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Everything posted by ReconRat

  1. I like them. Last CB, Max? Don't think so. Mine is a CB900F2 and CB900F7. (Or maybe a CB900F5, I don't think they made them after 2005. Just kept selling them.) The NightHawks couldn't mount a rack in the back. Just nothing to attach to. But that's not what they were made for. It's an all around fun bike. Edit: ok ok, I guess it's the last model of the air cooled CBs. And yeah, I miss them also. Really rock solid bikes.
  2. What would really happen? Something like the blackout in New York City. But there were three of them, 1965, 1977 and 2003. Only one had extreme trouble. So I guess the odds are one in three for a city to lose control. The 1977 event lasted parts of two days: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_York_City_blackout_of_1977Granted it started and stayed in poor areas of town. But given time, disorder wouldn't have stayed there. That example is any major hurricane. Hurricane Andrew caused neighborhoods to defend themselves. People taking turns standing at the end of the street, day and night, with shotguns works very well. The disorder and lack of services and supply lasted for weeks. Your food and water was limited to .. well... your food and water. Whatever you had stored for emergency use. If you could find it after your house was flattened. So I guess the next most probable worst scenario after "lack of food because there is no fuel to deliver it" would be simply extraordinary high winds. I've been through three of those. I had enough food, water, and shotguns.
  3. The Ant and the Grasshopper, I'm done. The most feared and possible doomsday scenario is simply something happening to one or more of the main fuel line feeds to a sector of the country. Food would no longer flow to and from that area properly, and hunger and chaos would begin. People fall into one of three groups immediately. Those that rob/steal/kill to survive, those that won't let them, and the largest group that just sit down/cry and give up.
  4. I want to point out that there is a shelf life on MREs. About 6 years. It varies with temperature. edit: I think the military doesn't go past 3 years. Which would be why a ton of that is surplus. But that stuff gets out in the sun and heat and it's trashed. I also point out that SPAM in a can (or any meat in a can) is good for more years than that. And if refrigerated, either one would last maybe twice as long as that. So SPAM in a can in the crisper drawer of the fridge, is good for maybe 20-30 years. Compared to MREs in the basement, which would last 6 to 8 years. The obvious: We were served K rations (in a can) in the Army, in the 1970s, that were marked with dates between 1945 and 1965. There is USDA info out there on how long various food stuffs will last. Most don't. Meat in a can does.
  5. Caught up in stupid rules about mil spec equipment getting out into the open market. Meant more for weapons and aircraft parts moving around when they shouldn't. But it includes anything marked "property of US Government". edit: real Gov MREs will have ''U.S. Government Property, Commercial Resale is Unlawful'' . Which is of course, why they are sold on eBay. Nobody pays any attention to that, most of the time.
  6. Real mil-spec mre's are currently illegal. But the same companies make the same thing with various names and some differences. Most of them will do what you need. Prices are mostly the same for all types. But variety suffers in the cheap stuff.
  7. In Saginaw indoor stadium. Circus. Jump with flip. Hits wire. Hits a clown. Broken bones, but he will be ok... Motorcycle Stunt Man Crashes At Saginaw Circus
  8. That's what a beater bike is for. Wish I had one.
  9. http://lifehacker.com/5882801/daily-app-deals-get-trackmaster-for-android-for-5-off-in-todays-app-deals $4.99 today, was $9.99 Found this on the LifeHacker post on Google+ http://cache.lifehacker.com/assets/images/17/2012/02/2b51f22cc4bb1a52c702a104c9570513.png
  10. Checking... I think it has 520 watts max alternator output. That should handle running two sets of heated gear!
  11. If it's Titanium cans or stainless cans, do not use any aluminum rivets. It will rot out in a heartbeat.
  12. Yeah, vacuum throttle control. I had one go max throttle till I shut it off. I think it was a change in pressure outside that did it. Never was sure.
  13. A copy of the lawsuit Megaupload filed against Universal Music Group. This was about 6 weeks before the big news of Kim Dotcom's arrest and takedown. http://www.scribd.com/doc/75575419/umg-Copy Also, there was a lawsuit against Megaupload back in 2009, that failed. Expect the agencies involved to be sued by various parties for an illegal takedown and seizure .
  14. The not being able to turn it off at the cruise control switch over rides the other possibilities. That switch should work, regardless of anything else. Except for an actual mechanical failure right at the throttle linkage. Since pushing the throttle broke it free, I'd look there first. I had one do that, but it wasn't the same. It easily switched off either way. At the brake pedal or the cruise control. It reset when it turned back on. Two other vehicles with no cruise control did it, and both were stuck throttle linkage.
  15. hehe... remember this one? Skyline 2010. Swarm combat, with a nuke... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=99jt1UCpDNU
  16. hmm, I see swarming is a hobby over in Switzerland... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pfYs5C8D4uk
  17. You do realize that these flight parameters will eventually be applied to full size unmanned combat aircraft? The term used for group flying in combat is "swarming". The research is in full gear in both public and secret venues. Books have already been written by universities. So I imagine that instead of a standard manned squadron formation of four sets of four manned aircraft, there would be a large number of smaller unmanned aircraft. Just as deadly. Similar weapons, or miniature weapons of almost the same power. Maybe 64 of them instead of 16. Maybe 256 even smaller robots. And capable of extreme flight control. Both formation and random swarming actions. I can't even imagine how to defend against a swarming attack. These are robots after all. Imagine one of them suddenly ramming straight down through an enemy aircraft's engine. Game over.
  18. This news article says for the first time, it will stream live from NBC. http://bleacherreport.com/articles/1052830-super-bowl-2012-live-stream-nfl-shows-rare-common-sense-with-online-option enter at this web address: http://nbcsports.msnbc.com/ watch at this web address: http://nbcsports.msnbc.com/id/46164445 2pm ET edit: must install Microsoft SilverLight to function (if it's not there already) http://www.microsoft.com/getsilverlight/Get-Started/Install/Default.aspx
  19. In breaking news... all members of Homeland Security’s ICE unit received free tickets to the Super Bowl.
  20. Mixed feelings. Unless the power to weight ratio is something better than an ordinary engine, there really isn't a performance advantage. Somewhere in the data it says 1 to 2 pounds of engine weight per horsepower. 2 pounds per isn't special. 1 pound is impressive.
  21. grab the gear check for rain kick the tires kick the chain start the engine check the throttle check the brakes side stand up? go Ok, maybe that's just a Honda, but seriously look the bike over closely at least once a week. I have a habit of looking at the exposed parts of the tires every time I get on and get off. And I've had enough leaky bikes I'll look for a puddle of oil/fuel/coolant also.
  22. Check power steering pump mount and hardware for tightness. Known source of rapping.
  23. 61. Forever young. And youse pups still won't listen...
  24. Typo yes, but torque is increased when gearing an engine down. Use a calender to time the event. It might take a while to get anywhere.
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