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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/10/2014 in all areas

  1. No, I leave it in the garage. The way rig it up Bowdog mentioned is fine if you only intend to run 110 and limited stuff. A hard wired plug for the genny lets you run 220 and the entire house. Costs about $30-40 in parts and an hour tops in labor. I work for pasta.
    2 points
  2. I would rather hang with the pirates than a bunch of squids on sportbikes doing whoolies, a buck ten on the freeway and passing on the double yellow line. Pirates are much safer and don't hurt anyone else.
    2 points
  3. I got an exhaust in the mail that I didn't order from a company in Italy... I tried to contact them about what to do with this thing and haven't heard back in a week. I don't know what it goes on, but I know it won't fit on my FJR so I have no need for it. If anybody knows what this would fit on and could use it, actually use it, not just sell it, I'd be happy to mail it to you for a donation of any size to the Be The Match bone cancer registry. Good group of people who link up bone cancer patients with suitable donors. Here is the info about the exhaust from the place that sent it to me. It came with all the hardware attachments and baffle and whatnot. I can measure things to see if it'll fit on your bike and answer any questions. Hope somebody can use this thing! (would put this in the for sale section but seeing as I'm new here, don't have enough posts...)
    1 point
  4. I can see the cult part but not the gang. I like slipkknot, but I am not a maggot.
    1 point
  5. Riding in less than ideal conditions builds skill. Slow riding in city traffic and riding safely and authoritatively on the freeway is fun. Throw in some rain, fog, snow and/or wind and you have the makings for fun riding. Any fool can ride country roads on sunny 80 degree days - and most do.
    1 point
  6. It deff means you make poor life choices
    1 point
  7. I did that a few years ago with my good friend Ponch.
    1 point
  8. You had me right up until that last sentence. Speaking strictly about the QSL crowd, when I watch hordes of cruiser riders hang out at the bar all night and get loaded, I find that statement dubious. Even worse, in my mind, is that they have to walk past a county sheriff at the door, then possibly ride past another sheriff at an exit, but for some reason they never get lit up for DUI. However, you find a sportbike with a questionable exhaust and it's cop open season. Again, this is just from my observations from the Columbus QSL bike night. YMMV, void where prohibited.
    1 point
  9. That's not me, that's young blood, but yea he learned
    1 point
  10. There tend to be some pretty great bikes there. Old Nortons, BSA, Triumphs. I enjoy a tour through there a couple times per summer. Haven't made it yet in 2014 though.
    1 point
  11. Beer is good. That is all.....
    1 point
  12. LOL......can't wait for my sammitch!!! I'll get my silver centrum refilled soon.........
    1 point
  13. Never fool yourself into thinking a company will be loyal to you. It's business. I've been on the cutting end many times. It sucks. You feel bad that you have to pick who stays and goes but the alternative is everyone goes when the business can't survive. My advice is get your resume out there pronto before everyone does. An employed person is more desirable than an unemployed one. Your blessing is that you have 18 months to find something and be selective. Good luck man!
    1 point
  14. Ditto what they said. I've been in I.T. for 30 years and 20 of those in large financial and manufacturing companies on both sides of several very large mergers and divestitures. I've always felt much better about myself and my career when I was in control instead of hoping they will employ me another week or month if I just keep my head down... It doesn't work. They either will value you enough to secure a termination timeframe and completion bonus (which you'll then have to determine its value) or they'll risk losing you to a better position, which is always easier to secure while you're employed.
    1 point
  15. Exactly. No severance, no way I'd stick around. Post up what types of positions you'd be interested in. It's amazing how many folks are on here. Might just be able to land a job.
    1 point
  16. Sucks. I am only as loyal to a company as a company would be to me. Look elsewhere right away. If they ask you to stay until the end of the transition, demand a large lump sum payment (6-12 months pay) on top of reg pay.
    1 point
  17. You need to print these out hahahaha and mind if I stop by?
    1 point
  18. All I wanted was to grow up and make money so I could do the things I wanted to do. Now I work too much and I have responsibilities that don't let me do the things I want to do.
    1 point
  19. C'mon Doc, dont be such a tease.....good beginning so far though
    1 point
  20. Did tough mudder today in Mansfield. Sooo awesome! (I'm on far left) boring video for personal use will be up soon.
    1 point
  21. http://rt.com/usa/171644-icp-juggalos-fbi-gang-classification/
    0 points
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