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Everything posted by ReconRat

  1. You can rent a charter jet, but it will cost anywhere from $3000 to $30,000, plus fees. some charge a flat rate, some charge an hourly rate, plus rules about layovers, max time, range, stuff. The advantage is that it would be ready to go when you are. The problem is that it would have to be fast enough to meet your time constraints. So a small turbo prop aircraft might not work out. Also have to consider where a larger jet can land. You can get a smaller aircraft to land at an airport closer to your departure and destination. Where's Julie when we need her. She would know this stuff.
  2. Odd that when I travel to Florida, it's often better weather up in Ohio. That's weird in December. There are some changes in weather patterns going on, without a definite well understood cause for the effect. The only answer I know that makes sense, is a shift in the Atlantic ocean currents up over the top of Greenland, instead of going South and below, on it's way to Europe. This is also melting the North polar ice cap. Global warming, according to NASA, can't quite be found yet. Even though temperatures over some or all of the continents is going up, the temperatures over the oceans are not. The oceans are releasing even more heat to space than before. And it's all about the oceans, the massive amount of water there and it's temperatures rule everything about the weather.
  3. Yeah, about those mini 14 barrels, if I remember right, the barrel rate of twist wasn't good on the old ones. the newer ones changed that. edit: Or more precisely, the old barrel was for the old type of 223 ammo. When the ammo changed up, so did the barrels. Wouldn't have changed if it wasn't touchy about the ammo fired. All 223 rifles are. Some ammo will be more accurate than others, which is true for everything, but more so with a 223 rifle.
  4. I had two, neither was very accurate, even with efforts to improve. A bolt action or lever action will work much better. You don't need a really rapid second shot, most animals are very fast and gone if that first shot misses. If it's not windy, a 223 or 22-250 work well. But I still like 30cal in 308 or 30-06, in windy conditions. Really accurate rifles are kinda hard to find. It's usually that old one that Grandpa has that he won't sell. I think for a low cost working rifle around the farm, an old SKS might do the job.
  5. 2011 ZX-10 electrical wire pinching recall, and 2008-2010 ST1300 rear brake line recall. http://blogs.wsj.com/drivers-seat/2011/07/27/kawasaki-honda-announce-motorcycle-recalls/?mod=google_news_blog
  6. Everyone ok, wearing gear. Bike totaled. Probably lucky they didn't sail off a cliff. They weren't going very fast on the twisty road. http://www.autoblog.com/2011/07/26/motorcycle-on-motorcycle-crash-footage-will-make-you-cringe/#continued
  7. Punks... edit: posted from Rule 3, where almost no one from here bothered to show up...
  8. Still not sure about that one, but the Google programmers are validating the celebs that are on board as being real people. As well as everyone else. No fakes allowed. Not that the celebs are posting much. Although Mariah Carey is posting a lot of stuff.
  9. Everything is a blur when I go up an entrance ramp, heh...
  10. ok, added Taylor Swift and Paris Hilton to a circle per one of the Google programmer's threads. Now to figure out if they are really using it themselves or not. Google+ is growing fast, but a lot of people haven't figured out how to really use it yet.
  11. sort of "how's that new pavement working out for ya?"
  12. I thought it was simply minimum of 5 brake horsepower, and don't drive slower than 45mph... It's a judgment call of local jurisdiction. I haven't seen one of those signs on a freeway entrance for years. I rode freeways with a 160cc all the time. But it was a fast 160cc. And it wasn't crowded freeways, no cell phones, etc etc.
  13. " troopers suspect someone intentionally put the objects in northbound lanes of state Route 225 near Paris." cinder blocks and logs... over the top of a hill where it would be too late to see it... http://www2.nbc4i.com/news/2011/jul/23/ohio-troopers-warn-drivers-about-objects-road-ar-633312/
  14. Maybe that's why it's in pics and vids... edit: It's in their local news because a gazillion people have seen this dude on the roadways and asked "who was that naked man/person/thing"?
  15. Who hit who? Trooper pulled out after the first bike, right into the path of the second one. Bike crashes, rider charged. High speeds of 100+ mph. http://www.seattlepi.com/news/article/Police-NY-motorcycle-hits-police-car-at-100-mph-1554005.php http://www.poughkeepsiejournal.com/article/20110723/NEWS12/110723012/Police-NY-motorcycle-hits-police-car-100-mph?odyssey=tab|topnews|text|PoughkeepsieJournal.com
  16. Naked squid in the news... Pics & vid at the link And oddly, doing it wrong. Wearing Kaw green on blue Yammie... http://www.wtkr.com/news/ktvi-naked-motorcyclist-hot-weather-072211,0,4231289.story http://www.wtkr.com/news/ktvi-the-nearnaked-motorcyclist-20110722,0,1017712.photogallery
  17. Pretty darn good skills... Jalopnik link http://jalopnik.com/5823590/cotd-bmw-explains-how-to-surf-your-motorcycle
  18. I'm going to guess that the rear brake fluid had a little water or air in it, and expanded in the heat. That would give a spongy rear brake pedal, as well as expanding and activating the brake. Maybe. Not sure about the chain and sprocket noise, but if the rear brake locked up that hard, maybe the rear axle did move to the rear, and over tighten the chain. Not worried about the output shaft, they are very strong. And if it was bent, there would probably be a noticeable vibration from it. edit: ok, take two. If the rear caliper stuck open or on, you wouldn't have much rear brake pedal, it would feel spongy, nothing but return spring mostly. I stuck one by hitting the rear brake really hard on the freeway. I felt it dragging all the way home. I kicked the rear caliper mount on it's swing arm slide, and it freed up. It was stuck. No clue how or why it would stick. I'm guessing a tiny amount of grit jammed it. I pulled the assemby off, cleaned and checked it, and put on a light coat of high temp lube, on the part of the caliper that slides on the swing arm mount. Or something similar, preferably a dry something that won't collect dirt. A dry Teflon spray works well.
  19. Full 2011 trailer shown at Comic-Con 2011 http://www.amctv.com/the-walking-dead/videos/the-walking-dead-season-2-trailer-from-comic-con A full 13 episodes this year. edit: lolz, sorry Chevy, apparently I'm too tired to read what's posted... I thought it was a different trailer, it's the same one.
  20. yeah, price has gone up 50 bucks in two years... tsk...
  21. ReconRat

    New cams

    And yeah, old cb750 engines can be a bear to work on. Corrosion mostly, making it hard to dismantle. So snapping bolts on removal isn't a surprise. Impact drivers help a lot. I've even snapped hardware on purpose, it's sometimes just quicker. But snapping hardware off really should not be happening on assembly.
  22. ReconRat

    New cams

    From experience, there's a lot of poor quality sources on grade 5 and up. Some of it is just junk or completely a fake ripoff. So buying from a good quality source is important. Examples: the bolts that come with Monroe shocks are crap and will snap off the first chance they get. But replace them with low cost correct grade bolts from NAPA, and they will work fine. Cheapo products made overseas *cough* often have butter soft hardware. I've replaced quite a few, and so has everyone else. Grade 8 hardware that won't meet it's spec, will often be marked grade 5 and sold. Works, but it's not what was wanted. Can be brittle or worse. Military projects switched from mil spec to commercial specs, and went the ISO9000 route where everyone is trusted to be honest and sell good stuff. A number of companies immediately dumped all of their old out of spec hardware stock on the market, because no one would check. Most got caught. They no longer do business with anyone that's ISO9000 compliant, but I'm sure they sell it somewhere, and still do business dishonestly. This was also the reason the first C-5B Galaxy almost crashed on first flight. All the poor quality sheet metal rivets unzipped and got sucked up by the engines. Entire sheet metal panels were flapping in the wind. Three of the four engines were shut down before making it back on the ground. Heads rolled all the way to congress on that one.
  23. yeah yeah, I understand the record label did it, and people/corps should protect their rights. But the image of Apple frothing at the mouth to sue to sustain capital adventures is a hard one to avoid. It's a technique for income, and it works well. Apple invents stuff, patents the ideas, and waits for the future to bring it back to them. And currently, there is nothing wrong with that. Microsoft and Oracle do it all the time. And everyone else wants to. Spend the money on R&D and generate a profit. What comes to mind is attempts to sue Kodak for electronic camera inventions backfired terribly. Kodak had patents from back when they were doing mil-spec work for spy satellites, and turned the tables on everyone. Lots of computer/electronic tech was mil-spec, and no one is talking about that part of the past. A lot of it is still considered secret. Those that patent ideas are not always the ones that invented it. Call me old fashioned, but I'd rather see the "build it and the world will beat a path to your door". Not build it and hide it and and wait for everyone else to step into your trap and beat the hell out of them with a lawsuit on the cheap. edit: And I don't think tech lawsuits would be so prevalent, if corporate profits were viable from the sale of products. Which leads me to always think that a company that does so is on shaky ground with their products.
  24. Funny is... The Beatles sued Apple for the use of the term "Apple" and won...
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