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Everything posted by OsuMj

  1. I tried... I really did. lol
  2. don't say that, someone is not dying to be a mommy, someone is actually dying to tell some stupid people who are mommys and daddys to grow up and learn how to raise their children. lol
  3. wowser, apparently my standard lunch is 1500 calories. lol. I dont like this website anymore.
  4. Looks like 9 yeses (and some anagrams for the letters in some of their names): ousley99 osumj SchmuckGirl wheezle750 dorifto240 -->Odor Fit RC51John cmoosego -->comes goo SJC1000rr bigbluebird -->rigid bubble and a couple more maybes. The anagrams happened when I accidentally typed "lousy" when I was trying to type ousley
  5. It would be nice if it happened and it wasn't built poorly or overpriced (government-like).
  6. I had that policy for mmm... 4 years during which time I gained... ummm, 45 lbs. Yeah. I'll admit, I was underweight before I put on the 45, buuut, I'd like to not put on an additional 45 from just eating whatever. PLUS, what a sweet website, recipes and a grocery list!!!
  7. I think you have to start with the 'do the right thing for the right reason' when they are young though, so that its built in. This is crazy, but when I was maybe 6 or 7, I had a balloon and this other kid wanted it, and my dad looked at me and said, it would really make that other kid happy if you gave them your balloon. I was like, hell no! its my balloon, but by the time we got to the car, I felt terrible. I didn't need the balloon, and if it was gonna make the other kid happy, i shoulda given it to him. I'm just saying, if you can build a thought process like that into someone that young, then it creates a good foundation for good behavior in the rest of the persons life. Don't get me wrong, I got into a little bit of trouble, but it ended up being a self imposed guilt for my punishment.
  8. lol, I have a family member who has to check her curling iron 2-4 times to see if it is unplugged despite the fact that it has an auto off. I think everyone has got a little bit of something. Yeah, its an interesting thing to do, but only if it doesn't make you less healthy (stressed). I don't plan on doing this for toooo long, but I do giggle a little bit when it makes my grocery list for me round is definitely a shape!! ... scotch???
  9. JRMMiii, you might want to seek help for that OCD... although, if there is one to have, that is probably the best one. I mean its better than getting up in the middle of the night to straighten rug fringe or something.
  10. well hello mr. diet drinker!!! thanks for the suggestions
  11. I think just justin... right? ... I plan on ordering some cheese sticks...
  12. http://www.mckinley.uiuc.edu/handouts/alcohol_nutrit_101.html This looks official. Apparently I need to cut back on the long islands when i drink... yikes.
  13. haha, even when i was in shape my body was telling me to eat chocolate cake, chipotle, and wendy's... i've learned not to listen to it anymore.
  14. eh, i like the dark beers. I was checking out the mudslides at applebees though... holy hell over 700 calories in one of those things. I easily kill two of those when i'm out.
  15. I think when I have kids, I would rather that they make good decisions because its the right thing to do than because they're afraid of getting in trouble... that's how I grew up. In the past 24 years my dad has yelled at me once and apologized for it.
  16. yeah, the calorie watching is the basic premise of this site, but it keeps ranges for protein, fat, and carbs too, and then makes suggestions to keep in balance... i'm actually just really excited because it makes a pie chart of what I eat every day. Vodka too for that matter. 2000 calories worth of beer anyone?
  17. OsuMj

    My Dad.......

    sorry carrie. let us know if there is any way we can help you out.
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