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Everything posted by TimTheAzn

  1. I'll stretch the legs on that duc if it starts to become neglected.
  2. I have the a plain white corsair x and the nikky 7.... I wish they would stop coming out with all these awesome designs so I can spread my date codes out a little bit. LOL
  3. So you locked the duc and the fz away and are going to make the whale brave the salty elements? I refuse to believe you will let that duc get any salt near it.
  4. mmmmmm...... I'll take a guess... The duc and the whale are locked away and the FZ is on standby.
  5. Mine has been taken apart for a few weeks now.
  6. They were both riding little bikes at Nelsons when they were there during the td. Got around him, couldn’t catch his kid.
  7. lol I don’t consider myself any better than anyone else. We are all human beings. But I know I have more skills than others that are available to me to call upon if the need presents itself.
  8. FTFY Not completely different. You learn to use your eyes on track as well. Learn what your bike can really do and be comfortable doing it. That's the difference. You can be going at a good clip all day and have one moment oh shit moment; one rider might ride that out and be fine because of the track experience, the other may not be so lucky. It happened to me on one of my last street rides, and I only had a handful of track days under my belt. I'd be on someone's windshield if I wasn't comfortable doing what I had to do to tighten my radius.
  9. Speaking for myself its all about risk. Street isn't a place to run any faster than you guys are already going which is already a good clip. That is why I transitioned. I wouldn't say they can't, most likely a choice based on the level of risk.
  10. I still have my road-going license . Lemme borrow that Hyper and I'll show you I can still ride on the street.
  11. I wear 8.5-9US in shoes. I forgot what they are in EU. Can look when I get home.
  12. I prefer the term fun sized.
  13. I have a bunch of RST stuff and like it all except my RST boots. I've been down in all my RST gear (except the boots) and it's held up. Which, I'll probably post the boots up for sale. Worn once around the house. Ruined myself by going to the super tech r's and now my feet are used to one of the Cadillacs of boots. No one will probably need a child's sized race boot, though.
  14. Most of my dudes.... ^ Craig included have heroic gloves and have loved them.
  15. idk about it being a requirement, but you won't be following him long if you dont!
  16. I think you already forgot I race minis... it’s called an sv650. I have tons of things to work on.
  17. Forgot about that . Apparently when 2 bikes pass cars on double yellows they are considered to be racing?
  18. You should've seen me then!
  19. People that actually carry 1911's for self defense are hilariously stupid. I know Paul just did that to get the guy to go away. I know when he was packing it was a legit firearm.
  20. I've been at the place most of you guys apparently hate. The track doing trackdays and some racing. I hope you're doing well. I'd like to say I'm 1000x the rider I was the last time we rode together.
  21. Maybe a MA team at best.
  22. Dont need a genny, you can run street tires and be fine all the way up to A group. It's actually better that newer riders not ride on slicks as you have to run a certain pace to keep heat in that tire. Something I'm thinking about when I'm rolling around in a group other than Advanced.
  23. Still, there will be no info out there on how to properly set it up for the first year at least. Maybe longer if no one fast actually buys and develops them. Aftermarket parks will be few and far between and spares even more sparse... The things most racers need will not be available to your "average" racer. I bet I'll see one though, but almost guarantee it'll be some rich dude that isnt very fast anyway, just likes having the newest stuff to say he has the newest stuff. SV's and FZ's will still make up most of the grids.
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