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Everything posted by ReconRat

  1. There's a bunch of DIY heated clothing projects on the web. A couple of things: Heating the kidneys at the back will allow warmth throughout the body, using the blood stream. The kidneys are also the body's radiator to remove heat. It might be uncomfortable for some people. There are warnings about not heating some parts of the body too much. I think it's the upper chest in front, but I'd have to look that up. Something about bad side effects on some people. I thought the wire was supposed to be nichrome resistance wire, which has resistance to produce more heat for length. Maybe that was only for those handlebar grip projects, where it needs more heat from less wire. Instead of wiring by threading everywhere, I'd make 3 or 4 textile panels, glued or stitched together, with the wires inside. Lay the wire out on one half of a panel, and cover it with the other. I think I'd try spray fabric glue stuff. And attach those to the clothing with velcro or snaps, and wire them up. edit: 3M Super 77 spray adhesive. I think the only place I've ever found it was Andersons. Used it for a headliner. I would try it, if I were cold, but I'd just do a vest and skip the arms. Although the heat has to stay close to the body, most recommend keeping at least a T-shirt in between.
  2. $5800 would be about average, for an average bike. As long as it runs, don't blow smoke, and don't LBTS. Although maybe should be lower this time of year.
  3. One more funny thought. If income disparity is addressed, it seems to me that there wouldn't necessarily be more cash for each individual... rather there would simply be more people just like yourself at your same level of income. Yet another case of "careful what you wish for".
  4. Global income calculators have been running around on Google+. Per this calculator, about $50,000 USD is the cutoff for the top 1% of the world income. About $25,000 USD would put you in the top 10% of the world. http://www.globalrichlist.com/ Here's one from the Wall Street Journal, for calculating USA income percentile. Pretty much everyone below $500,000 USD annual is the 99%. New York Times says $402,306 per year is the cutoff. http://blogs.wsj.com/economics/2011/10/19/what-percent-are-you/ For more fun, here's an interesting analysis from UCSC Sociology dept: Who Rules America? (power/wealth) tons of info. http://sociology.ucsc.edu/whorulesamerica/power/wealth.html This might be the most interesting part of the article: http://sociology.ucsc.edu/whorulesamerica/power/images/wealth/Figure_4.gif Take a close look at the actual percentages. If I read it right, it literally says the bottom 40% of the population is not working and has no income. I think that is a problem right there. I tend to think, that 1% of the US population was smart enough to get out of the stock market every time it collapsed. That effectively doubled or tripled their cash. I also think that the poorer parts of the world survive on trade and barter, and really don't show up as having an income of cash in any sort of calculator. edit: One of the difficulties that will come about in looking at numbers, is whether it is individual income or household income. If a spouse or adult children are at home and not working, it can throw the calculations off either way you look at it.
  5. Yeah, Friday driving habits... not so good. People distracted, on phones, stuff. I had frost on outside and inside. Guess I live in a swamp. Hit bad traffic jam downtown. Apparently a deputy sheriff spotted a car he wanted. That blocked two lanes, and morning rush hour backed up a half mile. It took a while to get past that. But no bike, it really was slippery around my hood. I'll ride a few days next week, I'm sure. Till the salt comes out and I lose interest.
  6. The apparent temperature (wind chill) will be below the dew point tomorrow morning. That will result in frost on the roads in various places at various times between 5am and 10am. Having hit frost before (even a few days ago), and finding it not so much fun, I'd thought I'd mention it...
  7. Got lucky, dropped to misdemeanor on one of the two charges: http://tribune-democrat.com/local/x717136076/In-brief-Stolen-motorcycle-case-moves-to-court
  8. I didn't get the memo, I rode to work at 6:30am. Went around the wet spots that shimmered like icy stuff. Maybe one squirmy spot found, where the front tire started hunting around. In packed heavy traffic downtown, of course. Actually, it was only wet when I first looked, but when I took off a couple of minutes later, there was clearly a layer of frost on a bunch of stuff. And it was worth it for the nice temperatures in the afternoon. I haven't even got out cold weather riding gear yet, only the gloves and that was this morning. Seriously, there isn't any salt on the roads yet.
  9. lol, Louisiana IS second hand goods... soo, theft is legal there, if cash is refused when selling stolen items? Locking the barn door after the horse is gone, me thinks. Ignoring the actual crime. Or simply giving up on enforcing it.
  10. lol, dammit, how many times do I have to do this... ORC 4511.55 Operating bicycles and motorcycles on roadway. ... (B) Persons riding bicycles or motorcycles upon a roadway shall ride not more than two abreast in a single lane, except on paths or parts of roadways set aside for the exclusive use of bicycles or motorcycles. ... It takes practice to ride two abreast. It's basically parade formation. But it is legal Ohio law. I used to do it all the time, if I know the other rider real well. edit: I won't recommend it, since eventually you will bump or tangle with the other bike.
  11. .380 can't really be made into 9mm. It would stretch the case too thin. You can generally trade them in at anywhere that sells reloading supplies. Best bet is to trade with someone, for brass that you will be loading. Discard as scrap anything with cracks or dents. A dent will still load if it doesn't jam in the loading rig, but the dent will raise the internal pressures, making for a bogus and potentially dangerous load that will probably just crack anyway. edit: not to mention that to stretch the length of brass it has to be worked larger and smaller till it stretches, with numerous heating to anneal and soften the brass while working. A pitb.
  12. Debts to other countries are nothing new, and used to be settled by trading land for debt. So what part of the USA would we give away, that another country would actually want? My guess is that Japan would cover us in trade for Hawaii, which would fetch a rather high value. China, who owns our debt, would take anything. I would guess they would have an interest in our West Coast. Anything from LA to Alaska.
  13. Don't know about anyone else, but I have to think of Brazil. Their economy went bonkers in the late 90s, and the money they earned from their paycheck wouldn't make it from where they cashed it to the grocery to spend it. It devalued that fast. They were in that bad of condition. But they survived, and are a reasonably powerful economy now. Eighth largest economy in the world. If anything, that's exactly what would happen to us. A decade of struggle. In part triggered by the Asian economic troubles of the time. Which were brought on by bad decisions and practices by some of the Asian banks. The economic struggles of the renewed Russia at the same time didn't help. The point there would be that even a hint of troubles in the Euro Nation will certainly effect the USA, and vice versa. edit: oh, and don't forget the 512 point drop in the DOW in 1998 as a result. That and several other drops in the DOW that same year. At the time, the second largest drop in the history of the DOW.
  14. There was talk of switching to Euro for oil trading, and this would be one reason why. But then the Euro Nation got shaky, and doubts about Euro. Not much else to work with...
  15. Because in this case, seven billion people were watching. (The entire world)
  16. I also remember radium paint in the hardware. Great glow in the dark, since..well... it was radioactive radium...
  17. Might go for it in a year or so. If 4G gets around, and I get tired of this DroidX.
  18. Apparently there's some sort of reverse "good Samaritan" law there. If you try to help some one, you can be judged the responsible and/or guilty party. It comes from a judge's decision in a prior case, and currently keeps people from getting involved.
  19. Per Australian news, both drivers have been arrested and most of the maybe 18 people that passed by have been interviewed. Despite what the camera can see, apparently it was pretty dark and hard to see what was there. Yueyue is in a military hospital in critical condition, and is not expected to regain consciousness. Pretty much the entire country of China, and much of the outside world, has watched this video. 'It was too dark': passers-by deny seeing dying toddler Yueyue at their feet Only the guilty help the injured: legacy of the 'Nanjing Judge' all too apparent as passers-by ignore hit-run toddler edit: Also interesting, a news article in the Chinese Xinhua English news source by Li Hongmei, titled "Social ills mirrored in passersby's cold-bloodedness:", has been deleted by the Chinese.
  20. That was satirical. Not meant to be serious. It's a place in the world that makes rules that don't value life. It's not the only place in the world like that. There are worse.
  21. Girl children in a country where families are only allowed to have one child, are worth nothing. Very sad.
  22. It says Vances, Gander, New Albany, BlackWing and TC got it.
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