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Everything posted by ReconRat

  1. Standard question. Any answer is admissible evidence. And it's good enough to issue the citation. I've actually said "not sayin' ", which gets a confused look, and they try again repeatedly. When they get to the non moving violations, I say "Yes, you are correct." Done deal, I'll take that for my being stupid.
  2. Waypoint targets for his flight, plus camera crew standing there that he shouldn't hit at 120mph.
  3. eek.... dude, he averaged 103.52 mph on a 12.94 mile track in 7.50 minutes... gyrocam is pretty cool. Gonna have to figure out how to build one.
  4. "Security is mostly a superstition. It does not exist in nature, nor do the children of men as a whole experience it. Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. Life is either a daring adventure, or nothing." - Helen Keller, The Open Door (1957) edit: Part of that quote was at the start of one of the videos. That's the full quote from the book.
  5. Another good question. I only know two places that look like that. A place in the Alps, and down in South Africa. edit: I guess there is a place in New Zealand that I don't know about. argh edit: lol, I see he's jumped in Brazil also. Tall mountains there right by the city. *searching* One website says its the Swiss Alps. And another says he did 122mph on that flight. Here's another video of a casual flight through the crack: And one of best of highlights from flights: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sgKiAooWfsU&feature=player_detailpage http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7bJmVJZbmIk&feature=player_detailpage
  6. When the IRS started up the on line tax returns, they were so proud that people were being responsible and using it and filing early. Estimates were that up to 30% of the early returns were fraudulent by the second year that on line filing was available. The fraudulent activity centered around Atlanta. The IRS didn't want to talk about, and specifically hasn't said much about it. In the following years it was an even higher percentage, and spreading to other cities as others learned how to operate the scam. I'm sure it continues, and has reached an unbelievable percent and dollar amount of fraud. I have no idea now bad it's gotten, but if we believe some of the estimates, it's far worse than we know. And the IRS still doesn't want to talk about it. IRS alerts IRS tax fraud alerts IRS example list of 2011 fraudulent returns caught IRS example list of 2010 fraudulent returns caught IRS example list of 2009 fraudulent returns caught
  7. I second the smooth as vitally important. And I would say the line comes first, it always should be correct. It takes experience to change a line in the middle of a turn under stress. Leaning isn't necessary at all. But it's good to know how to, if you need to change/recover in a turn. The correct body position will mostly happen with practice and time. My two cents...
  8. The maximum speed for a human body falling in the lower atmosphere is around 120mph. So he might have gotten close to that at some point. The absolute maximum speed for a human body falling from way up around 100,000-120,000 feet altitude, is a bit over 600mph. The record is 614mph in 1960. There are people who want to break those records. edit: I recently found out that an aerodynamic object like a arrow shaped smooth bomb can fall at up to 2 1/2 times the speed of sound. If dropped from an extremely high altitude. 2200 mph+.
  9. Nah, more likely lots and lots of poor people decided to play the Lotto. Have to be ready for them, they will need a nice car.
  10. The main reason shipping centers are being built between here and Mexico, is because of all the stuff bought from overseas, is now imported into Mexican ports for delivery to the USA. Our ports for importing are overloaded, and apparently there's not going to be anymore built in the USA to handle the incoming load. So if we don't want the truck traffic between here and Mexico, quit buying crap from overseas. Of course, that would solve one problem, and create many others. Choose wisely... edit: oh yeah, and the deal with the imports from India, centers around the news that Gibson Guitar got busted AGAIN for importing wood from India. Imports that India said was ok, but the USA interprets to be not so, per the USA's interpretation of law in India. Go figure that one out. I can't...
  11. It's open sign up now. Go to https://plus.google.com/ and sign up with your gmail account user/password. Get a gmail account user/password if you don't have one. Create gmail account.
  12. Figured some one would find that helmet pic. In some of her pics, you realize she's just a hometown girl next door type. And then she changes... btw, she's traveling for photo shoots, and will be in Ohio in October: 8th-15th: Cincinnati, OH - Columbus, OH - Pittsburgh, PA 16th-21st: Cleveland, OH - Akron, OH - Detroit, MI
  13. Lots of stuff. That's where I got that paraglide wingsuit video. And this picture. Jessi June, a google+ person of interest. A professional model, working on becoming a professional photographer. Yes, I google follow her, how could I not. Besides, she's a good person, chatty and nice to talk to. Jessi June from the Maxim shoot: Photo from Google user content https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-Sum3zmtXVLM/Tl_O14bZI6I/AAAAAAAACtA/8pT7MFjgvz8/s512/Pic_K4_01_02_147292_101_0_0_3_1.jpg
  14. This guy's name is Jeb Corliss, and I guess I'll have to look for more stuff from him. Wingsuits have been around for a while. Special Forces had them many many years ago. This guy flies his down the side of a mountain through a ravine, barely clearing the tops of ridges... But this guy is maximum awesome. Very advanced skill level, do not try this at home. Hell, don't even think about it, I might fall off my chair watching it... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TWfph3iNC-k
  15. btw, also used on the 1988 VT800 same part number really is obsolete / out of stock everywhere
  16. dunno, it's obsolete, so any found on the internet may already be gone. This one didn't say out of stock: http://www.funmartcycle.net/fiche_section_detail.asp?section=178381&category=MOTORCYCLES&make=HONDA&year=1986&fveh=4044 forget that, try servicehonda, cheaper... http://www.servicehonda.com/already-have-your-part-number
  17. That thing ADT likes to use for security alarms. Which oddly enough, is what land lines were used for in the first place, not for phones. Nobody cared about phones back when they had both telegraphs and a decent postal service and nobody was in a hurry.
  18. I'm phone impaired... for all my tech geekness, I fail to understand phones... edit: but I make up for it by having lasers all over the place, heh....
  19. Yup, old fashioned land line phone stopped working. No dial tone, no calling out, and calling in only got a busy signal. No guarantee the repair guys could fix it without having to charge a minimum $110 if it was inside the house. So it was time to say bye bye land line, was nice knowing you. Stupid phone didn't get hardly anything except scams and sales calls, trying to talk me out of money endlessly. I was so tired of picking up the phone and jumping in people's shit for messing with me. It's over, they can go pester someone else now, not me. Worse, I had gone to SBC since that was like... 5 bucks instead of the 40 bucks that AT&T charged for the same service. And then AT&T bought SBC, switched me back, and charged me the 40 bucks again. Same service... And then started charging me 5 bucks because I wasn't making any long distance calls for them to charge me. They suck. I'm glad they're gone. One less bill to pay. Even better, I now have Google Voice, to forward the calls to mobile. So I won't have to give out the mobile number. And it filters the spam. And takes messages, both voice and text. And now I can call from any device anywhere, computer, phone, whatever. And all sorts of neat stuff. What took me so long...
  20. Maybe add Ohio to the short list... Bill Would Require Drug Tests For Ohio Public Aid
  21. Saw this, pretty cool if true... free if email address is military (dot mil). Google lets US soldiers call home for free Here it is, on the Google website: US Service Members abroad: call home for free edit: this item courtesy of Sarah Price, Gmail community manager; via Melissa Daniels, Chrome OS community manager; on Google+.
  22. I have a Facebook Group. Can it be converted into a Page? edit: Google+ , just sayin'
  23. http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&safe=off&biw=1024&bih=631&q=Kenda+K+761+tires+advrider&btnG=Search&oq=Kenda+K+761+tires+advrider&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&gs_sm=s&gs_upl=1012l1012l0l4020l1l1l0l0l0l0l225l225l2-1l1l0 Sort of good for the 90% street 10% off road, but not as good on a wet road. One guy thinks Shinko 241 is similar and better in the wet.
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