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Everything posted by ReconRat

  1. Checked, and the Google+ app is only for friends to tag you in pics. There isn't a search for similar pics outside of Google pics or Picasa. But... I found several websites that do exactly what you said. Search the interwebz for the face given. http://www.pictriev.com/facedb/fs2.php http://www.facesearch.com/ (dead link) http://viewdle.com/ (mobile app) http://mugr.com/ (dead link) And one that searches for pics from a name given: http://www.facesaerch.com/ So basically, yes. Stalking tools. Take a pic of anyone, even a total stranger, and search for name and more. On the other hand, I ran a few searches and didn't get anything at all. It's all still rather primitive.
  2. Didn't notice it spinning up a bit slower lately? Yeep, check battery condition and connections first. Including the battery ground at the frame. Notorious for corrosion sometimes.
  3. Now for something different... Anyone that secretly made a drunken p0rn movie is in deep sh1t.........
  4. Facebook has the same, and it's probably way more aggressive for purposes other than for the user. Facebook is out there to make money for Facebook, not provide free entertainment. This is why Facebook has a picture of a raccoon tagged as me. And a few rocks, trees, etc. edit: btw, Google+ "find my face" is default off for users. Unlike the Facebook stuff which is generally default on and hidden when you try to find it to turn it off and that's if it works when you disable it AND that's assuming that Facebook still does whatever they want with your data since it's sold for cash. A big difference.
  5. no sweat, I tend to post in the middle of the night, and most people miss it.
  6. Carburetor diaphragms are expensive, and usually aren't replaced until they break. You'll know it when they break, I've broken a few. Runs rather rough, but you'll usually still get home with it that way. edit: Usually just a good cleaning is all that's needed. But you'll have to decide on whether the altered jets are correct, or the stock jets are closer, or something different altogether. That will take some time and thinking. Be sure to look for other little changes somebody might have made, like the position of the needle in the slides. Be aware that center cylinders usually run a richer needle position compared to the outside cylinders. But not always. Use the service manual.
  7. repost, ha. I posted with nearly the same title!
  8. Can be, but they are watched and caught if they cheat. And they do cheat, and get caught. Like if you're boxed in, they aren't allowed to move the other cars to get to you. They are aggressive, very aggressive. But they've met their match a few times. Both good and bad.
  9. Correct. If the legal sign is posted requiring a permit on the vehicle. If you don't have that permit, it's gone in under 30 minutes, most often much less. There are tow truck patrols roving their routes at all hours. Not the same as the city clearing a street for whatever they wanted to do. But same result, all towed that fail to leave.
  10. Oh hey, them sammiches... can we get them delivered?
  11. Yeah, heheh. I've run people over there before, to pick up cars. Not much fun. Bad attitudes. Don't stare at the junk yard dog.
  12. Having had crap hit me and flat tires from unsecured loads on trucks... I don't follow too close at all. I really back off and change lanes when I see one. I had a rock about inch in diameter hit me square between the eyes on the sunglasses (polycarbonate), from a flatbed truck. Very close to knocking me out. So much fun. Yes, that gave me a headache. And we were both going the same direction, whodathunk.
  13. Yeahhh, I thought about that after posting. I got computers all over the place, so it's not hard for me to rig USB, IP, or firewire cameras. I don't think Tebocam works with wireless. There are wireless cameras with their own software, but they still need AC/DC power, and I can't vouch for the software used with them. A simple used computer would be the thing to do. Small, and close to the door. I pick a spot that can see both front and back door, and run two cameras. But as it becomes more complicated, other solutions are easier to implement.
  14. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X-BADUSfqGA&feature=player_embedded This video has been removed by the user. Sorry about that. Well.... crap, can't find it anywhere else now... okay, that youtube poster copied it, here's the original http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hCD3wAx-RRs&feature=player_embedded gotcha, it wasn't what you were expecting. Obvious elephant got up on the wrong side of... ummm... the road? Flipped him off too, right at the end...
  15. I run Tebocam (free) on computer with any USB webcam. Cheap and easy and quick. You can do multiple installs to run multiple cams. (Someday it will upgrade to multi-cam.) http://teboweb.com/WebCam.html Slick as Hell, it sends me pics of what it sees to phone in email when something moves, stores the pics on computer and off-site. edit: Also pings a pic each hour to let me know it's working. edit: Change the locks. edit: ok, that's not the only cam setup, but I was impressed by Tebocam considering it's free and easy. edit: what people have said, try to stick to CCD for outdoors. CMOS is decent indoors. A motion light indoors helps illuminate for the pics.
  16. two steps ahead of you from this forum thread: http://tw200forum.com/forums/2/17713/ShowPost.aspx kick start parts list is the same for TW125/200/225, XT 125, Serow 225 and BW 200 kick starter kit 3RW-W0795-000 is $87 to $204, depending on fit and source. (204 is buying each from bikebandit) The kick crank needs to be the older style? not the one in the kit. It is part number 54G-15620-00-00. It says the kick crank in the kit will work with modifications.
  17. ok, I'll go for the years with the front disk... although I really do like a kick starter. Notice that CB100 up above probably push starts, no battery. Battery? we don't need no stinkin' battery... edit: TW200 front disk is 2001 and up. Kick starter can be retro-fitted with kit parts.
  18. This is why, fun stuff modding the TW200: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_TrhWg4-M7_0/SYfhkvCA2SI/AAAAAAAAC8s/VxRMiXYIBlQ/s1600/Street%2BTracker%2BYamaha%2BTW200.jpg http://img808.imageshack.us/img808/1374/rightsidew.jpg http://www.advrider.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=117188&stc=1&d=1180016103 Yes, it looks like a Honda, not a TW200: http://www.eleykishimoto.com/blog/FTR%201.jpg And for something different, a CB100 hack http://www.bikeexif.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/08/honda-cb100.jpg Most from a diary of a TW200 mod.
  19. I took a frog/toad to the shin one day. I was quite surprised that it hurt as much as it did.
  20. Odd, I thought of this thread today. I noticed I'm slamming left turns, a lot more lean than the right turns. Dunno. On the highway, there are two lines for left. Pretty much just one for right. One line is tight to the center line, with no traffic approaching. The other line is pretty much down the center of the right lane, to avoid leaning into the left lane when there's a vehicle there. Choose wisely. I think the face-in-grill is still number one error in the UK. (reversed, of course)
  21. Dunno, maybe it's one month or one gig free trial.
  22. Good point, that's what they slap war drivers with, isn't it? (And cable TV theft.)
  23. Anyone try OrBot? Secure connection to Tor servers? edit: nm, root required for full app. But it will work with standard. STANDARD/NO ROOT: - Works best with Firefox Mobile+ProxyMob Add-on edit again: doing some heavy searching, and I see most solutions will work with my tablet but not my phone. I found Hotspot Shield VPN for phone, and I'm going to try it out. Also trying VPN One Click (free up to 1Gig/mo) and Express VPN. Both work on phone and tablet. I'm finding stuff by searching for vpn shield android on google
  24. hmmm, that's not the one I was using... ok, I'll try it on the droid tablet.
  25. We do also, at the school, open access in some respects, required login for other devices, and all are monitored, shaped, blocked, and punted into the next block if we choose.
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