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Everything posted by jarvismb

  1. what are you gonna do, big guy? You just keep sitting there in the cafeteria taking up two seats with that huge head of yours... I do. Ask your mom. She loves a good chili dog.
  2. We've had several very long conversations about this here in OR town, and as long as some of the good ones weren't lost in that server crash, a little searching will show you that your decision to wear gear or not absolutely has an effect on everyone else, and the ripples affect those even outside our little motorcycle community. It's the same reason they made seatbelt rules - because it does affect other people. Again, I won't rehash the whole argument, but we've stated before that you need to think of things outside your little bubble. Yes, I think it should be up to everyone's own discretion whether or not to wear gear. Period. But I also think that everyone should sit and think about the actual ramifications of their actions. The reach is rather more lengthy than some give it credit for...
  3. Nick, stop posting and get back to work.
  4. I'm a good little jew.... License Status as of 04/08/2010: VALID ENDORSEMENTS: MOTORCYCLE RESTRICTIONS: CORRECTIVE LENSES ***END OF DRIVER RECORDS***
  5. sooo, we have 4000 members and I only have 25 people on my friends list....
  6. Holy shit, I hope he's doing alright. I was just talking to him a week or two ago hoping he was all healed up from his arm thing so he could start riding soon. You're right about him being a good guy, and it doesn't seem right that these things happen to stand-up folks. Give him my best, my thoughts are with him.
  7. Didn't hear about it before, my bad. If it's new on Wired or Autoblog, it's new to me. They're not usually slow with these kinds of things.
  8. http://www.wired.com/reviews/product/pr_fetish_knox_handroid
  9. First of all, you're crazy. Wayyyy too damn cold for that.

    And no, i didn't get to see it. You're just gonna have to make a regular thing of it.

  10. jarvismb

    Skydiving Meet

    stop wadding up CBRs and you'll have more of both....
  11. Hey, I was planning on just 'making out', what's this editing shit about? (I'm trying. The ol' lady has family stuff and I'm still waiting to hear if this is one of those times where it would be a "good idea" to come and join the fam, or if I'm clear to ride)
  12. No no, big guy. I was cold too. You just didn't look down far enough to notice I was there.
  13. first of all, that is an excellent observation. and i miss the feeling of riding over a bridge over a creek and feeling the slight change in air temperature over the water that you just can't feel in a car.
  14. don't wreck it. too early in the season to get a third 1000RR of the same body style... ()
  15. it's really just a mating ritual, it's best to let them be. i hear there's song and dance involved too....
  16. Jeremi's right, two years ago there were smaller Thursday and Sunday groups, but then last year the Sunday groups got huge and the Thursday groups just faded out (probably because Matt was eating everyone's food). Maybe this year we'll get our shit together again....
  17. It's ones that spoil that you need to worry about...
  18. I did. I didn't have anything worthwhile to put it in at the time, and it helped with the sale. Turns out it would've been outdated by now anyways. Plus there were a few habits it had that I didn't care for, so this next one will be better. Jokes and public off-roading displays are my misdirection stratagems to cover my lack of riding skill. I'm here to please....
  19. I'm hyped about it - I'm looking for a good place to get the head unit done here soon. I had a touch screen DVD/NAV unit in my 350Z, and now I won't be without one. I'm also looking to tweak some wiring. Justin did an amazing job with the swap, but there are a couple little things that don't seem to translate well with the wiring harnesses, so I'll have to dig in there and find out what's going on. Fun late winter/early spring projects. This thing has some nasty bass to it. It's the Michael Clark Duncan of exhaust tones. Just heat wrapped large diameter straight piping from bang to blow out the back. It sounds quite angry. Love it. BTW, E, I may have to see if you could be bribed to come down sometime to check the car and maybe be provided food and drink to lend a hand on the track bike, if you have any interest. I'm probably going to need a hand with some of this stuff to make sure she's all fixed up for this season. I feel like we could get everything repaired if we at least have a jew and a large-haired hispanic turning wrenches. let me know if you could be persuaded.
  20. update for all you dayton guys, this car is in my garage, and I'll post up some stuff about what Justin and I had to go through to get it all sorted out, but it's very nearly done and he was great to work with. Like I said, I'll post more about it and some stuff I'm going to do before spring, but I thought I'd let you know that Jeremy and Matt should be able to hear this thing coming down County Line & Research very soon. And Dustin will not be installing knobbies... (yet)
  21. i'll have to agree with yota, I'm sure that rear wheel will buff right out.
  22. It's called the spinning pile driver and it's a really hard move to pull off in the middle of a round, but it's devastating. Show some respect...
  23. if it's good enough for the space shuttle....
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