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Everything posted by ReconRat

  1. My Crossman pistols are 10 pumps to fire. It's effective on smaller rodents at 5-6 pumps and quieter. Crossman is around 550fps? On the pistols, the handguard does the pumping, not the barrel.
  2. LOL, you just described glass. Actually, carbon fiber has high tensile and relatively low shear. Very hard to pull to break, but it can be cut with scissors, barely. So it's worked into a weave so the high tensile is in all directions. It's embedded in either an epoxy resin solid, Polyester resin solid, or a vinyl ester solid. Layers of Aramid or fiberglass can be added for thickness and other material strengths. Carbon fiber is extremely thin for it's strength, so typically it would be over the top of something else used as strong filler to complement it. If used with fiberglass, I could imagine half as thick, half the weight, and just as strong as before. One of carbons weak points is abrasion resistance. But Aramid is higher in abrasion resistance. So it's also good under carbon fiber. Nylon cloth is still one of the best for abrasion resistance, but I never hear of it being used with carbon fiber.
  3. Here's what I think of when I hear that. Air dropped cluster munitions. Sometimes they sound like a giant chain saw. bbbrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s2U397_CiuE
  4. Standard safety practice in case of accident on the ground is to send them all up in the air immediately. It would still have to be a bit of a ripple fire, but done very quickly to avoid injuries on the ground. That's pretty much what it looked like happened. There was a fireworks show in central Ohio a couple of years back that had to ripple launch the last part of a show all at once, to avoid a fire/accident on the ground. So basically there's an optional emergency switch to do this, and somebody goofed the switch or wiring. Oops.
  5. If it's plastic collectors on the ends and leaking, difficult to deal with. If it's metal tubes and fins leaking, use some silver solder and a propane torch and flux. Drain first. I've had success silver soldering small pin holes. Radiator repair shop standard practice is often cut/bend/pinch the tube and solder (or braze) off and not use that one row. Or, remove the radiator and take it to a radiator shop. Shouldn't cost too much. You're most likely going to take it off anyway. edit: I nicked one in a van with the water pump and fan blade. Soldered to fix. Taught me to pull the radiator first. I've also silver soldered rock strikes to fix. Silver solder works a higher temp than regular solder.
  6. Grabbed one. I was looking at those last year. But thought 200+ bucks was too much. The whisper barrel really isn't too effective , from what I've read. It's a cock to fire, not a CO2 cartridge. No real gases to suppress. But it's more than nothing.
  7. Seen them, I'm not there yet. Sharp vision, distant focus. I've seen a few users at work that need it bad.
  8. I'm pretty sure that "sucks ass" is a known and well used IT tech description of both hardware and software. And no manufacturer is exempt from our fury. I read the wired article about obsolete operating systems. If you buy a cheapo phone, that's what you will get, a cheapo op sys, one no one else wanted. For the cost of an iPhone, four to eight of those cheapos could be bought and used on a family plan. It has it's place in the market, or people wouldn't buy them and keep them. iPhone being phone size is one of it's best selling points. Not having to carry my netbook or tablet or laptop is exactly why I like the larger screen of the Droids. That, and if you're far sighted, you'll want a decent sized screen that you can see. Choose wisely.
  9. I like the bigger screens on the Droids to read books with. Which means the bigger/longer lasting the battery is, the less I'll have to charge it. Even a book reader can drain a battery fairly fast. Have not tried any iPhones, but people generally seem happy with them. This won't be going away, by 2014 Droids and iPhones will pretty much split the market share, leaving only about 10% for all other phones. A best guess on my part. edit: I've still had zero problems with my older DroidX. Updating in the next year, I'll try to keep it for three years.
  10. wutdeheck? People gathering in groups, and tagging UFOs with multiple powerful green lasers. They radiate huge amounts of light sometimes when hit. I have no clue, unless it's satellites that somehow reflect A LOT of light. If these are aircraft, even super secret advanced aircraft, it is very illegal. The pilot could be blinded. From some of the multiple angles of the lasers, some of these don't look to be up very high at all. Like maybe bugs at night over the lake, or something equally weird. From this article: http://news.gather.com/viewArticle.action?articleId=281474981452099 YouTube video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dPgl94CWmGk&feature=player_embedded
  11. My Dad said the same thing. So what did I do? I skipped most stuff, but I volunteered for selected items, since no one else would. Apparently all Fathers say those same things. I got some choice gigs doing that. But yes, choose wisely. edit: so applied to FartBook, skip most stuff, pick what actually entertains or benefits yourself, keep a low profile, and generally find something else better to do. No one is going to hire you there, make you rich, or otherwise do much more than waste time. It seems to me it's the Neo method of holding some one's hand. What, can't make a decision without a conference? Apparently so...
  12. ReconRat

    Mj usa

    State of Ohio Attorney General - Consumer Complaint help center - live chat line http://www.ohioattorneygeneral.gov/contact
  13. Lowes is stocked again, 3 or 4 different types.
  14. Most all on the East side open.
  15. Now add storm debris everywhere. Conditions totally random, and expect the unexpected where ever you are.
  16. Power back on here on Tuesday, but local transformer had an open switch. Fixed on Wednesday. Finally. I was about to start sleeping outside.
  17. Standing by for round two. Since I slept through round one AND the storm... I think I was tired...
  18. Ok, power came on for about 30 seconds on Monday night. So looks good. Then the power did come on for the whole neighborhood, but not me. About 8 houses were without, and I can see another batch in the next block. The reverse of what was expected. Argh. Several hours of chainsaw and hacking, the crap is out of the backyard. Mostly.
  19. Ok, here's the deal. Best of both worlds. Keep the best of the illegal entries into the US. We need them and want them. Send the rest back for cause. Mostly never should have come in or been here in the first place. At the same time, eliminate some of the unproductive US citizens that were already here. Get rid of the worst. We don't need them or want them. Send them away to wherever, just not here. This is what we're asking for, right? A productive society? Everybody's happy that way, except for activists and chronic malcontents. (And some of those that were tossed out.) Oh, and lawyers, but they're not necessarily unhappy, they are just busy arguing the case. And the chronic malcontents? How about they just go too. Away and gone. Citizenship isn't necessarily free, for anyone. It takes a serious screw-up for a citizen to get deported currently. Maybe we should make it a little easier for everyone to depart. Just some worthless thoughts on my part... It would make a good novel. I should start writing more.
  20. Actually, now raising the oil/gas prices a bit, might be to appease Iran. The sanctions specifically create low oil barrel prices to damage Iran's economy. It's working. Easing up a little bit tends to make them back down a bit. Same old game until it all goes kablooey.
  21. I think you are correct. Mostly it's the more recent Bilingual Education Act of 1968 that leads the way. But it still requires English language. I also noticed that the history being taught now, on some subjects, isn't the history that was taught last century. Yes, history is revisionist. It changes all the time. I cannot yet find that law regarding english required to be taught, and I think it's because it was a New York City law, where the problem was intense. I notice several states have enacted English only laws, only to be overturned.
  22. English in schools for education has been a federal law for what, a hundred years? More? I forget the name of the Congressional act passed, but I'll try to look it up later. And yes, it was because schools in migrant neighborhoods were deciding to teach the language of the motherland. And yes, it had to be enforced. Without it, we'd be speaking multiple languages. Errrr, worse than what we have now. edit: btw, my neighborhood is full of immigrants, legal and not legal. And I'd take some of them over natural citizens any day. You never know.
  23. And the power was out before this, for a lot of the area. Now it's out twice for those. The major outage has to be repaired before the minor outages can be repaired. This is going to take a while.
  24. Yeah, that one got me. No power, lots of trees down. Hit by microburst. I was standing outside watching, and I got a little jumpy. Stuff was breaking and falling all around me. Wasn't sure which way to run. Then the nearest power line pole decided to spark off and go BURRRZZZZZZTTTT-BOOOMMMMPOP. And this is just a wire, there's no transformer there. I'm looking right at it. I jumped straight off the ground and ducked at the same time. Nice trick. Two limbs come off a tree down the road, and slap the street hard. Dead limbs falling behind me. Trees and parts of trees start falling in the creek out back. And then I hear it, Slow motion cracking and splintering of that huge tree on the other side of the creek. It breaks about 12 feet off the ground. It goes down. It takes 20-25 seconds to fall. It fell in my neighbor's backyard, squishing the chain link fence but sparing everything else. It takes down lots of other stuff on it's way down. Some falls in my backyard, but not too bad. Still will take a few days to clear just that. I can't cut up and remove the big one, it's two or two and a half feet in diameter at the base. Some of the limbs are a foot in diameter. Rather heavy. We called it the raccoon tree, since it was a bit hollowed out by raccoons for a den. Yeah, that's right where it broke in half. That's a backyard. It's completely full of fallen tree.
  25. Quick test, if they went to a USA school, they speak and learn English. It's required by federal law. If they speak anything else, they are temporary in one way or another. Young ones this is, grandma and grandpa don't count. edit: btw, I've seen families partake in a simple crime. And all were prosecuted for that crime. Age doesn't nullify actions, except for the very youngest without the knowledge of the crime. Those are separated for their own protection. That's what we do to ourselves, but not apparently to total strangers that show up with no background or history of having been here before.
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