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Everything posted by ReconRat

  1. The demo is to ride with one hand and see which one it is. All turns are initiated by a small turn motion the wrong way, opposite of the turn. I think the question is poorly worded. But I guess it would have to be B. This will become an argument about counter steering.
  2. two cents: Technically, I think the state of Ohio follows standard business practices based on antiquity similar to all other states. This means that a law or regulation probably was broken. Transacting from out of state makes it all confused and probably a federal jurisdiction, but either way it comes down to evidence. If there was correspondence and/or receipt of specific payment of any type that indicated that the sale was completed or even secured, I'd think there is a strong probability of a case. Restitution and damages. Simple failure to complete the transaction, or the horror of interstate fraud. Pick one. Really, all business laws are based on the honesty of the parties involved. A simple handshake would work back when people couldn't even write. Promises made were promises kept. To not deliver was a severe transgression by a business party. Mistakes can be made, but honesty and apologies go a long way with customers that have a history of purchases. Our modern world and long distances have started trashing all of that. extra two cents: Since I was a 5thSFG payroll clerk 40 freakin' years ago, I'll just fall on that side of this anyway. Granted, I was HQSPTRPS, and not embedded with 5th, but that was ok since I could go into town every night and party it up.
  3. 1996-1999 was called CB919RR (CB900RR). It had an engine bumped up to 918cc from the earlier 893cc. The CB919RR was followed by the CB929RR (CB900RR) with a 929cc. The 2002-2007 919 is based on elements of the 929 engine, when it ceased production in 2001.
  4. wth, that's crazy... Here's tomahawks: http://www.smkw.com/webapp/eCommerce/prodlist.jsp?Mode=Text&Brand=&CatalogName=&PriceStart=&PriceEnd=&Feature=&Cat=&SearchText=tomahawk&filter=false&range=1&list=48 Especially the Cold Steel, SOG, and even the Colt. As if any one would afford the BenchMade. Which is of course, really really well made. edit: Part of the deal is that in certain parts of the world, the local culture doesn't respect a warrior that doesn't have a big blade or sword. The tomahawk fills that need. It's very impressive to other cultures that have never seen anything like it. It became very popular in Vietnam.
  5. It varies per distance of the two orbits, but right now I think it's 14 minutes.
  6. hrmm, I'm reading that it doesn't actually land till 1:31am ET.... argh...
  7. Not yet, but like any President or politician, I bet he's keeping count. There are always changes over time. And it doesn't matter if some understand and some don't. It's that "some hear it the wrong way" that causes all the troubles. Reading a script is pretty much blind trust in whoever wrote it.
  8. Hell no, we have people on Mars to take publicity shots, and a Walmart there for prints done quickly.
  9. I don't know what sort of televising this will have, but it's on NASA TV on the web at 11pm EST-Sunday night, Aug 5. It runs to 10am tomorrow, and a news briefing will play at noon. http://www.nasa.gov/multimedia/nasatv/index.html https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-pJya-H_dsn4/UB7UgkbPgSI/AAAAAAAAAm4/TGXJvknEms0/s617/593393main_pia14832-43_1024-768.jpg https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-BWWRFpUdxzs/UB7f9KEDr1I/AAAAAAAABb4/xcnmPMjd_Gg/s583/adafruit_185.jpg It's on three channels if one isn't playing: http://www.nasa.gov/multimedia/nasatv/schedule.html
  10. From a rider in Amarillo Texas, this was published in a local paper and bikerspost.com: Motorcyclist offers apology to D.U.M.B <--easier to read http://api.ning.com/files/f3wESplZJulEc7o94DvoaIGX8zNmXGNmQi4xb5UUWLr9iNry1N*u5FsJlqn4Hj4NUUbcmY4C1g5g6RR5Yeq7TbixdB61GY55/Motorcyclistoffers2.jpg If it helps any, here's a cleaner copy in Photobucket: http://i388.photobucket.com/albums/oo323/ReconRat_album/Misc/Motorcyclistoffers2.jpg?t=1344212892
  11. Oh, and learn to eyeball drivers, to see which ones are on phones when they shouldn't be. Those are the ones that drift out of lanes or change lanes without signaling. The semi trucks are ok, but passing on the right is the big blind spot. Try to stay on the left, and don't linger when passing big trucks. Dump trucks and similar should be given a wide avoidance, because junk falls off rather often.
  12. Freeways are one of the safest places to be. But not in heavy traffic. Have another motorcycle lead you on a couple of trips on the highway. In light or no traffic, to get started finding a comfort zone. Learn how to stop from those speeds. And learn the differences in maneuvering.
  13. ok, after looking at material properties, I don't see real good strength in any of the plastics currently used for 3D printing at home. Might be possible in the future, but right now the only people doing strong parts are either making their own filament from raw stock, or specially ordering it manufactured for them. I'm thinking that a good home CNC machine for working in metal is much more practical. edit: Although I did find computer files for printing AR magazines. And that would be rather cool.
  14. Magnetic guard rail? Not that a bike has much magnetic material... edit: I looked at map. There's a curve on the West side of the bridge. Lazy curve, but dunno...
  15. Yes, basic types. Even googled some that are probably bootleg manufacturing with odd type markings. Have to wonder what is real anymore... It could even be an improvement in drain location. You never know... I've had it happen before when buying batteries. I didn't care about the drain location as long as it fit and I could hook up the drain. Not hooking up the drain results in acid on bike and the paint comes off and it rusts. Reversed terminals, that's another story. Not a good idea.
  16. Yes but, even the AutoZone website says that's not an exact fit. It's just the reversed drain tube. But it should work anyway, if the drain tube location doesn't interfere with install, and if you can get the drain tube routed ok. Correct battery from Amazon - $48.72 http://www.amazon.com/Yuasa-YUAM221L2-YB10L-B2-Battery/dp/B00317055O Parts Unlimited also sells one - $48.98 http://www.amazon.com/Parts-Unlimited-Heavy-Duty-Battery/dp/B0041Q60VW/ref=pd_sim_sbs_auto_3
  17. iPhone?.... That's not the Droid you're looking for...
  18. okey dokey... print your own fighter jet aircraft... Airbus wants to plan ahead for printing an entire commercial passenger aircraft by 2050. Until then, expect to see the passenger seats printed in 3D. Wonder how long it takes to print cars and motorcycles... Airbus designer reveals plans for 3D printed planes by 2050 http://cdni.wired.co.uk/620x413/a_c/Airbus_Concept_Plane.jpg edit: Maybe this is my future. Stay at home and design and print motorcycle parts. I think I might as well pick out which printer I want, and get started learning how.
  19. Yes, I should have mentioned the previous law it amended. But it's not an update, it's a new Act of Congress. It also increases the "zone" surrounding, and did bump the penalty to felony. As well as declaring enforcement by federal rather than local authorities. The original goes way back, and was amended by the Clinton era to include the other events, like conventions, sports, Olympics, etc.
  20. Ike and Mike edit: ok, I take it back yin and yang
  21. nope, simply win the lead butt class...
  22. From what I read, most of the notable progressive rock is completely ignored. And what planet thinks rap is rock? edit: who the heck would leave out Def Leppard?
  23. They're actually all close to the same bike. All built by a guy in Taiwan. One has the back end lifted for more of a cafe racer style.
  24. Rather cool looking builds on Sportster 48 1200 Sportster custom: The Bomb Runner Iron Guerrilla http://www.bikeexif.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/sportster-forty-eight.jpg Bomb Runner http://www.bikeexif.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/sportster-forty-eight-1.jpg http://roughcrafts.com/images/download/a/800x600.jpg
  25. I rode up and went through the Rock Museum one weekend. It's pretty interesting, but not sure if I'd bother going again. There's been a big controversy about who they put in the museum. Supposedly some of the decision making is strange. They sometimes ignore the voting and do whatever they want for inductees. edit: This year Axl Rose declined induction, and got inducted anyway. That thing with Slash, I guess. In 2006 John Lydon of Sex-Pistols said no. There's been others. John Lydon said: “Next to the SEX-PISTOLS rock and roll and that hall of fame is a piss stain. Your museum. Urine in wine. Were not coming. Were not your monkey and so what? Fame at $25,000 if we paid for a table, or $15000 to squeak up in the gallery, goes to a non-profit organisation selling us a load of old famous. Congradulations. If you voted for us, hope you noted your reasons. Your anonymous as judges, but your still music industry people. Were not coming. Your not paying attention. Outside the shit-stem is a real SEX PISTOL”
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