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Everything posted by TimTheAzn

  1. You don't need to convince me about the abilities of the fz1. N2 uses them for coaching bikes. I've had them fly by me into the braking zone with their rear wheel kicked out, turn in, apex, on throttle for corner exit. Nothing I could've done
  2. No he wanted to trade the fz6 for the fz1. Paul wont let Issac on a 600 yet.
  3. Welcome. I have a grom too. Where are you located?
  4. On the fence. Riding season is coming up that means all the monies must be saved.
  5. Cant your tell? Sam just uses old Gatorade bottles, can find them almost anywhere.
  6. Just another reflective area that a trooper can point their laser at.
  7. Also has had Velocity measure the geometry right? Handles better
  8. Been a while since I've looked at glocks. Didn't know they came out with a single stack .45.
  9. This would be E4 with Evolve.
  10. Welcome, I live in Lakewood and feel your pain. Like the s2k!
  11. Kyle Wyman Wins the Daytona 200 aboard the N2 Trackdays R6 whatttt!
  12. I was more getting at the twins getting outta the house and being able to fend for themselves. You know, when your money comes back....
  13. Yea but didnt you plan on going two-up?
  14. Literally no one here think's your seriously entertaining the fact of buying another motorcycle in the next 15 years or so....
  15. @redbarron77 I just want to let you know your daily posts in this thread are appreciated.
  16. I'd buy that if I had the cash rn....
  17. How much of a hit would you take if you bought it, pulled it off the lot, put a few miles on it and sold it? Greater than or less than 2K hit? Edit: I suppose there are more factors than thinking about it that simply.
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