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Everything posted by TimTheAzn

  1. RIP. He was first to volunteer to sweep me years ago. I was hoping for good news when I opened this up.
  2. That was unlucky. Next time split the car and the semi and motor away with Tony and me. (We had 0 clue there was a trooper watching us merge onto that highway.)
  3. I stand by my statement. I don't want to discourage anyone with limited riding experience going down to the gap by any means, its beautiful, awesome riding. But the guys/ gal that are riding down are veterans to a trip like this. Battle tested and serious about what they do. Adding someone that doesn't ride more than two hours in one direction at a time obviously adds risk. I just wanted to emphasize what I found helpful when I first started riding longer distances at a time. That you have to build up to a trip like that, you cant just commute 25 min to work every nice day leading up to the Gap trip and then expect to perform 500+ mile days during the trip without consequence.
  4. I remember the first day of the season when I used to board. My legs would be on FIRE the first few runs down and I'd always ask myself how the hell did I do this last year. But then somehow that would be completely gone by the end of the day. Next day would be sore for sure. Its a great leg workout.
  5. When putting on and taking off a shirt is painful...... thats when you know it was a good workout.
  6. Eating and smoking will give you different feelings. It's more of a body thing instead of a head thing. During my time in college I was exposed to a fair amount of different substances, handled them all with flying colors, enjoyed them and handled myself in a responsible manner. Alcohol has remained the single "drug" that's ever gotten me sick or I've had a bad time with. With that said, you got any more of that chocolate left? Sounds like a good time.
  7. It's the last place I would look, so I thought it would be a good hiding spot.
  8. Shit, lol I was referencing myself. I was about to put " on a white daytona" in there too but you still woulda been asking yourself the same thing.
  9. Were you two up on the vfr last year? Probably still wouldn't have been able to keep up. Being able to handle consecutive nights of irresponsible consumption of all things is a given on this trip!
  10. Ok, this is coming from someone that's made that trip and has made numerous numerous 2 hour "rides" just to get to the meet spot for a ride. Honestly the "I have never really ridding in one direction for more than 2 hours?"" concerns me, and probably anybody else that would be leading a group down to the GAP. But that's OK, I was there too. Get some more miles at one time under your belt (I was told this when I first started riding with the Core group of riders on here.) so you can judge things like; mileage at certain paces (not what you've read online or in a magazine in terms of mileage), what pace can you consistently and safely run all day? Safe being the key word. How long your ass can handle the saddle without needing a break? How long should you ride before taking a break before you actually need one? Doing that will also kind of give you an idea of what potential modifications you may need to do to your bike to make the trip more comfortable, whether it be a new seat, bar risers, etc. Roads down there are nothing like they are up here, in the best, more exhausting way. I'll tell you that while I completely and thoroughly enjoyed the ride down there, I was physically and mentally exhausted from all of those sweet sweet miles. Ask @Tpoppa as he had to baby- lead me into the Gap after back to back 500 mile days to get down there. (That man is a machine.) I had to slow my pace way down not because I was physically exhausted, but because I was making mental mistakes on easy shit. More miles more miles more miles of the good stuff aka twisties will better prepare you for a trip like this. There are plenty of guys that put down more miles than me a year on here and I'm sure they would be more than happy to share their feedback too.
  11. Looks like I may have been the last one to get Med's in those RST gloves suckas!
  12. They should have those signs at both ends of the dragon lol.
  13. Didn’t mean to make it sound like you do dumb stuff down there. Not my intention as I know you, and that’s just not how you roll lol. Just speaking I general about other people. We’ll see as the time gets closer. I pinged my boss since my offer letter said two weeks vacation so of course I asked him, is that a work week, or a full week. He said work week .
  14. Flip side of the coin; knowing you have to ride it back may make some people think twice about doing something dumb. If I have a grom and decide to do this trip, the grom and whatever street bike is coming with me. Been wanting to ride a small bike on the dragon since I rode it.
  15. Had the dream situation my first Gap trip. Rode down, trailed back with @what while our bikes did buttstuff on his trailer. I have the "right" machine in my arsenal now to do that trip like an adult, not like some asshole kid on a super sport with soft bags. Time off is my concern, 1 day trip down vs. 2 day trip down. Riding down on the slab is pretty much out of the question, unless I get a throttle lock, and even then.... I know that @Pauly and I can make good time on the back roads.
  16. FINALLY got my first lift in after almost 3 months. Now, I can barely lift my arms over my head .
  17. I wore a leather jacket and textile pants to the GAp. Beautiful weather so leather wasnt an issue. Really? Its FLORIDA in JUNE lol. Sounds miserable. I went in december and it was pretty great.
  18. Dude Florida was great. No agenda, no car shows to be at. Focused on food, and doing nothing. It was pretty relaxing. I also had good company, that may have had something to do with it.
  19. Havent quite made up my mind. Only have 10 vacation days this year and next. I'd like to spend some vacation time on a non-Motorsports related vacation (I know I know, but I tried it at the end of 2016 and it was great.)
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