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Everything posted by ReconRat

  1. Dunno, I fired it unloaded at my sofa, and thought it was pretty quiet. Single cock, still not sure if it's air or spring. Get your scope on? I picked it up local FedX shop. The FedX crew was amused by the big box. They guessed pellet gun. I said, "either that or a really big knife".
  2. Nice big storm showed up here and.... nothing happened. No rain...
  3. if all wanted guns outlawed... they wouldn't have any guns in the first place? I'd think... Oh wait, they don't but the criminals do. Yeah... outlaw them, that will work. I like it. Miniature short range tactical nano-nukes the size of a BB. Nobody would mess with nobody. In fear of a 6 foot mushroom cloud and a 2 foot radius of vaporization. Works for me. We could use slingshots. edit: btw, now do we take away all the guns in sight, if we don't have police with guns? No exceptions.
  4. whooeee I stand corrected. Not many can do that. rep for you Sir, for looking it up. Way more complicated than I thought. On the other hand, not so much "out of my ass" compared to what I generally see posted! Mostly lazy and didn't look it up. edit: more than we ever wanted to know: Wiki on "natural born citizen" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Natural-born-citizen_clause cliff's notes: Obama is a natural born citizen by virtual of his Mother's citizenship. Unless, she revoked that citizenship at anytime, or possibly took dual citizenship somewhere. Dual citizenship gets complicated, since many countries forbid it or specifically regulate it.
  5. rough guide per 8oz: apple juice, unsweetened - 29g carrot juice - 24g cranberry juice - 36g grape juice - 19g grapefruit juice - 11g lemon juice - 20g lime juice - 23.5g orange juice - 26g passion fruit juice - 32g pineapple juice - 34g pomegranate juice - 32g prune juice - 40g tangerine juice - 24g tomato juice - 5g V-8 juice - 10g watermelon juice - 16g maybe check these out: They function on artificial sweeteners. Tropicana Trop50 Minute Maid Light Ocean Spray Light Juice Drinks Welch's Diet and Light Juices Snapple Diet Cranberry Raspberry Juice Drink
  6. I saw that. I was thinking about "popsicle turn" on 541 east. I bet one went off roading there.
  7. huh, two crashes and three injured on 541 today. http://www.coshoctontribune.com/article/20120722/NEWS01/120722004/Separate-motorcycle-crashes-Ohio-541-injure-three?odyssey=nav|head
  8. Doesn't matter, there are people that will travel two hundred miles if they hear about it. It's just that's it is quick and sudden in the city.
  9. I vote for a year without lawyers. Maybe we'll have duels instead. Doesn't have to be fatal. Try to find our missing Honor. It's around here somewhere...
  10. lol, I have to think of Army days. We didn't call them "guns". We'd get beat down for that. They are rifles and pistols and such. A gun is a type of artillery, and that was the only thing we were allowed to call a "gun". Like "field gun" or "tank gun".
  11. Going to agree with serpentracer. High school seemed to work better when kids were kids and fought it out. Maybe the schools should just grab them and toss them into a boxing ring. Force them to fight. It would be a lot more fun, anyway. Going to agree with Tonik also. Something is missing at home. Basic training in behavior.
  12. There are certain prescription drugs that you do not let people know you have. Because there are so many people that want them, and will try to take them. Life in the city...
  13. Now here only for the popcorn. there is food everywhere. Just have to know what you are looking for. Most people don't. I'd eat an alligator if I was in Florida and hungry. And those are common. I can think of three times stopped crimes. Didn't have to draw. They ran. Not reported. Most are not reported. Those that are, are often not in the news. I do not thump bibles. I do not love guns. I'm not even a right winger. A firearm is a tool, like a hammer. Ignorance or abuse of the tool is not the hammer's fault. It is not scarey, and I'm not afraid of it. For some reason I think of all the attempts to pass laws right after something like this. Only to find out that those laws already exist and are not being obeyed. Laws against guns do not get rid of guns for criminals. It makes criminals of those who have guns. Other countries that have done that have no decrease in crime. And gun crime does not go away. Chicago in particular, does not allow handguns. They have a lot of them, and used for crime. New York did the same, and has done better with that. Gun crime went down. DC also, and no luck there. Illegal guns are common, even one of the DC mayors had one. Wild guess here. Some one isn't allowed to purchase a gun. It happens. When in gun shops, it's really common to see somebody turned down on the instant check. It works. All of the mass murderers are age 17 to 24. Wouldn't it make more sense, and be easier, to register them, watch them, search their stuff constantly, and make them all undergo psychological evaluations. Spree killers and serial killers are different, and have to be found a different way. edit: I might even go along with a law making it a minimum age of 25 to own a firearm. Except anyone with military service.
  14. What they are supposed to do is re-torque anything important. Somehow doubt that.
  15. In general, one regular can of soft drink can be the daily amount of sugar. I'm sure that depends on height and weight of course. So a few cans a day would easily double the sugar. Which is why I said no more soft drinks. Stick to quality orange juice, apple juice, grape juice, etc. That has a lot of sugar added sometimes, so have to watch that also. edit: see list below, orange juice is high in sugars/carbs.
  16. Going to the grocery store is hunting. Modern hunting and gathering. Knock the power out for one to three weeks. No grocery stores open. Where's your food? Listen up. Power goes out and stays out. Your house is damaged. Everything is damaged. No one knows what to do. You share food with neighbors as best you can, inbetween looking for neighbors in houses flattened. It gets dark at night. You light fires and hope you don't burn the neighborhood down. All the roads are blocked with debris, you are on your own. Time passes, no help coming. You and everyone else are getting pretty hungry. You need clean drinking water badly. It's a full days walk to get to a grocery and back, with only what you can carry. It's already been looted. Looters start looking for food, your food, if you have any. They have weapons, wherever they got them. You fix that by posting guards at intersections with shotguns. Looters don't stop when they see this. National Guard recognizes the problem, and sends out APCs and other light armor to patrol. They decide not to allow the troops to have ammo. National guard gets ambushed by looters that want the weapons. You have to quick gather an armed group and rescue the National Guard. Eventually you find some water deliveries nearby. You walk to get there and back. Still no food available. Weeks go by before evacuations can begin. Impossible? Nope, hurricane Andrew, Miami/Dade, 1992. 117,000 houses damaged or flattened. And both hurricane Ike and hurricane Katrina were worse.
  17. Sorry, but "things like this" is murder, and murder still exists without firearms. And at rates about the same as before the changes. Scruit mentioned something about murder rates in UK are close to USA. They don't have firearms. Apparently they use anything else. Australia is starting to show the same results. After a mass murder attack happened there. edit: "you don't cure a disease by treating the symptoms." wait.... what? edit again: nm, I get it. Treat the disease, not the symptoms...
  18. You know you can build one of those. It's not all that hard. Same with most biplanes, although the engine will be whatever. I wanted to build a J-3 Cub from scratch. Maybe some day.
  19. The replica Wright flyers are based at Dayton AFB. There are two of them they fly or haul around for display and shows. My boss's Father used to be the tech sargent on those. There's also an indie out of Dayton, Wright "B" Flyer Inc. The original is at Carillon Park nearby. http://www.carillonpark.org/ "The original, restored 1905 Flyer on display at Wright Hall located at Carillon Park, a 65-acre, outdoor museum and historic buildings dedicated to preserving the history of the Miami Valley." I've seen them fly into a headwind and go backwards for ground speed. edit: I'm pretty sure they stay below 500 feet wherever they go.
  20. Well, glad I walk over 8 miles a day...
  21. Checking... yes, the old A1C. I edited. Don't know much about the eAG, but I guess the equivalent would be eAG 154? I should have linked to that one, I can't even find those stats now. Ok, found it. It's the "ABC" plan where the A is A1C. CDC National Diabetes Education Program (NDEP) http://ndep.nih.gov/publications/PublicationDetail.aspx?PubId=131#abcs
  22. Technical side: Lower your A1C glucose readings to 7 or lower. Lower your blood pressure below 130/80 Lower your LDL cholesterol below 100, and keep HDL cholesterol above 40. "Adopt a diet and lifestyle that are enjoyable and doable for you and can prevent or at least slow complications from diabetes."
  23. Cannot over emphasize the need to alter diet and food intake. That good diet part. Stop any high sugar intake. That would be soft drinks. Never again. The one thing people neglect is fruits and vegetables. Increase them. "Pick a rainbow of colors" when you select. Potatoes are too starchy, a source of carbohydrate, limit that. Substitute rice or noodles or beans. Forget red meat, eat chicken, turkey, FISH, vegetarian, etc. Red meat maybe once a week. Find food recipes that help, rather than hurt. Don't get into the hype of "special", just eat right. Make it a family thing, it's good for everyone. Get them involved. More exercise, any and all is good. Here, I was doing this for a while. I didn't need to lose weight, I just wanted a balance in diet. It's a little complicated to use, but it's a start. It can run on most phones as an app. Sugar is carbohydrates (carbs), watch the carb intake. You're going to be hungry for a while, live with it. But do not starve yourself. http://www.myfitnesspal.com/ Probably the best info sources: CDC gov - diabetes http://www.cdc.gov/diabetes/ Johns Hopkins medical guides Index http://www.hopkinsguides.com/hopkins/ub/index/Johns_Hopkins_Diabetes_Guide/All_Topics Diabetes self management (must register) http://www.hopkinsguides.com/hopkins/ub/view/Johns_Hopkins_Diabetes_Guide/547114/all/Patient_Education:_Curriculum_Topics_in_Diabetes American Diabetes Association self management guide http://www.diabetes.org/living-with-diabetes/self-management-tools/ edit: one more, American Dietetic Association http://www.eatright.org/ Any google search for "diabetes self management" or "diabetes recipes" Pick carefully, there are a lot of junk websites out there. There's a lot of good books on management and recipes. Check library first. (Yes, there are a lot of downloads on line.)
  24. Sadder, some political pundits are so desperate to prove a point that doesn't exist yet, that they step into a situation that points back at themselves. I mean blindly claiming a perpetrator belongs to some opponent party, only to find out that it's one of their own party. The old "look before you leap" which doesn't seem to be too effective anymore. Saddest, it won't make any difference to some that believe whatever the hell they want anyway, and will just make it up as they go along. And those that will believe them. edit: And just noticed that the Tea Party Jim Holmes just posted on the Tea Party webpage, pointing out he's not the shooter. No thanks to Brian Ross reporting trash talk. "I'm not the droid you're looking for."
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