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Everything posted by magifesq

  1. "it starts with pride, cuz you never really know how hard you try...I've come so far...and it doesn't really matter' Linkin Park Lol, We do our very best every day. We can't match every flea market and ebay auction, we do offer quality tested used parts with prices competitive with other salvage dealers many of which don't go through the rigors of quality testing that we do.
  2. It hit V-tech and threw her off the back lol
  3. That's not cool I'll give you a +1 rep since some anonymous dooshed ya
  4. Glad you're alright to tell the tale. Last summer I hydroplaned 2 times on a simple 2 lane state route - stayed on the roads both times but truck went totally sideways one way and flipped around to go sideways the other way. Life is good, but sometimes the rain sux
  5. Good questions bro, I definitely don't have all the answers, but I do believe he works on behalf of those who have faith in him and call up on him in thier time of trouble - sometimes the answer is yes, no, and not now. If things had gotten worse I'd still believe that good came from it in the survival of the accident by me and others, if my truck got destroyed I'd be thankful for my life being spared, if I had passed then I'd be thankful to be in a much better place - I'm always working on expressing my attitude of gratitude. You're being fair in thinking there's complex logic in applying fairness to good and evil in the world. We could debate these other issues later, thanks for speaking your mind.
  6. Time for round 4 - world peace fail http://www.break.com/index/dove-doesnt-make-it-through-peace-day.html
  7. Dude, I used to be skeptical like you, but when you think about a hydroplaning truck going from far left lane to far right lane and having a bridge to stop the truck and minimal damage to both, things could have been much much worse. My faith is a personal thing, not preaching, just saying where I'm coming from. Believe, don't believe, live life and have fun bro.
  8. Did I mention I ended up on the right most lane perpendicular to traffic when the truck stopped? Yep, God must still be on my side lol
  9. I was going to meet Danny, and get his turbos for the turbojet engine project, while driving downtown Columbus in the leftmost lane of 3 lanes on my side of the road I was going slihgtly uphill and the road had a 45 degree curve to it and suddenly hyrdoplaned did 2 donuts and hit the bridge rail - here's pix of the little bit of damage, I was quite fortunate it wasn't worse (like mutli-car pile up, no cop no ticket, no injuries, etc...).
  10. Met Danny 1/2 down to Cincy today, nice guy, thanks for the deal on the twin turbos
  11. magifesq


    R U Restoring an old VT500 Shadow or Ascot?
  12. Lol - that would be a driver fail
  13. here's a youtube of one @ work crap - edit to add link lol http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LnG4oJa2zes&feature=PlayList&p=6A4AEDDE7B635F6C&index=2
  14. Jermattack donated a Komatsu KTR110A Turbo to the turbojet project (props to him) I've been looking all day to try to find how many CFM this thing can blow, anyone able to find a site, link, or chart?
  15. Time for round three inventor catastrophic failure vids work too
  16. Dude, I just found this thread for the first time +1 on divine assistance for you and the Dr's.
  17. Good Entries - This week's theme Man vs. Nature
  18. I've seen several episodes on you tube - they hype up the trips, gather some evidence, but when they're really close to a breakthrough he and his crew get all scared and retreat
  19. I'll bite - is the V-star a classic or custom, need to know to get the right parts
  20. Zack Myers of Delaware, became another war casualty yesterday. He gave the highest price to make this world a better place. His family is in our prayers
  21. Once a week I'll put out a theme and everyone post the best photo / link you find that relate to the theme. Let's start today - 9/8/9 Theme is failure in mid flight - I'll post the first - http://www.break.com/pictures/unwise972702.html
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