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Everything posted by ReconRat

  1. ReconRat


    Quite generous, since in my opinion, retail comes from a bike shop, with an inspection, repairs, and a warranty. For what it's worth...
  2. yeahhh, they came with new iMacs. Almost everyone that got one, hates them. I've had them up and fail to track. Just quit and refuse. Using them when boot camped into windows on a Mac is a bad idea.
  3. "Freedom's just another word, for nothing left to loose" - Me and Bobby McGee; Kris Kristofferson and Fred Foster, but best remembered as sung by Janis Joplin.
  4. hahahaha.... Gary Dulwich.... here's the dirt. I think he's over in Manchester England. http://www.ripoffreport.com/directory/Gary-Dulwich.aspx http://clscambuster.blogspot.com/ Name: Gary McDonald Alias: Gary Dulwich, David Williams
  5. I'm getting mail from Wells Fargo, somebody using one of my emails. But not exactly the same name. Maybe a user error on email address, but a pattern appears that looks deceptive. I need to draft an email to Wells Fargo, it appears they might be getting scammed.
  6. I ran these calculations for fun when I got back into riding. No win scenario. Can't be done. Even worse when buying bits and pieces for the bike and clothing and gear. But... when I realized that I can't smoke cigarettes while riding, the calculations come out a winner, bike beats car easily. If I would quit buying those extra parts and stuff and just ride it till it drops. Granted that I have fairly cheap bike insurance. My opinion, is that most people won't even come close, unless they give up the car or truck altogether. It's difficult to get on and ride on a cold or wet morning. And that's what you have to do to make it pay off. edit: as the gas prices continue to go up, the formula should shift in favor of the bike. I'm going to have to check, but the up geared red 919 seems to be getting about 55mpg in the city. Didn't expect that. edit: nope, last tank full got 44mpg. Normal, nothing special.
  7. I never met Yeager. But I know what you mean. I did run into his niece working at Rockwell. Her name was Yeager also.
  8. SR-71 story. They flew out of Kadena AFB in Okinawa secretly or not so secretly. My Army base office was a couple of miles away. On days of flight preps, I'd feel a light shaking of the ground, and I'd look at my coffee and see the shock waves. I'd look at the clock, and it would be the SR-71's 50% engine run up prior to take off. We'd leave at the end of work and drive over to the end of the runway to catch the take off. Not allowed, but we'd hit and run. We'd be there just in time for a runway line up and another test run up or two of the engines at 50% and 100% power. Heat and turbulence and smell of jet fuel blasting at us far back at the base fence. The take off roll is deceptively slow. It's a large aircraft from all view points. It would hold the runway extra long for a high ground speed, and then suddenly pop up, skim the runway, raise landing gear, and pull. Pull straight up into what appeared to be an absolute vertical climb. Full afterburner, flames streaking longer than the aircraft, accelerating straight up as far as we could see. It was a freaking space ship. I found out years later that it would hold the climb till 30,000 feet, and level off for re-fueling from a tanker. Fuel was gone, time for more. It was a fuel hog on take off, but much better at a mach cruise.
  9. lololol, U2s are notoriously difficult to land. Wings are too thin for landing gear. That's a great video. Never seen that one before.
  10. My Father was a Rockwell test pilot, so I knew a few of them when I worked there. And one of my high school buddies was the son of one of them. So we knew a lot of the stories and adventures. Some were outright crazy. I watched a rear seat pilot bail out of an RA5C at low altitude on approach when the engines flamed out with a big pop and made me look. Pilot restarted and went on to land, I drove over to the farmer's field to pick up the rear seater. He didn't want a ride, but I stayed with him till airport rescue arrived. He was actually quite frosted up, even though it was Summer and low altitude. He was more worried about his secret ejection seat than himself. I went outside on a warm Summer day, to watch an RA5C Vigilante cruise down the street in front of the house at low altitude, goofing the engines to make a whooping sound repeatedly. One of the pilots messing around. Yeah, suburb of Columbus. I'm sitting in a friend's driveway at night, on motorcycle, with two other friends on motorcycles. One is the son of a test pilot, and the other is the son of the Rickenbacker MAC base commander. A plane flies by slowly, and we can hear the twin engines, and we know it's one of the Rockwell OV-10s that the one father flies. It turns 270, shuts it's navigation lights off, and dives at us. This is no ordinary aircraft, this is the prototype YOV-10D night observation attack Bronco. It pulls out low over our heads with a thunder and a roar, and zooms up into an Immelmann turn, and dives on us again. And then just continues on his way like nothing happened. The pilot could see us with the new night vision, and even recognize his son on his motorcycle. One of the test pilots wrote a book called "The Wrong Stuff". Much hated by the test pilot community, it details some of the really crazy stuff that went on. It's a book that's hard to find. I found my Dad's copy and brought it home this year to read again. Don't forget Brigadier General Charles E. "Chuck" Yeager. that's a great book to read as well. Wolfe, Tom. The Right Stuff. New York: Farrar-Straus-Giroux, 1979. ISBN 0-374-25033-2. And yes, I may have posted this before. But I'm doing it again. I want to remember these things forever.
  11. durr... I HAVE carried an M-16 on a motorcycle. Strapped on my back with the muzzle down. Funny that, none of the cars would drive anywhere near me... edit: no typo, M-16A1, not AR-15
  12. An area of rain stretching from northern Kentucky through Cincinnati and up toward Dayton is showing widespread trace to .1 inch, with large areas of .25 inch and isolated areas of .5 inch of rainfall. This is the amount of rainfall per hour. This band of rain is moving toward Marion and Sandusky, but will probably slide over and hit Columbus and Mansfield. edit: Dayton of course, just got soaked. It could be worse, everything West of central Ohio got it last night. With widespread 4 to 6 inches of rain and the occasional 10 inches of rain.
  13. I put a bungie cord across the bottom. That works. The cover might come off, but it will still be there. Tie a knot or two in the bugie cord if it' s too long, to make it tighter.
  14. Motorcycle theft ring busted in Tampa Florida. $350,000 worth of bikes stolen. All were VIN altered and sold on CraigsList. 22 recovered, 12 returned to owners. Maybe 48 or more stolen. http://www.miamiherald.com/2011/05/26/2236313/motorcycle-theft-ring-busted-in.html http://www.abcactionnews.com/dpp/news/region_hillsborough/three-men-arrested-after-stealing-$350,000-worth-of-motorcycles-in-theft-ring http://www2.tbo.com/news/news/2011/may/26/motorcycle-theft-ring-in-hillsborough-three-arrest-ar-232788/ The important thing to note here, is that those that bought the motorcycles are victims also, and will generally not be able to recoup loses in purchasing the motorcycles. Yup, buyer beware.
  15. Van Wert and Sandusky got the tornado(s). EF-1 If you hear what sounds like a dozen semis or freight trains outside tonight, don't ignore it.
  16. Mostly I see inattentive people that don't drive well. That's a problem when merging, either me or them. A couple of close calls, but in both cases I pulled up to a front window and forced the SUV off the road or back out of a lane with a motorcycle. Not recommended. Other times I just back off and let them go. A couple or three have actually chased me all road raged for no reason. Once I took off and left, and the in the other I stopped and asked them to roll down the window so I could hear them. The official best response is to slow down, let them go. Pull off or stop or turn a corner if you have to. You are on a motorcycle. You will not win in any serious collision.
  17. Also so that some web bot won't jump in and deliver a zillion spam messages in 10 seconds.
  18. haha, look underneath for major weld marks where they shouldn't be. Like cutting two cars in half and welding one together. Won't hold up over time. And it's a rebuilt, there will always be something that you will find later and deal with.
  19. 9:30pm - currently two tornado signatures on radar. One is NW of Dayton, the other is NE of Dayton. Both moving toward Marysville or Marion or Akron, etc. Not necessarily a tornado, just a wanna be right now. edit: yeah, looks like Toledo or Cleveland will be receiving..
  20. Yes but, a punch is not a pry bar. Don't break it. It's tempered metal and can fly off like a gunshot. Safety glasses if needed, use them. Beats getting crap in eyes.
  21. Well, I'm glad I got to ride today. And got home dry. And it's still nice outside, but won't stay that way long. That extreme low pressure cyclonic event (big storm turning) stuck over Kansas and Nebraska is on the move. Fast. It will be here tonight. Thunderstorms, high winds, potential large hail, and tornado watch and warnings. Dayton and Cleveland already know this, since they just got the rain. Columbus is spared till later. edit: oh, and there's even more bigger nasty coming behind this. It will probably calm down as temperatures cool off tonight. Or not. THUNDERSTORMS WILL CONTINUE TO DEVELOP TONIGHT IN THE SOUTHERLY FLOW AHEAD OF INTENSIFYING LOW PRESSURE. SOME OF THE THUNDERSTORMS WILL BE SEVERE...WITH VERY LARGE HAIL...DAMAGING WINDS...AND POSSIBLY TORNADOES. DUE TO THE REPEATED PERIODS OF THUNDERSTORMS OCCURRING THIS WEEK THERE IS ALSO A HEIGHTENED POTENTIAL FOR FLOODING.
  22. I did notice that it appeared to me that everyone eventually backed up. Can't hear what is being said, that can be important. Young men get in situations and get themselves out. It happens. Admonish riders to ride more reasonably. Too aggressive in what appears to be populated areas. Best to avoid that. Admonish truck driver that he is not the law. He is a witness. Let it go, call it in.
  23. Not starting crap, but a court can see it differently: Kentucky Revised Statute 508.050 Menacing. (1) A person is guilty of menacing when he intentionally places another person in reasonable apprehension of imminent physical injury. (2) Menacing is a Class B misdemeanor. And actually, all parties were probably guilty of menacing.
  24. ReconRat

    My wife :(

    ok, now I'm laughing... and I'm only on page one...
  25. We have a lot of freedom in this country, to behave whatever way we wish. But will always have to temper that with the consequences of a society that judges us. since we're all guessing: I would consider charging the rider with unsafe passing, if he could be identified. Perhaps even reckless driving. I would consider charging the truck driver with two counts of attempted vehicular homicide, once for trying to force the passing vehicle off the road, and once for crossing the center at an oncoming vehicle. (bike at about 5:30.) Additionally one or two counts of aggravated menacing, for waving and pointing a crow bar at one or both riders. If he could be identified. I would also consider charges of road rage, if available. If there had been any physical contact, I would consider arresting all parties for fighting in public. A crowbar is a weapon, as is a baseball bat. Yes, both are tools, but it depends on how you use it, handle it, and display it. No, you don't want to be hit with either.
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