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Everything posted by TimTheAzn

  1. I may be slower on the street now, hard to say. I told myself I'm getting a liter bike as my next street bike. For reasons most of you would find dumb but I get enjoyment from crushing my car friend's cars that they have put $10-$15-$20k into and still think they are fast. I've been thinking about an fz1 for a while.....
  2. If I had a real motorcycle for the street you'd see me out more...
  3. Could be. He didn't ask my going rate.
  4. He's already got both. You can bring one for me tho.
  5. Oh I'm well aware of how capable they are. Got passed by one ridden by a 13 y.o. last track weekend http://www.blakedavisracing.com/
  6. Think if UP owned that thing....
  7. That's why you carry more entry and corner speed 🍺 What size tires are those? You have some decent options?
  8. Cash me on a cart track with that 400 son! I ride an sv650, I already know what it feels like being gapped on a straight.
  9. I just texted this motherfucker beating around the same bush LOL
  10. Welcome back. However I don't think you'll find many members here going to a squidfest like that.
  11. It took me about up until this year to break that habit so I could progress further on the track.
  12. Trackside tires https://tracksidetires.com/ Dunno if they have the best pricing. I get them on a staff discount. But that's who I've been sourcing tires from.
  13. Sorry, kinda got off topic and more track oriented. But the principals are relevant. I'm glad you got something out of all this track jargon.
  14. It sounds like you are making a mid-corner adjustment. You realize you are getting direction too early and need to stop having your radius decrease or you'll be in the inside grass so you stand the bike up, so you stop turning so much then realize oh crap I need to tuck back in to hit the apex. I use my bars at turn in sure, but once leaned over, I use my brakes to make steering adjustments for the most part. Once you turn in you shouldn't be standing the bike up after turn in for any other reason besides the drive out, unless you're getting stuffed on the inside, someone is crashing in front of you (special circumstances). If you are saying that by getting of the bike more you can carry the same speed with less lean angle while holding the same radius, then yes that is correct. It's what you should be doing. Lean angle = risk and you want to be a highest lean angle for the shortest amount of time.
  15. You only have 100 points of grip total. How you decide to use them is up to you whether its using them to brake, or for lean angle, or for acceleration. 100 points. Use them wisely.
  16. Everything you do puts a load on your tire. Modulating the brake is more controllable/predictable than moving your body. You coming into a corner vs. lets say whats his face Jonathan Weaver trail braking into a corner are two different things. You do it for comfort/ thats just how you ride most any corner. Jonathan does it because he aint making the corner if he doesnt bleed speed and get direction. But hey, look at what happened to him. That comment was for all the Weavers in the world.
  17. Is that why later in the day the top left of that particular marker had a chunk missing? I thought I remember coming through there and it looking like it got hit.
  18. He ain't trying to eat your ass, let the man eat some butt
  19. You should be on the front brake to apex ("ideally")... which means you should modulate your front brake until you get the direction you are seeking. I'm talking 1-5% braking. Hell just touching the pad to the rotor will help set up your bike's geometry to turn. I actually suggest using the front brake to make line adjustments after tip in. Like Craig said you can also use your head which adjusts your bp (mostly upper body) to help tighten the radius. A couple times I felt like I was about to smack my head into the apex board.
  20. You get power? If you didn't I'd plan on getting there early. You know that from being there during MA weekends there.
  21. Can you expand on what you mean? I don't understand what you are saying. I input 2% braking leaned over in a corner, that braking input force eventually goes to the wheels slow me down, decreases my radius and I turn better.
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