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Everything posted by TimTheAzn

  1. If any of his Duc's go, that one is the last to go, just sayin. I dont think @Tonik had an issue with me or Tim during our ride saturday. I think this thread was more so about the shit show the weekend prior.
  2. I'm not sure if I want to be that far away from...well, almost everything but the university. I'm a graduate from there, I know what it is like to live down there. I'm not sure if I'd want to as an adult.
  3. Unfortunately I do not think I have enough programming background for that position!
  4. I've debated. I'm just not sure if I could live down there.
  5. Long story short, Hyland and I parted ways last month and I am on the job hunt. Would really like to stay in the Cleveland area but not totally opposed to relocating if the position is right. Have been working in a cloud environment, working heavily with VMware, Citrix, data center operations, typical NOC activities, AD, DNS, DRS, monitoring and patching software, etc. Also extremely well-versed in everything OnBase. If anyone knows of any openings or would like to see my resume please post up your email and I can send it!
  6. Sills Honda is an option too. $20 a wheel off bike.
  7. You know, you are fortunate that you live where you live right? That easily would have been a 600 mile day for us less fortunate folk
  8. I usually never know the route or even what road I'm on 50% of the time. I just follow who's in front of me. Probably why I'm slow when it comes to some roads, I don't know em as well as most.
  9. This is why the only ride I've organized is a track day which I'll probably not even be able to attend.
  10. 1. Definitely need to get this suspension figured out. The fork seals and get rid of this heavily sprung rear shock. 2. Throw some tires on that I actually trust. 3. Get out and ride the streets more. Not making excuses. Ourgreatest fear is coming to fruition, Tonik now has a sporty bike and is learning how to ride it. Great ride today fellas. Thanks for the tow Jim/Tim it was fantastic pace. Still hate blind rises though. Nivin I'm glad to hear you are ok.
  11. Sorry gents can't attend this one.
  12. Is it really worth buying 1 used grip as opposed to just buying 2 new ones?
  13. If I had one..... I would. I'm that bored.
  14. Now I know what's in your and kyles vapes all the time.
  15. MI, Cali..... Why is that relevant? What do these places have in com..... Ohhhh you little sinner you.
  16. The Democratic People's Republic of Korea has joined.
  17. Plus when you are done you can.... oh nvm....
  18. Must've not been a mtb bike ride then...
  19. Damn millennials, IOU's arent valid anywhere anymore...
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