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Everything posted by OsuMj

  1. Wow, that's a bad way to learn a lesson.
  2. lol, no i call them d-bags because the one kept accusing me of having drugs in my car, and the other one kept accusing me of lying about having my seatbelt on, and then one that i knew, was just a total tool... yeah... buuuut, like i was saying, some are cool!!!
  3. lol, I appreciate it, but i think i'm good to go. I'm lacking an appetite right now...

  4. I don't think I'm going riding today. I've been fighting off a cold for the past few days and I think it got me finally. :(

  5. That's a pretty lousy reason to fire someone. Why aren't we focused on firing teachers who are idiots??? I had a teacher who worked part time at victoria's secret. I know its not quite comparable, but the boys in my classes would often get a laugh out of it and go to the mall just to be like, omg, our english teacher was helping people with bras!!! Yeah, there was the immaturity factor of the kids that distracted them from class occasionally, but she was a fantastic teacher! I had another teacher that had been caught buying minors alcohol when he was in college, and to be honest, he was the best teacher that I had. If they fired her just for being in playboy, I think that is kind of silly. Its not like these kids are never going to see a nude photo of a woman, how much of a difference is it going to make if it is someone they know? Unless it was making the students uncomfortable, or adversley affecting their learning, there's no reason to fire her.
  6. lol, yeah, I've met a couple cool cops! I've met more than my fair share of d-bags though...
  7. OsuMj

    I think you need more friends... or variety of people who post on your wall... its mostly just me... lol

  8. Well, if you're up for a distance ride sometime, let me know!
  9. OsuMj

    Are you fat?

    I'm gonna be honest, I just spent SEVERAL minutes laughing at the expression on this cat's face... its sooo funny... o m g. hahahahahahhaha I can't make it stop... i'm actually getting nauseous from laughing, or alcohol, but i think its from laughing... lol
  10. OsuMj

    Dayton in April

    I'm up for whatever. I love good food and good beer, but it doesn't have to be either of those things. You guys can tell me what there is to see in Dayton!!!
  11. glad everything worked out for ya! forgetting an anniversary could always turn out bad... but hell, my friends sometimes have to remind me about my own birthday... lol. Anyway, we'll have other events!!! I had a lot of fun tonight, thanks for everyone showing up!! Woot!
  12. looks like a nice scenic route!!!
  13. mmmk, so no call ahead seating & no reservations... stupid applebee's. I'll leave in a few minutes and get a table for 10
  14. OsuMj

    Dayton in April

    Sweet. What do you guys suggest for going out??
  15. eh, I have faith in both children and adults to change. I've seen it happen... I mean drastic changes, but it took a good kick in the face for the adult to change, where as kids learn from their environment. I think kids are a lot smarter than we give them credit for, especially if you challenge them to make good decisions on their own & without being scared to make the wrong one.
  16. OsuMj

    No caption

    false, that's obviously just an underwear party...
  17. Has anyone on here ever had a chick check out your bike and gotten nervous?? I think most women don't invoke those sorts of feelings when they're checking out motorcycles. Its funny how a gender difference can change so much.
  18. yeah, that got me all confused too
  19. sitting on someone's bike w/o permission = banging someone else's girl got it. If you see someone on your bike, walk up to him say, "is that your bike?" wait for response, take it from there. I mean you could really go anywhere with that depending on your mood.
  20. you could make a family with two daddys
  21. OsuMj

    Are you fat?

    neither of you guys are fat!!!! but you are both officially "big fat liars!!!"
  22. I took a nice detour on the way home today... its sooo nice out! I feel like people in cars are being a little bit more observant this season ... ? Did anyone hear about that accident this morning south of 161 I think on 23?
  23. anyone like riding bicycles? I have a crappy mountain bike, but I like riding on the trail by the river and stuff and I'd be up for some other riding if anyone has any suggestions...
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