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Everything posted by ReconRat

  1. Ohio’s Grimes Field target for largest gathering of B-25s since WWII Article from General Aviation News says about 24 B-25s will be there. They are staging for ceremonies at the air force museum (NMUSAF) on the 17th. The 70th anniversary of the Doolittle Raid - April 18, 1942. Some details for entrance at Grimes Field on Sat-Sun-Mon Edit: Aircraft will mostly arrive on Saturday April 14th. Sunday the 15th, and Monday the 16th, would be better days to see more of them. There will be a dawn departure of all, on the 17th from Grimes Field to fly over to the NMUSAF at Dayton.NMUSAF story here: 22 B-25 Mitchell bombers plan to take part in tribute to Doolittle Tokyo Raiders This means one additional chance to view them all on the ground at the NMUSAF in Dayton:Tuesday, April 17 10 a.m.-6 p.m. -- B-25 static display on the runway behind the museum (weather dependent)
  2. ReconRat


    Nope, not planning on telling those parts. you're safe. But for fun, we could talk about catching spies. They were always interesting (and not too bright).
  3. ReconRat


    It varies. Not everyone has higher clearances, only the ones that need them. Most can be upgraded if there is a need. I had a "roving" badge, allowed to go pretty much anywhere I wanted. And it meant escorting others to various places. But there were places even I couldn't go, that had the same clearances, but a different task. You never know. I remember a guy at a desk near me working on something that he wasn't allowed to show or talk about. And yeah, there are places like NSA where I would expect pretty severe compartmentalization. A need to know. It gets weird sometimes... In the Army, I had to go to another building, and open the commanding officer's secret mail if he wasn't there. It can't wait, it has to be done right away. I only did it once, and inside was another envelope addressed to the guy that handed it to me. There ya go, have a nice day.
  4. Yeah I see where that is now. That's probably 5 bucks to get in or park or something.
  5. I rode in the rain and cold both days... doesn't everyone?
  6. hahaha, B-25 burns 160 gallons per hour of aviation fuel. plus a bunch of oil... typical cost is approx $2850 per hour, but a bunch of people for a half hour isn't too bad, two or three hundred each. 5 bucks would get you about 5/6th of a gallon, and that would be good for about 18 seconds!
  7. Bunch of NAA B-25 Mitchells flying in. Rides available. No details yet. I might ride over that weekend if it's nice out. There's also a new museum there, and the WACO museum in Troy isn't far away. Edit: Aircraft will mostly arrive on Saturday April 14th. Sunday the 15th, and Monday the 16th, would be better days to see more of them. http://www.champaignaviationmuseum.org/Grimes_Gathering_of_B-25s.php edit: more info:
  8. ReconRat


    Nope, but what will get you there is sending them an application to be a translator. They will do their checks on their own and call you, even visit you. They need translators, a lot of them. At least it used to be like that.
  9. ReconRat


    Me too, TS for US Army, US Navy, and US Air Force. And several unspecified foreign military. Including background checks of records in Scotland Yard, Interpol, etc. Some searches I won't even name. But mine is now expired. Somewhat funny... I've had fingerprints taken more times than I can count. The modern gear sends it in digital and responds with a basic background check after a short wait. The guy is telling me this, and before he can finish the sentence, my results are back. It didn't do that for anyone else....
  10. searching InSight for "moto" on zap2it.com The search goes out a week ahead. I see the Sunday world championship race, but some others also. A repeat on Tuesday with the 125cc leading. Moto2: Qatar Sun 4/8 2:00pm-3:00pm SPEED World Championship: Quatar Sun 4/8 3:00pm-4:00pm SPEED 125cc: Qatar Tue 4/10 12:00pm-1:00pm SPEED Moto2: Qatar Tue 4/10 1:00pm-2:00pm SPEED World Championship: Qatar Tue 4/10 2:00pm-3:00pm SPEED
  11. Once saw a guy install a car battery that was the wrong one, it had the terminals opposite of his original. The alternator was reversing the charge on the battery, and it would die and need a jump. (Bet it got more than a little hot also.) I could not convince him he was doing it wrong. You'd think that hooking positive to your block ground would be enough of a clue, but nooooo....
  12. Is he hearing the cam chain? Is the cam chain adjusted properly? A loose cam chain will scuff off a lot of aluminum engine case if it's slapping it. But I wouldn't think that would tick, it would be more of a "sawing" sound... Is it oiling properly? Pressure and flow? Service manual should have a way of checking that. (I looked, didn't see anything in particular.) Check the oil pressure regulator function. Check the oil strainer to see if it's clogged up. Is it a piston slapping? Aluminum pistons scuff off a fair amount of material, but it normally goes to the filter or sump. Not floating around in the oil where you can see it. Might never know unless the engine is torn down to find it... edit: restated... metal in the oil means it's being produced in the engine, faster than the filter can take it out. That would be a lot of metal. The cause must be found before it's too late.
  13. Ok, so I charge and swap the new battery in before it got completely dark. Then charge the old battery for kicks. But it looks like the battery terminals are reversed. What de heck? How would it run like that? I got three batteries, and that old one I took out of the bike says positive and negative reversed? But, but, that's not how I hooked it up, what gives? I'm starting to freak out. I get on the Yuasa website. Download the specs, and it says the terminals are backwards! ............. And then I notice that old battery is on the charger and it's on it's side..... oops.... edit: which means the terminals appeared backwards when viewed from that side. On it's side won't hurt an AGM. It can't leak. Nothing to see here, move along....
  14. You'all bump start in second or third? Right? First gear doesn't work well... And you snap the clutch quick to spin up, and not leave it engaged? Just wondering...
  15. oww... the muscles on the inside of my thighs are goosed today. I guess all that waddle walking the bike rubbed me the wrong way. Oh well, charging a new YUASA AGM from IP. I figure if the old one was good for ten years, get another one. Yeah, I rode the bike in the wet to get that. Daring fate to whack me with a "no start". Saw a lot of accidents in the North East part of town. Saw one car that had hit another in the back end, but no other car was around. Weird, guess that one ran away? Or maybe hit something that didn't get damaged, and they left...
  16. ReconRat


    Sounds like they've got something that needs listening to. But... also sounds typical SNAFU'd.
  17. Step away from the koolaid...
  18. Wow, now go make her a sammich... (yeah, had to do that...)
  19. I ride a "standard"... guess I'm left out. tsk
  20. Nothing is foolproof, but if it shows up, it is likely stolen. https://www.nicb.org/theft_and_fraud_awareness/vincheck http://www.stolenmotorcyclehelp.com/
  21. Sounds like some fuel pumps won't spin up on some bikes. Guess I'm lucky mine does. But pushing/bumping always works on an old kick start points firing gravity fed fuel motor sickle. edit: Come to think of it, I've even pulled them with cars to get them started. Really really really not recommended. You can put the bike on it's side in a heartbeat.
  22. That's a limited edition sold only to 1st Special Forces Group veterans. So it says, so if you find one, better get it. edit: argh, no it isn't... the engraved edition is limited. Nevermind...
  23. Well geez, I vote for this Busse. But I'm not finding this model for sale... edit: oops, I take that back. Some are in stock at Arizona Custom Knives. $765.00-$795.00 That's the ASH-1 model. Hmm, the Natural Outlaw is similar. edit: ok, near as I can tell you have to call Busse and order one. Not currently in stock at the factory. I think they do .187, .22 and .32 blades.
  24. I'm a big fan of Smokey Mountain Knife Works. Someday I'll take a ride down there to visit. If you're not going to order custom work, It mostly will be mass produced blades to pick from. Even then, some require a wait or back order. From a list of fixed blades, sorted highest price first: There's a lot of nice stuff, but 1/4" thick blade is mostly Bowie style. There's a lot more to pick from if you'll consider 3/16" blades also. I did see this one, that appears your style, kinda smaller than you want: $239.00 TOPS® Tom Brown Tracker™ with Green Canvas Micarta Handle
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