's what I wanted to say- Realzies huh,,,lol. that some funny chit. I jump in the hd riders shit when they get going about sportbikes or bikes other than hd's. All that is plain bs. My siggy explains how I feel about it. I'll ride with whoever whatever bike they ride, makes no dif to me....as long as they slow down enough for me to keep up....lol. And there are some here, like you, who don't seem to care what another man rides either. We all do it because we love to ride. If I see a biker on the side of the road broke down, I stop. And honestly, if they would have had some of these sportbikes back when I started riding I would probably have had one. Now I couldn't get up on one and be comfortable if I wanted to, so I ride what some like to call a 'couch'. Just riding, enjoying the scenery, the smells of the outdoors, and to get the f@#& away from the madness. And I enjoy watching some of the sportbike riders videos as well as hearing of some of their escapades. Pretty cool if they're not endangering...but that goes for the cruiser riders too. Guess I'm just gettin old, expectin people to get along and all that....lol. I appreciate your honesty smccrory, it seems to be a rare thing anymore.
    1 point
  13. Oh come on it's not that big
    1 point
  14. 1 point
  15. Just took my car in to get the transmission fixed because there is a very serious shudder at low speeds and some other issues when accelerating... the dealership tried to tell me there is nothing wrong with it! I'm guessing there's "nothing wrong with it" because its still inside of the warranty and they supposedly already fixed it last week. I'm totally going to flip out if this doesn't get fixed!!! On a side note, when I couldn't figure out how to spell "supposedly", spell check wanted to change it to suppository. lol
    1 point
  16. OK, fair 'nuf, let's get realzies then. (For the record, I don't presently own a sport bike - my light ADV rig already gets me close enough to speeding tickets!) ON the upside, I think most Harleys look amazing and I have huge respect for HD's sales figures and their ability to capitalize on their products and market. I've met a lot of great HD owners who are true enthusiasts and they thoroughly enjoy their motorcycles (and often own other brands as well). They're cool and respect others who ride. I really dig those kinds of people, and you are probably that type - I bet we'd get along famously. But yes, you are also right, some of my own poking at the general HD group is serious (though I wouldn't quite call it hate). It's probably not unlike a lot of others giving HD shit. My biggest beef is that I cannot fathom how so many self-purported "rebel-edged independents" can drop ridiculous cash to clique together like high school wannabes, dressing alike in overpriced corporate-approved, foreign-made clothing, and make their bikes as garish and loud as possible to say "looook at meee everybodeee, I'm rebel-fabulous!" I'm amazed with most's disregard for their own safety and I hope they don't have any children, partners or family who would miss them if they died from a simple low-side. Poker runs that include bar stops (or any riding activity that does) are just plain stupid, and I see a 100x more HDs at bars than non-HDs, so there's something in that culture that promotes unnecessarily risky behavior. "Fallen Rider" rides are even more stupid when they're in memory of someone dying from rotten rider judgement. And don't get me started on how the majority of HD riders view women - it's cavemanesque and disgusting. All of it is so incredibly non-self-aware. It wouldn't be so bad if the group was cognizant of their own hipocricy and didn't puff up at every opportunity to regurgitate the same "rice burner," "real man-'s bike" bullcrap to anyone outside of their clique, but they do. Like I said, you are probably quite different and my apologies if I or others wrongly lump you or anyone else into the stereotype - that mistake is on us.
    1 point
  17. 79n to 541e 541 to 60n ride 60n to us62 62e to 83s 83s to 643n 643n to 93s 93s to 208w From 208 you can ride 6696s to Zanesville or take 16w back to Columbus That's a pretty big loop all stare or us routes.
    1 point
  18. Fellas, this isn't a, as some of you say, a "crotchrocket" forum, it's a motorcycle forum, but when you come on here bragging about how great HD is, you better expect some pushback. These boys here aren't "bikers", they are motorcyclists, and realists. I have friends that have drank the kool-aid and constantly give me shit for riding an FZ. They say the same tired, stupid shit like, when are you gonna get a real mans bike and wonder why I want to sweat in leathers on a hot day. Then I tell them they are stupid poser fags on grandpa bikes and they laugh and ride off to the bar where they pretend to be badasses. Now, I'm not saying every HD rider is a drunken pirate, what I will say is that I will ride with a fully geared sport bike rider over a pirate on a Harley or any other bike, any day. That shit is just gay. Forgot my got damn smiley!
    1 point
  19. HD is right. Don't matter what part you need. Every Harley dealer in America has it in stock and every employee in those dealers will drop everything to get you going.
    1 point
  20. This has been my point the whole time. Good on you pauly for responsible ownership, as well as Ben and others.
    1 point
  21. Just saw a black guy on a harley with ape hangers and thought "that's racist".
    1 point
  22. The new accessory section in the Harley catalog will now be called "Muted Eagle"
    1 point
  23. I wonder what they can learn from listening to my vinegar strokes?
    1 point
  24. I'd buy one just to piss off the Fags. "I have a Harley too!" -"multiple middle fingers"
    1 point
  25. I keep mine in a safe in my room. The long guns stay in the safe put away until needed. My kids all shoot and hunt with me i still don't trust them when left alone. If it's not on my hip it is in the safe.
    1 point
  26. Sounds like you're a hater of certain brands yourself Hydro
    1 point
  27. Annnnnnd here comes the butthurt... Feel free to log out if you don't like it here... Oh let me rephrase... "aaarrrgh matey, if ye don't like it here, feel free to sail off and pound sand" With all due respect and shit
    1 point
  28. It's yours, it'll be waiting for you.
    1 point
  29. I got one, probably won't be doing anything with it.
    1 point
  30. Welcome fellow Piqua resident. Curious, is your Ninja 250 blue or silver? I've seen a couple of the older gen 250's of each color around town lately
    1 point
  31. not funny, but damn cool!
    1 point
  32. I never said they were innovative, I said they were original. The only reason Japanese cruisers exist is because Harley sells so many of them. All Japanese companies do is "copy" everybody else's products and sells them at a cheaper price. Think Lexus & Acura, they are wanna be cheaper versions of BMW & Mercedes.
    -1 points
  33. AKIRA, my best advice to you is to join HDforum or some other Harley forum. The guys there are more mature & more likely to help you out instead of criticizing something you like for 21 pages. There are way too many haters and ricer boyz on their "crotch rockets" round here.
    -3 points
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