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Everything posted by TimTheAzn

  1. It's 60+ in cleveland right now. Also stuck inside.
  2. @MidgetTodd what color are the woo-woo's supposed to be?
  3. Red AND Blue were police only I thought? Red/ White for other emergency vehicles like amber lamps and fire trucks?
  4. Hell yea, paced my ass. Bring that shit to court, just edit out all the other stuff you guys did before. Walk out with middle fingers raised.
  5. Whoever was completely stopped and out of their car on the route 2 bridge going westbound from Cleveland taking pictures of the sunset, you sir are a fucking idiot. I hope you almost getting hit by every car passing by was worth the shots you took the other day.
  6. That thin blue line man.... even cops that want to rat the bad ones out dont....
  7. Wont be there, need to spend that money elsewhere to make my current ride, rideable.
  8. If stuff in my life would stop breaking/ you guys stop picking expensive places to eat I'll show up again to one of these things
  9. I'm glad Racetech's website has about as much functionality as a potato.
  10. I'll be in mentor thank you very much ? Much worse.
  11. @jbot You are giving me shit and you cant even give a proper reach around, smh.
  12. I'd probably just buy another mount, wouldnt want my cam flying off. Safety wire in my case helps with that though.
  13. I've never tried to re-use a go-pro mount. But I'm fairly sure 3m is what comes on the back of authentic go-pro mounts. Edit: They arent 3M strips.
  14. HAHAHAA wouldnt that be a sight to see. Me and Justin 2 up with you and Tim omg hahaha.
  15. Looks like we wont be able to camp out sunday night to monday morning.
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