My dad owned one bike. For probably less than a year. He liked it more than he will admit. Got my mom on the back of it once. She hates everything about motorcycling. Actually she hates most all of my hobbies except golf, which just happens to be the one I do the least. Now because my mom hates motocycles, my dad cant even show interest in them or it gets her upset. He did ask me to ride the 600rr when my mom, sister, and grandma all went out shopping once. That was a good day seeing my dad ride up and down the street with a big grin.
They (mostly mom) told me they would kick me out of the house if I bought a motorcycle while still living under their roof. I called that bluff when I showed up on my first bike pulling into the driveway.
One of my goals in life is to take a motorcycle trip with my dad. Probably will never happen but a guy can dream right?
With that said, my kid(s) when and if I have them, are getting exposed asap. In time they'll either like it or move on, but I want to expose them to it to let them make their own decision.