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Everything posted by ReconRat

  1. It's Friday night... Occasionally we flood the place with a good percentage of sport bikes. Besides, a huge group leaves when the sun goes down.
  2. @ It'sMyRR: So what have you been doing? You've dropped out of sight for a while... Still the same bike?
  3. So how's that StreetGlide ride? I'm curious. I'm betting it's a good one. Happy with it?
  4. I always pull up and "beep beep" like the roadrunner to the coyote, and take off... wheelies allowed in those cases... yeah, I'll wave, it always confuses them... no, they never wave back, hell, they never smile... edit: so why the hell do they ride? everyone I know has a big smile when having fun riding. Apparently those that are not smiling, are not having any fun...
  5. live acoustic music - Derek Payne - June 10 & 24 @ Hooters Hilliard Bike Night http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000206345113#!/event.php?eid=167470536647270
  6. Reminds me of three of us coming up on the back end of a parade on 664 a couple of years back. Might have been moving at 25-30 mph and slower on the corners... Must have been 40 or 50 of them, no way to pass...
  7. yeah, seen those before. Seen them merge onto a packed freeway at that speed also. 45-50... I suspect noobs. Probably should have the first year helmet on. As if they even had a temp...
  8. heh, error in thinking. Supposed to get bling bling rotors...
  9. All good... if you never go over 25mph...
  10. There are some differences in DID 520 chain, both in strength and design. Both result in having to use a particular master link. Your chain should be marked on the links as to which chain it is. edit: The new design chains are marked on the side plates, the old design is not. Buy the one that matches that. Looks like both rivet and clip are used. But basically, an old style Zj rivet or Fj clip type are used, unless your chain is marked 520ZVM-X, 520ERT2, 520ERV3 or 520T2. There is an Rj clip type, but I don't know the difference. I think it's not as strong. DID chain specs: http://www.didchain.com/chainSpecs.html edit: crap, now I have to check my new chain and master link to see if they are compatible... (I'm pretty sure mine was 530ZVM-X, and that was on the master link package.)
  11. Yeah, you won't see me wearing a dork helmet on a bicycle. I might rock my old Buco, but only if racing that bicycle at insane speeds.
  12. No state law except for motorized bicycle (under 18). Typical city code (Columbus Municipal Code): 2173.02 - Rules for bicycles, motorcycles, snowmobiles, and children's non-motorized vehicles. ... (B) (1) No person under the age of eighteen (18) shall operate a bicycle or children's non-motorized vehicle within the City without wearing a protective helmet on the person's head, with the chin strap fastened under the person's chin. Such helmet shall be fitted to the size of the operator's head and shall meet or exceed the standards set forth by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC). No person the age of one (1) or older but under the age of eighteen (18) shall ride as a passenger on a bicycle or non-motorized vehicle equipped with a firmly attached passenger seat or astride a regular seat on a tandem bicycle, within the City without wearing a protective helmet on the person's head, with the chin strap fastened under the person's chin. Such helmet shall be fitted to the size of the operator's head and shall meet or exceed the standards set forth by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC). Failure to wear a protective helmet as required in this division shall not be considered to be comparative or contributory negligence on the part of the parent, guardian, custodian, person having custody or control, or person in loco parentis of a child nor on the part of the child nor shall such failure be admissible in any civil action. (2) No person, who is the parent, guardian, custodian, person having custody or control, or person in loco parentis of a child under eighteen (18) years of age shall authorize or knowingly permit such child to violate any provision of this division.
  13. Here's a long writeup on the 600rr.net. This guy used welding. Lots of info here, the complete repair, prep, and painting. http://www.600rr.net/vb/showthread.php?t=105576
  14. There are appropriate automotive kits to repair various types of automotive plastics. You'll have to identify the type of plastic first. But the kits either bond together at the seam, or reinforce from behind, or both. It also used to be popular to weld the plastic. I don't hear much of that anymore. Identifying the plastic isn't so easy. Here's an example: http://www.urethanesupply.com/identify.php edit: there's supposed to be an identifying code on the parts. For the type of plastic. And after looking at the chart, notice that welding is appropriate for some plastics, bonding for others, and epoxies for fiberglass. And sometimes there's more than one way to fix it.
  15. Domestic terrorism causes more damage in the USA than that from foreign terrorists. When that stops, things might change. I doubt it will ever stop.
  16. Years ago I had one filter in moderately heavy traffic on the West outer belt. I was in the work van with the boss. I started a lane change to the right, and suddenly turned my signal off and stayed in my lane. I had seen a fast moving flash in the right hand mirror. Barely caught this in my side vision. Yup, filtered by idiot. Zoomed down the side of the van, in and out of traffic. More or less ridding down the lane marker between lanes. Doubt that he realized he was almost a spat on the back on my van. edit: I'm gonna go with a motorcycle is a tool, not a toy...
  17. I like their definition of "squid" as being fast in a straight line and has to stop to turn. But the no gear might have to be part of that.
  18. Lots of different flavors of squid... (these are all noob squids) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UT_oJgOhEeM lol, I like the one where the dude comes out the driveway, pops the wheelie, and the bike shoots off the road in the air. Didn't know a bike could shoot up into the air like that.
  19. Wasn't a good one. Woke up this morning, had a dream I hit a red mini van, that was ahead of me traveling same direction in same lane, in it's right side, a glancing blow, when it slid sideways stopping in an intersection. I woke up at the part where the bike stands up on it's front wheel trying to stop. ewww, creepy... But silly, I'm pretty good at really sudden maneuvers around stuff, and prefer doing that to actually hitting the brakes and trying to stop. Especially when stopping won't work.
  20. Everything you ever wanted to know about motorcycle oil. http://www.ohioriders.net/showthread.php?t=17360 When in doubt, use what is listed in your user manual that came with the bike. Or what is listed in your bike's service manual.
  21. I thought Jim Fischer was the camera guy on the 2nd bike. It doesn't really say, but from the way it's worded, that's what I got out of it. Meaning I thought it was a quote from the Jim Fischer facebook page.
  22. My instructor liked paddle holsters. His reasoning was that it was quite easy to remove when exiting a vehicle. Don't have to get out, stand up, and fumble around where people can see you. Fobus was the first out with that type and style of holster and retention system. And it's really a spin off from Israeli military gear. So I'm not surprised if the Blackhawk is better.
  23. I'm too lazy to pull the quotes from the thread, but the knife blade limit thing... Ohio doesn't apparently have a specific regulation for the blade length, not that I've ever found. There are generalized weapon laws that would probably cover it. However, almost every municipality does. Most are sort of standardized as 3.0 to 3.5 inch max blade length, but some cities, counties, townships, etc will vary. And the way the blade length is measured will vary also. So there is a lot of variety. And it could be a judgment call of the officer. Opinion: This law goes way back. To when cities required people entering the city limits to disarm. Bowie blades were considered dangerous ordnance. Along with other swords, battle axes, hatchets, etc. Apparently there were a lot of fatal knife fights way back when. And bowie blades were the weapon of choice. They weren't cheap, they probably cost near as much as a firearm. Almost all knife blade length limit laws will specifically list bowie blades separately, as being none allowed. Completely banned. Which is humorous, when I see a tiny miniature bowie blade on somebody's belt. (Yes, I've got one too.) edit: And yes, butterfly knives were added as a banned weapon, after they started showing up on the street everywhere.
  24. hmmm, Monday mornings and Friday afternoons/evenings aren't for beginners. Same goes for rush hour anywhere anytime. Go when traffic isn't maxed out. Go a little earlier in the morning, and avoid the crowds. Watch side streets. People pull out without brain engaged in the mornings. Don't discount just cruising along behind a car, it works.
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