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Everything posted by jarvismb

  1. he would've had a horrible time with airport security.....
  2. dude, hookers on haybusas! I'm in!
  3. the Olson twins? (too soon?)
  4. soo, you're saying that we're totally the biggest group....aside from all the bigger groups?
  5. actually, if you're totally bored around 11:30 or 12, I'll be riding out to grab some lunch around the Kodak area.
  6. i wanted to reply to you, but I forgot.

  7. It's because we don't own the site, and we can't just make that call on our own. Plus it would be generally irresponsible of us to claim it was an official event and if someone goes down, it could mean the site admins getting flak for running an event with their name on it where someone got hurt. we just don't want anyone to get in trouble from OR....
  8. Lies!!! Hey, you screwed up our weather, privileges may be revoked for making it freakin' hail....
  9. Dude, who's out on a friday at noon?? Get a job you bum!!! (lazy ass UD kids)
  10. hahahahaha....fine comeback, sir. I have nothing to retort.
  11. Whoa there sister, you're not on the approved list for this thread!! Who told you about this place?? Was it Speed? Guys, we have a leak....
  12. for everyone that doesn't know, Dustin was at the Dyno Day too. If you don't remember his bike it was yellow. Like, way too yellow. Here's a picture in case you forgot what it looks like in action.
  13. you've obviously never lived in a frat house....
  14. just for the record.... 06 CBR600RR 103.2hp 45.3 ft-lbs I have no idea how much it matters, but I was meticulous about breaking in my engine....
  15. jarvismb

    Lunch ... ?

    I think you're talking about Speed. She went all the way to Dayton to have lunch with him, then I showed up and ruined the whole thing....
  16. are you f'ing kidding me?? Everyone parks there. That would be like 50 tickets a day. You know how pissed the people who drive cars would be if an extra 50 spots were taken up with motorcycles every day??

    Plus it not like you can put a parking pass on a bike. what are you gonna do, put it on the brake handle??

    Shit, I'll have to watch for that, thanks for the heads up.

  17. i sure as hell haven't, and i've never heard of anyone else getting them either.

  18. you bright yellow bastard....
  19. i have a test at 4:10-5:30, so if anyone wants to swing by quaker steak or something, I'm game, since it's right by WSU. I'll check back here when I get out of the test to see if anything's going on.
  20. that would imply that he actually had them at one point.
  21. do they have a slogan too? like "feel the love"?
  22. here's a triple post....just for you, Nick. (if anyone's gonna be the new Jarvis, you'll need the knobbies Dustin's been saving since last season)
  23. and since I've been gone for a couple days....
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