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Everything posted by RymerC

  1. RymerC

    Let them die.

    Thought they killed the bronx?
  2. I remember when we all thought obama was coming for our guns, and he didn't do much aside from the eric holder scare about surplus ammo. I expect these crackheads to campaign on radical policies, then they get into office and it's mostly more of the same
  3. Australia LOL. Good luck getting in, my sister went through that and had to have 6? months of living expenses in the bank, had to get a bunch of shots, and the wait was significant. Maybe they're full of Americans? Their healthcare has its ups and downs. Some simple things have a 6 month wait where we can go to a clinic at Kroger here and be done in a few minutes. My Australian bro had to put off a long trip to Indochina because their healthcare system wouldn't do some weird surgery on a pinched artery or ? until it became super critical, which happened a few months later. Banning of guns, LOL good luck with that. You'll still be able to get guns here long after motorcycles are gone.
  4. NL has patches already? They just repaved it last time I was there. Is that normal to need patched every few years?
  5. first few episodes are okay, not great. They have some issues with range and charging, then mention the massive generator truck that follows them like once, then magically never get stranded or have charging issues again. so far it's pretty disappointing how much the electric component is limiting their wandering
  6. What are you seeing good functioning groms for? Seems like people want >$1000 for wrecked groms, and $2000 minimum for anything that runs and rides. #covidpricing
  7. For sure. if you are only going to putt putt around town and put a few miles on, probably not the best choice. If you want lower lap times and premium performance, sure.
  8. Saturday and Sunday are still a go- Friday was cancelled. Got the email today. We'll see if it holds
  9. AIM expo was awesome last year. Test rode shitloads of bikes and barely even went inside (but there were a few sorta interesting things in there.) Not all manufacturers were there, but a good number of em including KTM and husky. HD didn't even do guided rides, they just turned you loose on whatever until you were bored with it. They totally fukt it this year because no public admitted- so it's looking like it will be a bikeless, boring room of the sena guys talking to the cardo guys and the chinese guys showing off their cloned parts or whatever.
  10. you'll get a voucher good for 2 years. they sell for around $100 typically, if you're sure you won't use it
  11. I've seen photographers out there this year but there weren't any announcements or mentions of pictures available.
  12. Yes- still having track days. People wear masks, you have to fill out a brief medical questionnaire and turn it in at the gate, and have your temp taken. Not sure what happens when they cancel, I think they email you a certificate good for 2 years for whatever you paid for. If you email info@midohio.com or whatever is on the website I'd expect a response within a couple hours.
  13. there's been a ninja 250 (older ones) at the last 2 track days I was at. I think they were both in novice. the 250 she'll ride is better than the 650 she think is too heavy or whatever. I've fought that battle before
  14. It's mid-ohio... so, treacherous in the wet and polished smooth on the racing line LOL Some areas like the bottom of the hill in turn 8? are really beat up, and the keyhole has a couple really shitty patches that I try to avoid. HEADS UP!!! They've been cancelling TONS of days, so expect the first day of a chunk will still be good, but the 2nd or 2nd and 3rd days will likely be cancelled due to low enrollment. So if it's Fri/Sat/Sun, expect only Friday will happen. If it's a Mon/Tues, they'll cancel Tuesday. They are sending out emails a day ahead now, but still... Someone at the last day said they cancel if they don't get 40+ bikes pre-registered but I don't know how accurate that is.
  15. Nope just grid up whenever and go out in a big group. They typically let like the first 5ish or whatever people go, hold 5 seconds, send the next little group, hold 5 seconds, etc. If I somehow manage to grid at the front I expect to get passed by like 5 people while I pussyfoot around on cold tires. If I sit and wait for everyone to go out, the first group is coming around the carousel LOL. If you want a clean run, many sessions you might need to pit in and wait 10 or 20 seconds or whatever, then go back out. Other days like that 95 degree day in July there was almost nobody out there and it was great. There are still coaches around if you need coaching, just find one at the riders meeting or in the grid.
  16. I have no idea how people keep their sanity in novice for more than a day or two. If you register in novice next time, make sure to tell your coach ASAP you want to be moved up. Monday we had 2 novices join us in intermediate with coaches, and they did totally fine but they only got in the last session of the day and they would have gotten a lot more out of it had they moved up sooner. Intermediate is good fun passing on the outside and moving at a faster pace but it's often REALLY crowded and traffic is a huge problem especially this past year. If you're like me and don't have the power to pass on most of the straights, you'll have to get it done under braking (easy) or in the corners (hit and miss). There's also a massive difference in pace, some people are running low 1:40s and others well above 2:00.
  17. front brakes bled for track day, removed strap on drz seat finally, shuffled the bikes around the garage
  18. yeah going anywhere near chicago is always a 100% shitshow. bumper to bumper at 90mph then slam on the brakes and come to a full stop for 30 seconds and repeat. hate that drive every time
  19. Welcome to the site, and the area. That's a long haul in one day, glad the roads were clean and fun.
  20. Monday was nice and chill. First session in intermediate I don't think there was even 10 people. Same for last session? I've never been to an event that deserted. Hope they don't take events off the calendar!
  21. Yeah as I was packing up I heard the announcement. What kinda shit is that? They didn't tell you wtf happened just "no PTR sessions for Tuesday?"
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