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Everything posted by TimTheAzn

  1. Date: July 2, 2018 Due to the popularity of the last OR track day, why not do it again in 2018? If you are on the fence about doing your first track day, this is the perfect opportunity to get a taste. There will be plenty of other members there with a vast amount of knowledge that will be happy to help/ provide guidance. I know a few of the members that joined us last year had a blast/ way more fun than they thought they would, and some of those same members may or may not be looking to get a bike to ride on the track. Dates haven't been posted yet and this thread will be update regularly. Since it's about to suck for the next few months, lets get some conversation started! For those of you that joined us last year, please provide feedback! Obviously Mid-Oho ultimately runs the day but if there is something that I can change/fix let me know. If you want more information: http://midohio.com/mid-ohio-courses/60-school/412-motorcycles Want to thank everyone that came out last year! A special thanks goes out to @J_Copeland for letting me ride that sexy Italian beast all day. Here are a few pictures that @DerekClouser and his fiance took last year.
  2. Gonna have to start thinking about organizing another OR Mid-O track day for 2018...
  3. Didnt buy any this year. Have 1 or 2 left over from last year, and with limited PTO I believe most of my track time will be spent at PIRC.
  4. I mean look at what car is behind the bike. Obviously the guy is 1/2 retarded.
  5. I'm going to assume that you wont want to drive up to Euclid for work from where you're at....
  6. My religion is motorcycling. Best one there is. Yes, I'm pushing it onto all of you.
  7. 46 points on my bench. (2 players) fml.
  8. Whoops sorry didnt get to it in time, but Dan is correct, these were ktm 390's. They do that in every group for sure! We got warned at summit last year.
  9. Well it looks like I wont be cooking right anytime soon. You know that's almost a 12 day track package right!?
  10. So long as people are holding lines and are predictable, it makes things much less stressful. Summit was the last time I remember having a bunch of small bikes on a track with a long straight, but those ktm's all kept on the race line down the front straight so everyone knew to pass them mid-track or to the far right. No issues that day, I was on my daytona but towards the end of the straight, I was closing on the smaller bikes pretty fast. Being that I am in the cluster of I right now, I tend to give it a few sessions to feel the group out for the day. Going back to the Summit story, once I realized all the guys and gals on the little bikes that were in the group for the day were smooth and predictable, no second thoughts on getting around them or second guessing what they were gonna do. It's not always like that however. (And yes, I do realize someone could miss the first few sessions when I am getting that feel and come out after lunch and be an ass.) Just gotta be smart about shit. It's a track day, not a race, theres always the next lap, session, day.
  11. I knew about Harris and Dylan, didn't know about Martin. Damn, wont quite be the same... But that "got em" moment Marquez pulled. Oh look, I'm about to crash out, JK LOL. Championship.
  12. I sent him nudes and my prices went up, wtf is up with that?!
  13. Well, since it's getting cold outside and I no longer have access to the gym I had, I joined a gym last night.
  14. I didnt read the whole question/issue but.... For threads I've already opened: go to last unread post by default For threads that I have not opened: go to first post This already happens, so leave it alone. That's my .02
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