Yup. Had a blast on that thing this weekend. Took it out for one session last month, didnt gel with it, questioned my memory on how well I rode 675's.
This weekend I think I PR'd on the 675 according to Ryan who was timing me up on the hill.
Even layered up, there were some mornings I was questioning myself why I was rolling down 83 on a motorcycle early in the morning while it was cold and foggy to meat up with a bunch of hooligans.
Cuz it was worth it!
Not gonna lie, when I see a brand new 1299 or v4 with brand new leathers, agv helmet, in novice, thats where my money is on whos going to wad their bike that day.
Unfortunately, I've been right more often than not.
In general, I'm fine with running in a lower group and getting bumped because I know I have the pace.
Some people seem to have an issue starting in a lower group though. Idk why. A handful of people wont come ride with N2 because they think they are too good to start in and be bumped out of novice. If someone put me in novice I'd laugh and say ok...
However, I doubt I'll touch N or I whenever hell freezes over and Mid-O gets a repave and I make a return.
Most people don't use their phones as lap timers for example, so the phone manufacturers only put in gps modules good enough for navigation but not with a good enough update rate to be uber accurate.
Higher update rate = more money
Companies rather produce at a low cost and sell at a high cost.
Idk, I rode @Jester_'s the other weekend at NCBike. It wasnt what I remembered.....
I kinda like the idea of auto-blip which takes the daytona out of the equation.
I may get some time on the 675 again this weekend. We'll see.
Yea I know. Wasnt in a position to buy it.
Torn between getting another track bike or another full size street bike. Have the winter to think about it.