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Everything posted by TimTheAzn

  1. Thats great, after all of us made other plans because we figured we werent going to a state that was number 7 on the coronavirus cases list.
  2. Do you think they are taking the additional risk to fingerprint someone for a non-essential purpose?
  3. So far for this cinco de mayo all I've eaten so far has been a 3 mile run.
  4. Any issues with over-gasing?
  5. Supposedly this helps with gas blowback. Freaking things need to open up so I can get finger printed and send my shit in...
  6. Haha it was an inside joke/ event.
  7. Yea, a long long time ago. Unknowingly jumped in essentially a CORE ride. I just rode my own ride. There was waiting, but no one ever left me for dead. Then we broke off and I headed back north. That really was the whole beginning of me wanting to become a more competent rider. Jerry and Gasser swept me. A day I'll never forget. They shoulda sent Sam home too, he ate shit just after we broke off I believe. I like to believe I'd be alright now Ah see you remember.
  8. What, so he got sent home mid-ride?
  9. Damn, someone else is getting to experience the joy of riding down from Cleveland and I'm not around to see it.
  10. Just ordered a Gemtech bolt carrier for suppressed shooting. Waits for @MidgetTodd to shit on my decision
  11. Yea that isnt even a real jeep the neighbors have anyway so he should be good.
  12. Yes Yes.... Trade you the SV and some crisp high-fives.
  13. Nah I'd want something with more track related farkles. That's too pretty for me to crash.
  14. 600 novice races are the definition of thunderdome.
  15. Idk how an individual is supposed to go from street riding to being ok when an expert running 30 seconds faster than you stuffs you up the inside, or comes around the outside and chops your nose off for example. You may be a freak example. Or you got lucky. You need to build up to suppressing those survival reactions and being comfortable with going 85mph with your knee on the ground and someone 6 inches from your belly pan at the same time. Flags and rules are the easy part at that point. I 100% would not want someone coming off the street, with the only track experience they have is the mock race, to be in the same race as me, or any other seasoned track rider/racer.
  16. Hey, we ride NCBike Nivin, I'm glad we got together last year and got to ride with you on track. You have been one that I've considered instrumental to my riding and my mindset towards riding. I do not think I would be the rider I am today if it weren't for your guidance. Good luck on the move, may your family stay happy and healthy. And maybe you can join us down at NCBike when things get opened back up again. Also, YOLO posting these pics because you wont be around to kick my ass. Nivin got his knee down this day gentleman, and I was fortunate enough to be behind him and watch it scare him.
  17. Yea, gps took me off the boliver exit right next to the DQ and it brought back fond memories of tearing it up with you guys.
  18. Got out with Craig and Dan this weekend. In true Pauly fashion I crashed (went over the bars and face planted) so it was a true mountain bike ride.
  19. TimTheAzn


    Carbon Fiber hard hat... you fancy.
  20. Tighter stuff levels the playing field. It's about the rider at that point, not so much the bike.
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