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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/23/2014 in all areas

  1. There's lots of struggles for straight white guys! One very obvious one being that they apparently can't even have a festival without upsetting people.
    7 points
  2. Perhaps it's cooled off a bit over the years. I attended the pride parade in 2006 or 2007, because I support gay rights, etc. My lasting memory of that event is two dudes in rainbow tutus making out and grinding on each other like the ship was going down while Katy Perry's "I kissed a girl" blasted from the PA system on their float. It was the type of display that would have made me uncomfortable to observe regardless of the participants' sexual orientations. I have no problem accepting gay people being gay. I do take issue with public displays of over-sexualized conduct, and then trying to rationalize it by saying "that's what you should expect at a pride parade." Again, I support equality - that means holding everyone to the same standard. No one would have tolerated a heterosexual couple partaking in the same behavior.
    6 points
  3. Festivals for everyone! I can't recall the exact quote, or who said it, but it goes something like "shouting about how proud you are to be different is not the way to gain acceptance." I am all about equal rights. Equal. I think this is a reasonable demonstration of how ridiculous some of the pride events (or at least a segment of their participants) have gotten.
    3 points
  4. Festival Flyers Have Residents Asking If ‘Straight White Guy Festival’ Is Real Or A Joke http://www.10tv.com/content/stories/2014/07/17/columbus-ohio-festival-flyers-have-residents-asking-if-straight-white-guy-festival-is-real-or-a-joke.html COLUMBUS, Ohio - Goodale Park is the home to an ever growing number of festivals, including the Gay Pride Parade and ComFest. But a flyer that's gone up around Clintonville is sending a less inclusive message. It's promoting the Straight White Guy Festival. It claims the festival will be held in Goodale Park in September. Several pictures of the flyers tacked on telephone poles were posted on Twitter. In a community where the push for equality is on full display, not everyone appreciates the message. “This kind of thing implies there's some kind of struggle going on for being a straight white person in Ohio. Straight white people are doing just fine,” said Michael Premo. Premo heads an organization pushing same-sex marriage. He says the flyer is not productive. Clintonville is in a panic the "Straight White Guys" might be moving into the area. :lol: :
    2 points
  5. It's a series. Point leader at end of series get the #1 plate and bragging rights plus a hand job from the last place guy. Since you've missed 6 races already, I'm guessing that will be you
    2 points
  6. I don't know where to begin with this.
    2 points
  7. My cracker rights are not to be infringed upon.
    2 points
  8. I bet if someone started a "United white boy college fund" that would be racist.
    2 points
  9. Whoa, someone just got butt hurt...
    2 points
  10. Isn't that the juxtaposition of this discussion. It isn't acceptable to be white strait and proud. But anything else needs to be sung from the roof tops. The way I see it if you can promote your lifestyle I can promote mine. So ride a motorcycle, listen to metal, support local music and don't be a fuckwit. Also be kind to one another, don't hate anyone it is a waste of energy. This life is short and only temporary.
    1 point
  11. I'd go. Everyone else gets a festival or parade. We also need the White Entertainment Channel WET for short. Ellen and The Cosby Show would be played because good TV is good TV. But the people that run LOGO and BET wpuld probably be offended.
    1 point
  12. Where are all of Brian's threads with tips and tricks? Track day for the win. Controlled environment: no animals, no cars, clean asphalt, medics, CR's, many willing to help and watch what you are doing, list goes on...
    1 point
  13. Yeah! FU Casper! Take your shitty skills elsewhere!
    1 point
  14. Honest question, do you still use ear protection when you shoot? Not sure if it can still damage stuff in there or whatever.
    1 point
  15. Woohoo after 2 weeks of dormancy on the job hunt I have an interview scheduled tomorrow
    1 point
  16. Got scuba certified at Gilboa Quarry. Now, who wants to breathe underwater with me?
    1 point
  17. When one of the coaches suggests you move up, not when your ego suggests you move up. Like Jason said, lap times are the last thing looked at for a bump.
    1 point
  18. i know its been 9 months..lol..any chance you still have the arai helmet?
    1 point
  19. Most definitely a scam. I receive these types of calls nearly daily... I finally gave the one guy heck, and even talked to his "supervisor". (his supervisor sounds an awful like like the same voice I was just speaking to) Just a tip or hint... any time you receive an unsolicited call about your computer, and even if they aren't asking to directly connect to your computer, don't follow their instructions. A lot of these guys are no longer trying to convince people that they will connect and "fix the issue". Instead, they ask that you go a "tech-fix-it" dot-com site, download software that supposedly fixes the problem, then charge you to correct all the additional issues that the newly downloaded software created. It's often referred to in the industry as "ransom-ware" Ask them for legitimate business information, and listen to them fumble over their own words...
    1 point
  20. They won't have to lower the urinals like they do for JuneTeenth.
    1 point
  21. That's just not fair. Accurate maybe, but totally racist, you insensitive clod. Now where's that Kenny G album I had on...
    1 point
  22. All straight white guys? Hmmm.... Doesn't sound like much fun. Black people have better music and, let's be honest.... have the dance moves. Gay dudes usually bring a level of entertainment not typical of the rest of us. Chicks.... Chicks are nice to have too. I don't think I'll go.
    1 point
  23. I've got the hook up now, guy that works at mccune cycle world said they would program for free with a tire change when ever I need a new one. And I found a web site that sells the new style for half price. No worse than ones in my car now in my opinion
    1 point
  24. This is great in my opinion and just goes to show that people really do get up in arms when something like this happens but we are suppose to be OK with stuff like the NAACP etc.
    1 point
  25. so you're saying pay down the loans instead of saving for retirement. I currently have a pension plan, so that changes things a bit (I think). Strangely, I think it makes a lot more sense to pay down my student loans than my mortgage. Higher balance, but 2.6% lower interest rate on the mortgage.
    1 point
  26. 1 point
  27. I thought this thread was going to be about the RNC in Cleveland
    1 point
  28. If I have the day off and good weather it might be a nice day for a long ride.
    1 point
  29. Brian, its all good, won't be doing it again. Nice video! I've wanted to put together a real edit, but never have the patience to make all the cuts and edit it up. Damn that patch looked slick! Friday 6th session...sorry the audio is all messed up....thought it was funny that there was pretty much always one instructor or another following/filtering through behind me the entire session. Glad I could give them an excuse to have some fun for a few laps
    1 point
  30. I bought a 2010 black w gold rims, 4k miles, has yoshi exhaust, zero gravity double bubble paid 5500. I'll get the seat mod done by the guy whose on the fz1oa.com forums, I hear here's awesome. Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
    1 point
  31. I've put about 10,000 miles on my 2007 FZ1. Bad: Seat is terrible and Yamaha comfort seat is only slightly better. Ambient temperature gauge is not accurate. That's about it for the bad. Good: Good suspension Strong engine above 4000 rpm. Will still pull 6th gear from 2000 rpm with stock gearing. Not a lot of vibration for an inline 4. For me I don't especially want a hard pull or hit at low rpm. Good handling especially if you change the 190/50 rear tire for a 190/55. Makes for smoother quicker turn in. Fairly comfortable. Yamaha touring windshield is pretty good. Bike turns and handles very good yet is extremely stable. Yamaha quality and reliability. Headlights are excellent and both lights are on. Not this stupid one on one off light. Overall it's just a very fun bike to ride. I've been riding for a lot of years and this bikes performance abilities are far beyond my skills.
    1 point
  32. Yea that's sticking out quite a bit. Try wrapping your toes around the peg like a bird on a perch, this works well for me.
    1 point
  33. If anyone is thinking about a VFR12, Honda is discounting the hell out of leftover 2010's. MSRP $15,999 Sale price $8,599 (I'll bet that after all the dealer stock is gone, you won't be able to get a used one for this price) http://southbend.craigslist.org/mcd/4550235084.html
    1 point
  34. Joe's Cycle Shop is offering 15% off on all parts and accessories during the Battle Buddy fund raiser on July 19, 2014. This offer is only good on July 19th.
    1 point
  35. If she were smart, she would go to professional photographer, have a very tasteful photo taken, and then send it to him. Cash in on the $100,000 reward, have her college paid for, and prove that she can outsmart him.
    1 point
  36. She sure is cute, but what disturbs me is that this jerk wants to shame her sexuality, as retribution for doing something he doesn't like. He's acting like an old-world religious patriarch who didn't get his way. Piece. Of. Shit.
    1 point
  37. I'm surprised by that number as it has rained quite frequently this year....
    1 point
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