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Everything posted by ReconRat

  1. Nice rig. Very very cool. Reminds me of roman candle combat in the Army on boring weekends. MPs didn't think it was too funny though.
  2. ouch. Ask me about skiing stories sometime. Worst one was hitting a telephone pole near a lift. Tell Ben I said Hi, I just got off FB and I see it's time to get going if you're going. Have fun.

  3. Overloaded at work. I left town. heh. Two weeks in Florida. I needed a break. Reading, sleeping, eating, and being generally lazy. Luckily it's warm at Christmas for a change. Usually it's darn cold. Got some great pics from the local zoo. Zoos are fun. Oops, the battery is still in the bike. I have to either take it out or ride it when I get back. Don't know about anyone else, but I will go nuts from not riding, in just a month or two. I actually considered buying a bike down here to ride, and just park it somewhere safe when I'm up North. I see you're snow boarding, you any good at it? I've not tried it, but I've skied on skis for many years and good at that.

  4. Moderator? I missed that. Cool. Now you're extra busy. And can't start trouble, now you have to stop trouble. ha. How you doing? Seems like you've been quiet lately. Me too, nothing to post up about in the Winter...

  5. oh, I forgot the 3 good laptops under the desk at work, and a pile of dead laptops, maybe 6 or 7 to fix. And the new netbook I play with. argh again... geez, I used to repair the monitors also. Good thing that LCDs are just disposable. I did open a large screen LCD monitor and fix it though. Easy fix, glad I checked. oh, and a couple of dead projectors hanging around the desk at work also.
  6. Geek? sometime last Summer I realized at work that I had 4 or 5 computers running on 3 monitors, with a pile of over 20 broken computers waiting for repair. All around my desk. I have got to lighten up. Give that stuff to somebody else to fix. Most all were fixed, and now there's a half dozen new ones to fix up. Not counting a dozen or two new ones already done and gone. And those are just the ones with serious hardware problems. The software and dead hard drive stuff gets gone the same day it arrives. It never ends... You don't even want to know what I got at home. There isn't enough AC power to run them all... not with TV and stuff on the same circuit. Gotta move it all to another room, argh... edit: actually, I tore it all down already, to move it all, and start over. Just one old computer, one old laptop, and the new netbook right now. whew, what a mess. But it's all nice and neat on the desk now.
  7. hmmm, that sounds like it's infected. I've seen the viruses block attempts to go to anti-virus websites and download and install the software. Kinda humorous when that happens. Boot in safe mode with networking and see if the browser will go to the website and download and install the software. Otherwise download it from another computer and use a thumb drive or CD etc to install it. Download and install and scan with malwarebytes and superantispyware.
  8. be aware that sometimes the programs for retrieving the product keys are goofy, and give the same product key number for all computers, and all types of op sys. Don't know why, but it's worth checking with more than one of the programs to see what you get for results.
  9. The McAfee mess is probably repairable. That's one alternative. But eventually it's better to wipe out and start over. How To Restore or Reinstall Microsoft® Windows® on a Dell™ Computer <--click me DELL has a restore system built into the operating system. That might work. I've not tried it. I usually start over with a fresh install of everything. The DELL OEM op sys install requires an install of the op sys using the disks from DELL. That's if you are going to use the existing product key for the op sys. They should send a set of install/restore disks for a small charge, if you didn't get them with the computer. Call or online chat DELL support and see what happens. Regular MS OEM XP installs won't work on the systems from major manufacturers. They buy in bulk, and do their own thing. That's if you want to use your existing product key that came with the computer. If you have a new op sys with new product key, there's no problem with that. Back up your files before you try anything.
  10. You will probably have to have a set of install disks from Toshiba for installing the op sys, to match the Toshiba product key. Call Toshiba support, as many times as necessary, till they send you a set of disks to do that. Normally a small charge for "shipping". Good luck.
  11. http://support.microsoft.com/kb/811224 Product Key finder programs:Belarc Advisor - Free Personal PC Audit (Version 8.1e) Top 13 Free Product Key Finder Programs btw, there are two product key stickers, one on the computer, and one on the documentation/disks. Sometimes... edit: Also worth reading: How to replace Microsoft software or hardware, order service packs and product upgrades, and replace product manuals
  12. I guess you mean that bootleg xp black. Seen it, haven't tried it. Get an XP oem install from somebody and see if it will take the windows serial number from the MS sticker on your computer when you install it. That's the first thing to try. And backup your stuff before you wipe it out. If it's Dell, HP, etc, you'll have to get the "special" XP install from them or somewhere.
  13. Pretty cool. Shallowtail is a common misspelling of Swallowtail. And there isn't a band named Shallowtail, yet, that I know of. There are various band names that are Shallow something, but they don't count...
  14. ReconRat


    grrr... I wanna see it. I'll have to wait for a while.
  15. I think it's special cameras to read and record plates. Very few patrol cars have them. If it sees a wanted, felon, APB, etc, it will alert the officer driving. There's a model for roadside, but it's very different from traffic cameras. Expensive, paid for mostly by Federal grants after 9/11. I know I've seen one somewhere, I just can't remember where... Although after that biker got killed on East Broad St, a spooky special camera was set up the next morning, and was watching traffic. It looked extremely expensive, and an unmarked car was nearby watching the camera. From the looks of the camera gear, it was recording everything...
  16. What I've heard is that insurance companies are very upset with the additional work load, dealing with all the "proofs of". The percent of people receiving these requests is pretty high. My opinion is that they are using freeway cameras to capture license plate numbers, and using those to send out requests. That way they know the vehicle was driving, and when. But I'm guessing at that. It's the way I would do it.
  17. How about don't ride it. The correct alternative that is being ignored... This is where I point out that the state of Ohio has started sending out requests for proof of insurance on vehicles, at random (or so they claim). In one case asking for seven years of proof, from the day the guy bought the vehicle... I got one asking for proof of insurance on a vehicle. I have insurance all the time on everything I ride or drive, of course... but it was still a pain in the butt. edit: the way the state is looking at this, is that if we buy license plates, it has to be insured. No exceptions. Although there is a painful process available for proving the vehicle is broken and won't run.
  18. off-hand I'd say taking some or all of the following list of medications at the same time, might be deadly... Topamax - anti-seizure medication Klonopin - anti-anxiety medication Ativan - anti-anxiety medication Vicoprofen - pain killer hydrocodone - pain killer Fluoxetine - depression medication Propranolol - hypertension medication herbial remedies cough syrup Brittany Murphy's stuff...
  19. Indeed... it is not... and I'm so happy about that...
  20. Lenovo IdeaPad S10-2 netbook w/ card reader and SIM card slot. 160Gb HD with 1024x600 LED backlight screen and 6 hour (for real) battery life. Added a 500Gb WD USB external HD, and a sleeve case with pocket to hold it all. Merry Christmas to me... edit: it needs a 3M anti-glare screen...
  21. Looks like a change coming, and it's already bopping the 200-day avg line... could go either way though. No bets on this one..
  22. ummm, that S-Wing was a 600cc and sure, at first glance his moniker appeared to say "swinger" But that didn't last long, heh...
  23. Moar... Eight Of Carl Sagan's best books, all in one download. Billions and Billions Contact Cosmos Pale Blue Dot The Cosmic Connection The Demon-Haunted World The Dragons of Eden Varieties Of Scientific Experience http://rapidshare.com/files/240571669/Carl_Sagan_Collection.rar Be aware that rapidshare currently won't work hardly at all between 7am and 5pm. It's best to download between 6pm and 6am at night.
  24. It varies... To go back and admit making a mistake, and edit final grades that were already turned in.... that's not a career enhancing item for a teacher. I wouldn't do it unless I had to. In most schools I'd say the teacher can't change any final grade turned in, without the signature of the department ChairPerson. Not a good day. Yes, requesting your grade be changed usually works. Schools bend over backwards anymore to keep students happy. I've had some of my personal grades changed when I found mistakes in grading or calculating of the grades. You never know... edit: oh, and the tone of the email is ok. Kinda humorous actually. Hope the instructor has a sense of humor. I've been reading some of the emails from a co-workers online classes taught, it's incredible what some students get on about... crazy...
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