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Everything posted by TimTheAzn

  1. That's happened to me before, literally the worst.
  2. Ah, and for the first time this year (which is shocking) I actually left some points on the bench that would have won me the game.
  3. Welcome back, love me some VFR action.
  4. We all saw how that turned out.
  5. Mannnnnnn, thats almost not true anymore..... There are SO many parts out for GTI's of all generations its astounding. You may not be able to find some altezza's for your GTI though, not sure if they make those. BPU's on civic will get you nowhere. (Not counting the newest type r which is boosted.) The way to go for a 90's-2000 civic is boost by way of turbo. You can make that kit as nice or as cheap as you want. But you'll still only get under 400 some hp without internal's.
  6. My first thought was what kind of gift card did you get that allowed you to buy a battery tender or hot sauce Then I remembered they make those visa gift cards that act like a credit card.
  7. Need to pull triggers on a gym soon...
  8. Cute face, slim waist, and a big behind!? Dibs on Paul.
  9. F Zeke's lawyers, I have his backup, suspend the dude already!
  10. Road Atlanta and Summit Point have some pretty long straights, Mid Ohio also has a decently long straight. I know a guy that runs the 1/4 almost every week and does Mid Ohio track days all the time, hes actually on here and he is @Trackbikez. To address the frequency of how often do I get to take my track bike out and open it up? Whenever I get to a track day. How often do you get your standing mile bike out (so long as it isnt also your street bike)? Probably every time you go to a straight line event lol. To address the rest of your question, I already did the whole open it up, and keep it there thing back in high school. I was young and dumb with a liter bike and I did those wide open throttle highway runs occasionally..... If you are hooked on a straight line, a lot of the other stuff is relatable to track days. I'm sure you've met a bunch of awesome people at those 1/4, 1/2, full mile events. Same thing with track days, I've met some of the most genuine awesome people in my life period because of track days. I'm sure you have a lot of fun in the pits while off-bike. I'm sure we have more! . Main difference here being (obviously) what we are doing on the bike, and I'll tell you what, you roll out of hot pit for that first time and run through your first session, you'll be hooked!
  11. I haven't officially won yet as it's still monday, theres still a game to play and stat corrections havent come out. So that 5th win isnt official
  12. He could have done that on a rubberband! #MM934Lyfe!
  13. I have enough fingers and toes for this one. I've won 4 games. I don't know where 2 of those wins came from (unexpected surprises from random players.) I'd say that's 1/2 my games I have no idea how I won!
  14. I have no idea how I've won 1/2 my games
  15. My buddy told me about it last night. I feel bad for the guy not just because he was on my fantasy team haha.
  16. I can find those for $100 all day, just gotta know where to look. It does look clean, but def not worth $7k.
  17. Probably a good choice, chances are they wouldn't have paid you for what you are actually worth. They probably wouldn't have let you WFH either. There is a stigma about WFH there even though they are a TECH company with more than enough TECH to allow employees to do so (for the jobs that you don't actually have to be in office for like mine was.) I'm sorry but "cool" employee events in the middle of the day do not pay for my bills and motorcycling. They have a terrible stance (although I do understand it) of "If you want to work at a software company in NEO, we are it, if you don't like it go Cali." And apparently they don't actually follow their core values either because I was let go for helping a customer in need/time crunch.
  18. Ever since @Casper's post.....Pandamonium...
  19. $7k is a crack smoking price. For another grand I can get a 2015 R1.
  20. That's why I'm not salty that I'm no longer with Hyland anymore. Not everyone drinks the kool-aide there. Good luck with the search.
  21. Hmm, on second thought, I don't need a shotgun right now .
  22. When are you available to meet up? I'm in Lakewood and work 730-430 errr weekday. @Howabusa
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