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Posts posted by cfd37buckeye

  1. For those that might be interested the wife and I are going out to vegas in march and only had to pay 89 dollars each way per person on southwest.

    After all the security fees and such is was still less than 400 for the both of us,oh ya the bags are flying FREEEEEE:D:D:D:D:D.

    Best we ever did was $64 each way, and those were non stop flights. Southwest is the berries. My wife and I ask our relatives to give us Southwest gift cards for Christmas. We end up flying for free, having money left over on our cards, and the room is always free, so all I need is gambling cash and singles to tip the cocktail waitresses.

  2. Wheeling Downs, and the Meadows in PA don't pass out the alcohaol either. Wheeling used to give away beer, but you had to pay for liquor. That is the biggest thing I go to Vegas for. I know I am not going to win any money, but all of the free booze makes up for it.

  3. Yeah, the old boat is still sitting there, but the new place is huge! Vegas is dirt cheap right now, even if you have to pay for a room. You can stay in nicer properties for under $59 a night. Really good time to go too, the weather is outstanding in October.

  4. Yeah, I have found out that there is nowhere like Vegas when it comes to drinking. When the machines start bustin your balls, just throw a 20 in a penny machine and it looks like you are playing a ton. Then it is party time.....find a good waitress, and a nice tip and the top shelf opens up!!!

  5. If anybody likes to gamble, drink, or just generally have fun...... My wife and I wnt to Hollywood in Lawrenceburg, IN for a couple of nights last week. Buffet was good, played all night the first night and only lost 12 bucks. Went back to the room several times to refill my Sailor Jerry and diet coke. Just toted them over to the casino in a 24 oz bottle, no questions asked. Lost a couple hundred the second day there, but ate for free both days. The room was very nice, had a 42 inch LCD in the wall, and a nice firm king size bed. The casino is 20 times better than Wheeling, and as nice as some of the Vegas casinos I have been in. If you are a player, $10 limit was the lowest I saw and that was through the week.

  6. The mental stress is why I just don't think I could do that job. I know a few fire fighters, and I've talked about it a little to them, and I just don't know how they do it! I joke with them and call them "dumb firefighters", who would be dumb enough to run into a burning building, after all.. BUT, I always make sure they know that's not what I really think of them! To some, it's just a job, but to me, it's just a job that takes a certain sort of person to do! Most are so humble about the job that they do, also!

    My Mom always brags me up to people, and I am always with my head down saying awwww shucks Mom. I appreciate the fact that people look up to us and what we do. You learn to generate your own coping mechanism to deal with the nasty stuff. Riding is one of them for me.

    As for career choices.....I dont look back a single day and think of doing anything else. The schedule is great, my extended family of 19 brothers, the pay and retirement are great.

  7. WOW,I figured the pay would be decent. Not much money for all that responsibility

    The pay is much better if you are in a paid Fire Dept. That was with a private service, but not the typical private svc. We did all of the 911 calls in Guernsey and Noble counties plus all of the hospital to hospital transfers, the nursing home trips, etc. I was the only medic on the shift then, and we only ran 2 crews, so it was not out of the ordinary to be up all 24 hrs of your shift. It has changed a lot since I left. They run 3 medic trucks in town, one in a neighboring town, and one in noble county. I think the pay is MUCH better. I am at the Cambridge Fire Dept now, and it is the berries here.

  8. I was a Certified Nurse Aid (RNA I believe they call it here in Ohio) where I'm from in Southern Illinois.

    Back in Po-Dunk-NoWhere, Illinois it paid just as much to pop popcorn at the movie theatre as it did to wipe asses. Soooo.. the lure of free movies, popcorn, and no dookie on my work uniforms won.

    My family owned a ambulance service and I was a dispatcher there up until I moved to Ohio.

    I would like to take CPR classes again. Get a refresh on the latest. I hope they aren't too expensive.

    As a medic when I started in 1992, I was getting paid $6.79 an hour....yes those are medic wages with an associates degree. Paid just as well to wipe asses in a nursing home, with a ton more responsibility. I am probably lucky I made it as long as I did. My second week on the job I had 2 babies drown in car that rolled down a hill into a pond. (eternal mental picture). When I left that job in 2000, I was making $9.66 an hour. I still admire some of my friends who are still there. I know the pay has gotten better, but the mental stress is ridiculous.

  9. and people wonder why the affirmative action debate comes up so frequently in firefighting. super competitive.

    not to change the subject, but does anyone watch the biggest loser? my wife is way into it, and on of the contestants is a hugely overweight columbus firefighter.

    why are overweight LEO's and firefighters allowed to keep their jobs? If my ability to perform my job declined that much, I'd be out the door in a heartbeat.

    **edit - laugh at me for being stupid. Columbus, INDIANA. but the question is still valid. His bio says he's worried he "may not pass teh physical this year." How fucking easy does that physical have to be for this guy to have passed last year????? I know getting INTO the department is no joke. http://www.nbc.com/the-biggest-loser/contestants/current_cast/allen/

    You know, we just had a big debate about this in the barn. We have a physical incentive that we do every year. It isn't overly difficult, but if you sit on your ass all day all year, it will give you problems. A few of us suggested that we go to a 12 month wellness program, and these guys about shit their pants. I am 39, I will admit, overweight.....but I manage to run about 9 miles a week. I have no problem with it. The big thing that I try to convince thse guys of is this... I weigh 205, with gear on....255-265. After going through 1 bottle, do you think you can drag me out? It would be hard for me and I am in fairly good shape.

  10. My Mom just got bit on the big toe by a Brown Recluse, swelled up and looked like a Fred Flintstone toe. She went to the Dr, and they jammed a big needle in and drained all of the pus out of it. 2 weeks of antibiotics too. You really need to go to the dr. If you are having a systemic reaction, like it sounds that you are, it can be lethal. I worked as a medic for 12 years and saw several people end up in life threatening situations from anaphylaxis. I am sure there are others on here in the medical field that will tell you the same.

  11. Vegas at least once per year, like you, havent paid for a room in years. We almost always stay at the MGM Grand, but have offers on the table from Mandalay Bay, Monte Carlo, NYNY, Excalibur, and Luxor. They are all owned by MGM, plus a few more. We use our rewards card at all of them and see what we can get. We go downtown every time to play roulette and craps because it is so cheap. I can usually take $100 downtown and play craps all day and get shitfaced on captain and cokes. Make the occasional trip to Wheeling Downs, Meadows in PA, and will make our first trip to Hollywood Casino in Lawrenceburg next month. Next year for our 40th birthdays we are going to LV for a week.....cant wait.

  12. Wow, you guys need to get old like me. 200 bucks a year with progressive, full coverage on 2 bikes. Granted, they are not liter bikes, but I feel sorry for you guys. That is prolly the biggest reason I didnt buy one til I got older.

  13. I have been pretty fed up with Columbia Gas for a long time. 10 years ago, when I was first hired at the fire Dept, I had a newborn and an 8 year old. I was on the budget, but having so many other priorities, we only paid for the amount of gas we used, not the budget amount. Columbia Gas dude comes to the door and tells me I am $400 behind on my budget, and if I did not pay it by 4 that day, the gas would be shut off. So I went and paid the bill. Next month, I had a $400 + credit on my bill. Cocksuckers use your money, and suck up intrest. They came to read the meter and put a remote reader on since I am not here during the day, and they have to get in once a year. Sonofabitch red tagged my water heater and told me I had to put in a chimney liner that costs $500. I told him to suck my balls and get off my property. any more crap from those theives, and I wll be all electric.

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