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Everything posted by ReconRat

  1. Check the county flood plan map website. Check the county auditors assessment website of the house and neighbors. Offer 2/3, or less, of what it's thought to be worth. (Or 2/3 of what the county auditor has it inflated at for tax purposes.) Many houses are still seriously over valued. There are actually decent houses around for 30k or less...
  2. I spy 2002 Honda 919 for sale. No, it's not mine, and I don't need any more spare parts right now. If anyone is looking for one of these. One is advertised in Columbus for 3300. KBB trade-in is 2245 and retail is 3300. I would try starting at 2800. People don't realize when they sell vehicles, that retail is from a dealer, and usually has some sort of partial warranty and guarantee. Retail is not what a private seller should be expecting. Trying yes, but not expecting. http://ohio.freecycleshopper.com/motorcycles-and-parts/2002-honda-919-cb900f.html http://www.freecycleshopper.com/files/posts/2/2002-honda-919-cb900f_br1n7.jpg And what's the deal with freecycleshopper.com, that's a new one to me. Looks like mostly bicycles, not so much motorcycles... edit: do not click through to stuff posted on InetGiant Inc. That website sucks. Bad rep.
  3. Hard rain possible on Monday the 21st. Salt might be gone, and not come back. Predicted to have 1/2" to 3/4" of rain for Columbus. Still a month of Winter left, but temps are now running higher than normal. Yay. Hoping for no more salt, and I can then ride to work on any day it's either above freezing or dry. I'll take what I can get, this is early. Oh, and long range says 60F on March 6th and 7th. A weekend. Hard to say that far in the future.
  4. Probably was a veteran of Korea that flew F4 in Vietnam. Geez, stories... Almost everyone that I worked with at Rockwell was ex-military, many were pilots, and stories were everywhere. Some are worthy of passing along forever. One was a Polish ex-pat in WW2, and flew with the British/Polish squadrons. He flew for the US, and got shot down in Korea, probably a Sabre jet. He crash landed North of the fighting, in enemy territory, jumped out and ran back to friendly lines through the mountains. Chased by North Korean/Chinese troops trying to catch him. Picture that...
  5. Looking at the AEP brochure, I'd say the tree that is the same height as the wires, is 10 feet too close. So it's a candidate for having up to 10 feet of stuff trimmed off away from the power lines. Unless it's ruled a hazard. Your neighbor's 50 foot oak is in the same boat. Ten feet too close. It should also be ok with trimming to clear power lines by ten feet. Unless it's ruled a hazard. The trees that are much closer, much taller, and a couple of feet away from power lines are in trouble. Trimming might not do it for those.
  6. For the record... most of us Vietnam Era vets didn't get much thanks. Doesn't matter, didn't care, most of us were drafted anyway. We were ok with it. I expected to be in the military at some point anyway. My whole family tree has been in service. So after 9/11, in the Atlanta airport, myself and everyone else are thanking the troops for their service. I mentioned to one that was great to see and hear, and it didn't happen when we got back from Vietnam tours. All the troops in the area around us, stood up and thanked me for my service. Welcome Home...
  7. Here's a couple of pics in Ireland last week. http://www.surfermag.com/wp-content/blogs.dir/1/files/irish-tow-surfing/francois-lietssrf_7189.jpg http://www.surfermag.com/wp-content/blogs.dir/1/files/irish-tow-surfing/guillermosrf_6442.jpg http://www.surfermag.com/wp-content/blogs.dir/1/files/irish-tow-surfing/benjamin-sanchissrf_6807.jpg
  8. Video championships for best surf and wave has been dull so far this year. There has been only one decent monster wave in California and one in Hawaii. But in France, and Ireland, monster waves have hit from the storm activity in the North Atlantic. Here's a record wave in the Basque Country south of Hossegor, France. On feb 16, it's a 50 to 60 foot high wave... http://www.grindtv.com/surf/blog/24493/surfers+monster+ride+puts+big-wave+spotlight+on+europe/
  9. Yeah, but don't buy the old GM stock I'm talking about. That GM went bankrupt. The company reformed under a new name. Yes, that means the original GM is gone. Long live the new GM. old name: General Motors Corporation new name: General Motors Company (get it? It's still GMC) (And still trades as GM on the stock market.) Oddly, it originally was General Motors Company, and consolidated in 1916 to be General Motors Corporation. GM stock is currently in the mid 30s. Old bankrupt GM stock is restructured as Motors Liquidation (MTLQQ), and is about 8 cents a share. http://www.usatoday.com/money/perfi/columnist/krantz/2011-02-15-old-gm-stock_N.htm
  10. dang it, it's hard posting pics when they were all color slides or B&W negatives...
  11. Dude, that is totally original... rep
  12. Heh, it might have been a screener I watched, ahem... Must have been, Skyline isn't even in the library yet. Not even advanced reservations yet. It was good, but the combat was all from the viewpoints of a small group of trapped ordinary people. More of a scary space monster flick than a scary space war flick. Battle Los Angeles will be viewpoint of combat Marines. Of course, it's always fun watching dumb trapped ordinary people make mistakes against advanced alien combat troops. (Shoot, Skyline was good enough it's time to watch it again.)
  13. I wanna go I wanna go I wanna go Parts of the previews look an awful lot like the Skyline movie.
  14. AEP brochure on "Understanding Tree Trimming Efforts" (pdf) found here: https://www.aepohio.com/info/treetrimming/Default.aspx cliff's notes: 1. AEP Ohio Forester checks first, and looks for: 2. Trees directly under power lines 3. overhanging branches and limbs 4. hazardous trees 5. trees with potential to contact power lines in the near future 6. objective is to remove obstructions to provide at least 10 feet of clearance from the line. edit: 7. if a tree looks "climbable" to kids, close to a power line, it comes down immediately. edit: I've actually seen big U shaped notches cut out of the tops of small/medium trees that wouldn't grow much taller. I told that neighbor it was dumb to plant directly under the power line. Look up first, to see where the tree will grow.
  15. They forgot the stop every 15 minutes and drink a beer part.
  16. ReconRat

    Senate Bill 5

    Nothing is forever. I'm pretty sure that everyone working for a state wage will be effected in one way or the other. Both union and non-union. Or already has been whacked. It's pretty much going to be either layoffs or cuts. Pick one. And the private sector also, and even the self employed small business owners are suffering. And have been for a few years already. It's not over yet. This is just part of a bigger picture. And no, the end isn't in sight yet.
  17. It can happen. I had a friend get 3 in a row on I-75 south in Georgia. Bad day. Yes, he was hauling ass.
  18. In other news, I see that the old GM stock is worthless and sells for pennies a share. I could buy it all and own GM...
  19. At least I got the Olds 350... I'm surprised how many I had right, only to decide they were trying to trick me, and I picked something else...
  20. Not impressed until it's a heads up display projected inside the face shield, and widely available for popular metric rides.
  21. Just heard Danny Lee Brown of Galloway died of a heart attack. A racer at Columbus Motor Speedway. Only 56... http://www.schoedinger.com/obituaries/Danny-Brown/ http://www.columbusspeedway.com/asp/in-global/IN-DBImage.asp?PicID=2288
  22. Not too creepy. Remember that elephant that was happy to adopt a dog as a best friend. I've seen rabbits and cats get along too. Weird... edit: and why were you searching for a goat, or horse, anyway. Buying a horse now? Buyer's market for that too.
  23. Ok, BOT (back on thread). She's around. You just have to know when and where to look. She was at a couple of nights out last year. Pretty hard to miss a lady Busa rider.
  24. Negative GR, it is set correctly.
  25. I`m blaming it on Ben and his server, since we're both in ESDT zone.
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