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Everything posted by TimTheAzn

  1. If you want to just bang downshifts without doing anything else get an auto-blip.
  2. Have you had a chance to see if the bike runs/shifts through gears normally after the incident? Could be a clutch issue? I think @blue03636 got thrown on his head into china beach due to a clutch issue?
  3. That's 2 more laps than the 3 individuals I'm thinking about had that all got caught out 1st session of a day on Q tires. They are great tires, just cant send them first lap first session like your on slicks/warmers lol!
  5. Going into the carousel you didn't rev match and caught 2 downshifts from 3rd to 1st. Not sure if you hit a false neutral and then tried to get it back into any gear you could (which happened to be first gear according to your gear indicator, I can hear the "clunk" of going into first) and then you let the clutch out pretty quick, your motor wasn't going as fast as your rear wheel at that point and the motor slowed your rear wheel so abruptly it caused a slide (nice save btw). Rev-matching will help get the motor up to the speed that the rear wheel is going when you downshift and will help prevent slides. However I think most of the issue in this incident is that you went all the way down into 1st gear and let the clutch out quickly.
  6. I know something that could help with that
  7. Just a friendly reminder, you can take pretty much anything on track. It'll teach you skills that might help save your life on the road. But to some, that benefit is outweighted be the fact that it's boring going in circles. That just means you arent going fast enough.
  8. I really liked the power cup evo's as well. I've spooned on a handful of sets of those and never had an issue. I spooned on an sc3 rear for the Nelsons 4hr endurance and after over an hour of riding it barely looks like I ran 2 trackday sessions on it. It really all depends on your riding style and what you want out of your front and rear tire.
  9. And tight turns. I ran Nelsons with my grom a few weeks ago and was literally WOT everywhere but the final turn.
  10. Looking for longevity go 3. I cannot tell the difference and I have one of each spooned onto two different rears right now. My buddy with the new gsxr 1000 also is using the sc3 rear and he puts way more to the ground than I do.
  11. Would be interesting to see the wear at Nelsons or PIRC where the pavement is newer and is more abrasive. SC's are awesome.
  12. If its the new new one just wait til he flashes that bad boy, one of my buddy's has one had it moves the fuck out. Sounds pretty good too.
  13. Cant pass on the inside in I group. I rode Intermediate last time I was at Mid Ohio in like 2016. If I ever go back I wont be in that group. If you ever make it out to a track day anywhere lmk.
  14. Gonna make sure to give him the good ole welcome to A session? aka have all of you line up behind him in hot pit and take turns....
  15. Different strokes for different folks. I did the long rides. I enjoyed them. But I enjoy this more for the time being and my wallet says I shouldn't do both.
  16. I enjoy pushing my limits for now. Nothing quite like falling off the side of a mountain or back road and hoping that someone saw it and the ambulance is close by.
  17. Rode the F outta my bike saturday and sunday.
  18. Might want to take a step back and look at your diet.
  19. My original Solo fell off my trailer because I'm a dumbass. What kind of price do we get on these?
  20. Why do you think I ride motorcycles at the track? Tons of sweaty dudes all over the place wearing tight spandex. Y'all roadies didn't show me enough skin to keep me around. Don't. That's what I tell them .
  21. Not true. All my nice cars that I've had have only attracted more dudes.
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