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Everything posted by TimTheAzn

  1. More than $20. Sills will take mount a tire that I didnt buy from them?
  2. I need to get a rear slick mounted at some point, maybe I'll venture over to Kennedy's this weekend.
  3. What happens at Road Atlanta, stays at Road Atlanta.
  4. Why do you think I want a tow at Road A? So I can stare at that derriere of yours.
  5. Oh you were referring to the gsxr
  6. Cant afford one of those either.
  7. allergies are killing me today, not sure how since it snowed but god damn.
  8. I'm far too cheap to buy an external mic. I'll probably go with the sealed like the one I had.
  9. So some of the tabs broke off of my GoPro3 housing last year and I'm looking to by another. 1st question I have is, should I go with a skeleton case or a sealed case? I'd like to capture some of the engine noise and don't want the wind to drown it out too much. 2nd question I have is, these damn cases are like $60 if I buy a GoPro branded one. Anyone have any luck with after market cases?
  10. No kids for this guy right now. I like my life the way it is thank you very much.
  11. 42 days 12 hours 48 minutes and 25 seconds
  12. Isn't that style for super tight corners like the ones found on motocross and cart tracks? I'm not sure you'd even need to stick your leg out on a super moto at Mid-Ohio. But then again I haven't ridden a dirt bike since I was knee high to a duck and havent kept up on dirt bike style riding techniques.
  13. I agree. I musta not heard the entire story. I'm assuming this was on a recent ride and a gsxr squid must have been involved.
  14. That cop that gave the ticket for wearing earplugs musta been having a bad day. I remember one incident where I was going through Rocky River and was pulled over for swerving (Early spring and avoiding pot holes and manhole covers) I literally told the officer when he walked up to me "one second, I cant hear you let me take my helmet off and my ear buds out." He said ok (I think), let me take my helmet off and my earbuds out, asked me why I was swerving, I told him, he let me go. Never said anything about ear plugs/ headphones.
  15. Those podcasts have made me re-think some things. Cant wait for the season to start so I can start putting some of these techniques and concepts into my riding. In the process of purchasing Dan's old lap timer so I can set some baselines for myself.
  16. A good exit and good corner speed are a product of a good entry. I try to stay conscious of having the first 5% of any input wether it be brake or throttle be smooth and controlled. It will do what Dan said, it will load the suspension correctly, let the bike do what it needs to do. After that first 5%, I can get a little more aggressive but always smooth, and don't over do it on the aggressiveness part. Abrupt inputs are a no no. Slow is smooth and smooth is fast ??. I consider 1% braking just getting the brake pads touching the brake rotor, if that gives you an idea of "percentages".
  17. Really? I had no idea, I was about to ask casper to change it to TimTheAzn.net!
  18. I suppose you can look at it that way. But I did have that scheduled far before dates for this were even thought of. Also I have lots of money tied up in that weekend already.
  19. Hmm, I may be down since you degenerates are picking the "one" weekend I cant come.
  20. I was just getting comfortable figuring out my braking zones on the 675... and then I sold it . Craig is right, using your eyes properly helps immensely because it helps eliminate the sense of speed which helps alleviate the feeling of oh shit I'm going too fast I need to brake more. Ken Hill has a few podcasts talking about brakes and they are definitely worth a listen.
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