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Everything posted by TimTheAzn

  1. It's fantastic. Fun is an understatement, from the track to the surrounding facilities its a premier track on the east coast.
  2. Trade you the grom back for it.
  3. That was after like a 5 mile test ride from me. .
  4. TimTheAzn


    I could picture you wearing these along with some KISS makeup.
  5. Why the 509 instead of the fns9?
  6. TimTheAzn


    I blame @DerekClouser and his 1k
  7. Bought extra hand sanitizer for my desk at work. Some extra cleaning supplies. My main fear is that the person that lives above me (we share entry-ways) is still planning on going to S. Korea in the next coming months.
  8. I got one! 2nd most painful thing I did to get a patch. I was in the boy scouts you know.........
  9. It's a matter of practice, being able to suppress those survival reactions.
  10. It happens so fast, given I was riding on track and trying to go as fast as I could given the conditions. But that's what happens when I'm riding a 170hp liter bike on a rear slick on a damp/drying track with 2 rivers flowing across it. My buddy highsided in the same place on the same day.... he's on here but I wont mention any names :).
  11. Last time I chopped the throttle when I started spinning the rear this happened. Happened really fast. Coming through a right-hander, started to feed on the gas while still leaned over. All of a sudden I notice my RPM's jumping up but I'm not going anywhere. Chopped. Got flung 6ft+ into the air. Coughed up blood for 3-4 days afterward. Fun! Whoever said pull in the clutch, don't do that either. That'll definitely fuck you all up.
  12. You cant just climb in the ring with Ali cause you think you box...
  13. That new rider aids are sweet?
  14. The way that works is you find a weekend that we are running it, and then you purchase the track day and then ATP on top. I get a lot of questions about that all the time. YCRS also has a single day class as well that is cheaper than the 2 day. N2 members get a discount on YCRS as well.
  15. I do not see a benefit for race school at this point if you are just getting into track days. All race school is, is going over procedures and rules for racing. Not technique or coaching. Strictly rules and procedures. I'd do a couple track days first, get your bearings. If you feel the need for additional coaching after that there are numerous programs for that. Such as N2's ATP course (https://www.n2td.org/atp/) or stepping it up a notch price-wise YCRS (https://ridelikeachampion.com/) (well worth it). Some organizations won't let you do race school until you're in intermediate anyway.
  16. lol 555 + Sub freezing temps in the forecast the night before + a chance of snow. Make sure you run the gopro....
  17. TimTheAzn

    Ride 2/23

    I just dont wanna accidentally drop someone's stuff because it's something so far away from what I'm comfortable riding lol.
  18. TimTheAzn

    Ride 2/23

    I dont wanna ride that. I'd probably crash it or drop it.
  19. TimTheAzn

    Ride 2/23

    I meant this past weekend when you were looking for someone to ride with.
  20. Put the suspension back on, cleaned the calipers, bled the brakes.
  21. TimTheAzn

    Ride 2/23

    Bruh. Text me. Your Hyper's legs need stretched.
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