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Everything posted by ReconRat

  1. I understand that's normal practice. I also think it's hard to argue that a known camera on a known bike ridden by a known person typically as a standard practice to take videos of stunters would be considered a vital need to take without a warrant. The knowledge was there, the judge and detectives should have been ready. Not leave it to a patrolman to try to get it. (Who got the wrong one anyway, duh...) edit: I also don't understand why anyone would have to go to great effort to obtain any of the videos, when they are posted all over YouTube and the internet from cars, bikes, aircraft, and the stunters themselves! Ok, I'm clueless. Googling... tons of stuff. One group called StuntDFW Somewhere back in maybe 2007, a car knocked 3 of them off the road, and ran for a police station. (Deliberate sideways slam each one at a time, swerving across three lanes to get them.) They chased, kicked, punched and shot the car, but didn't stick around at the police station. Rumor was the driver was a cop, but nobody thinks so. Utube video 2005 edit: OOPS! sorry deleted the first one, that was Ruff Ryders LA stunters - Los Angeles Utube video 2007 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W3ONXvTjkKs&feature=plcp Utube video 2008 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dZT6-Tez5xU&feature=player_embedded Utube videos 2010 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UfhSLqMd4J8&feature=related They shut down a downtown freeway in 2011. (pics) (edit: this kinda looks like the 2010 event, not sure...) http://www.wfaa.com/news/crime/One-biker-arrested-in-Memorial-Day--I-75-shutdown--123569489.html?gallery=y&c=y&img=0#gallery-image
  2. Sarcasm? Shirley I'm never sarcastic <snork> small letter note: most of everything I say is sarcastic...
  3. Silver Chrome double bubble Dark Smoke double bubble There are some iridium or iridium/blue ones also, but didn't see a decent source. edit: and black, you can find basic black. The double bubble is about all that is popular or offered. expensive, but trick, Metisse Windscreens http://www.whaccessories.com/images/MetisseWindscreenIridiumRed.jpg Zero Gravity 4 types, the sport touring is quite different/taller, but doesn't look as tall as the double. http://www.zerogravity-racing.com/images/products/windscreens/404/image_23_404.jpg
  4. I use the Indian Head aviation gasket sealer from NAPA. I've also used simple Teflon thread tape, but get a good one.
  5. Hot. We left. Three hours was enough, I think... Bought stuff, always do.
  6. Yup. Here too early again. Hungry. Sitting over in the shade.
  7. Recon will run a recon of the area at an undisclosed ETA, maybe...
  8. OSHP cracks down on unlicensed motorcyclists They've seen an increase in unlicensed motorcyclists. Or expired learner permits. So they are going to run plates to see if you've got a valid motorcycle endorsement. West Virginia has not seen an increase. edit: this was in the news in the Steubenville area.
  9. In general, these crimes get special identifying prison uniforms, and are separated from general population. Still clearly identifies them, and they are subjected to random attacks from total strangers.
  10. thought... technically they could consider this collection of evidence in an on-going investigation of the stunter crash and death in 2010. At that time Dallas indicated that charges might be filed against the other riders. Still wrong method, really needed a subpoena to collect the camera. But, in order to do that, would have to hold at the scene to preserve evidence until the subpoena arrived. I'm guessing the judge would have to be woken up, and it was near an end of shift. Just too difficult to accomplish on short notice. Now, on the other hand, a previously written subpoena on hand for camera footage, that's a winner. Except that's a blanket request, and most need to be specific against an individual. Difficult, but times change, and I would expect a method to evolve to make this happen as needed.
  11. Pretty much a decent motive, but bad method. Didn't think that one through. This isn't a friendly group ride, this is packs of stunters cutting up on crowded freeways. Remember those videos from the Texas freeways a while back? Stunters in packs hitting cars and dying on downtown freeways? Yeah... Dallas Boyz in the news again Stunter crash video
  12. 1. pump clutch lever until no air bubbles rise up through fluid, to clear master cylinder end. 2. tap clutch hose lightly from lower end to upper end, and again bleed air off at the reservoir. 3. bleed clutch line: a. pump clutch lever till hard and hold it squeezed. b. quickly open and close the slave bleed valve. c. repeat till air is gone. d. check fluid level. That's all they got. Don't know what else, other than make sure it's not leaking air or fluid at that banjo bolt. Banjo bolts sometimes don't seal well without new crush washers installed. They might take torquing twice, but sometimes not.
  13. do you have the service manual? (I'm looking at it.) It's not like a normal bleed, it's more like having to put pressure on the clutch line, and quick pop the clutch bleed valve open to let some out. Repeat till normal.
  14. lots of people make >6 figures, if they count the zeros = >9999.99
  15. ReconRat


    Advertisement for Club Azure, Osaka The third one over appears to be J-Pop singer Nana Tanimura.
  16. I will look at the truck driver first, using his/her own mirrors, before passing. Usually I can see him/her see me. Doesn't work at night. But if I go through the same motions, there's a good chance they sees me. There's been cases of trucks backing up over bikes/cars also. Always leave enough room and plan to scoot to the side if you have too. Please note that there's a fairly big blind spot on the even the left side of vans and SUVs. (To go with the one on the right side.) Their mirrors will show them nothing. The driver has to look down at you right beside them. Most van/suv drivers don't know they need to do that.
  17. Fits Star, Vortex, RS-1 per: Bell power sports Compatible with Bell ClickRelease helmets only. Always wanted a photochromic shield.
  18. Understood. I've been alright with it, but have only used it in town and on freeways, where I knew where I was going anyway. I did notice it had a terrible time with new construction. I'll add the others and try them out.
  19. Understood. Bike nights that are in their first year and sometimes a second year, don't elevate on the list until successful. There's been way too many bike night startups the last few years. I also like for myself or one of the others to visit and confirm operations. Good luck with yours. I'll make changes most of the Summer. New ones might appear, and some might be gone. Just look at the bottom list of goners and you'll see what is happening to most. I probably should move GasWerks and Grandville Tavern up a notch... Who wants to go and check them out?
  20. Depends on what it's made of. If cotton, mostly no difference from similar cotton garment. If parts are Kevlar/Aramid, improved abrasion resistance, excellent puncture resistance. If parts are Corduva Nylon, even better abrasion resistance. Leather is always better, but at a price. Resistance is gained by toughness and a lower co-efficent of friction. Which means it slides farther. Cotton should always have reinforcements at the contact and slide points. And cotton tears rather easily.
  21. Check first. Drain some fuel from the fuel line into a glass jar and look for water in the gasoline. If it's not there, that's not the problem. You might drain your float bowls if you have to, but I'd look for an electrical problem instead. And don't forget to try starting first, it might be dried out by then. Plan on jumping/charging the battery if needed.
  22. Not sure what you mean. It's a good navigator, spots traffic jams and routes around them, and great on freeways marking speed traps as well as people list debris on the road and stuff like that. The GPS will give road speed. It also marks speed cameras at intersections etc. It won't find a restaurant or gas station or stuff.edit: It now can find gas stations. July 2013 If we used on a group ride, it would let the lost one find us, or let us find the lost one. It will also text short messages or public broadcasts.
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