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Everything posted by ReconRat

  1. Want to see a helmet done.
  2. I wasn't that close. Actually, having some one straddle lanes in morning traffic is quite common. Annoying, but typical. Worse is sudden lane changes with no signal or warning, of course. Particularly multi lane weaving. I give those lots of room.
  3. Yup, I put him in front of me and got on his tail for fun. Basically, a clown show is best viewed forward, not in your mirrors.
  4. heheh... just hide this somewhere and direct chain gear it with massive ratio. Limp along at low speed. Might have to get off and help push uphill. 10HP and under 5 pounds... gasoline powered R/C aircraft engine... Might also have to push to start... http://media.chiefaircraft.com/media/catalog/product/cache/1/small_image/135x135/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/E/V/EVO_E58GX.jpg
  5. Sort of know the feeling after that black Impala caught up to me and moved over into my lane this morning. Didn't care. Ignored him. Calling their bluff. Just another reaction I don't recommend.
  6. ok, I just watched a video that you can hear what this sounds like. To me, it sounded like a variable speed vacuum cleaner...
  7. Everyone talks about the darn cat. Really should think about the box.
  8. Just to be clear. If you read a bit on the subject, it's basically about the Higgs Boson particle causing a new understanding of particle physics. Which means that the new information says the universe could not have sustained an expansion, and would have collapsed. This only means that we're missing something in physics, since apparently that didn't happen. That is all. Carry on. edit: Since I like whacko physics, there is a strong case for everything in the universe to simply be a construct of our own imagination, and nothing really exists.
  9. Logical. The motor is heavy, even heavier than batteries maybe, and would need to be low CG. And sideways torque would be less pronounced down low. Not going to get away from the weight of batteries in the near future. Maybe some day.
  10. Remove the rack and sell it, keep the tail, change the seat, swap out/in for some dual front disk brakes. Yes, dump the turn signals for something more modern. Fresh tires and fluids. Lube cables and stuff (probably axles and bearings need it). Get rid of points and breaker if it's got one and install fresh plugs and check all wiring. Lighten up with a 4 to one exhaust, and probably jet up one or two. Clean carbs. Add a cafe headlight fairing and paint all to something you like. Consider painting or anodizing engine parts. Don't mess with guts of engine unless necessary. Lots of ideas here: UK Suzuki StreetFighters Lots of pics here: Google picture search http://rigid750.tripod.com/
  11. So anyway, what the heck is that silver thing on the bottom. It draws attention, but for what?
  12. I've rode without too many years. I don't really need help that much. That and I can't see the display all that well anymore. So it's a refurb TomTom 30 from newegg for me for 30 bucks. Nice motorcycle mount from mountguys.com. If it rains, I put it away. All I want to see is that turn arrow and countdown. I do one destination at a time, no routes and waypoints. If I want more, I mount up the phone and use Waze for alerts and preferred as a primary in the Jeep. Figured out how to tether a mounted 7 inch tablet (not on the bike) and run maps on that instead. I will check out Tonik's Sygic. What I like about the TomTom is that it seldom glitches or needs a reboot. Unlike Waze that decides to reinstall in the middle of the night in the high mountains of Tennessee. Mostly when I ride it's without any plans, I just wander and explore the old fashioned way. When it gets late, I go home. That's when the navigation is nice to have. notes: most navigation needs to be mounted somewhat vertical. Running one in a tankbag window usually won't work. The display will keep flipping around trying to comply with movement. One thing I don't like about waypoints is that if you miss one even by one block, your device wants you to go back there, until it gets past the halfway point to the next waypoint. So I don't use them. No, I never got familiar with cancelling a missed waypoint. I just want a smart map, dammit.
  13. I like to take 62 up to 541 and East to Coshocton, and then any road and any direction for a fun day of riding. Watch for one corner up and over a ridge on 541, it rolls negative on the downhill and will drift off the road if too fast.
  14. August 31 2008 .... sort of a standard route for some of the local area riders. Some roads might not be up to standards this year.
  15. I think this is an alternate technique to simply listen to the keyboard strokes. But not sure. Sounds like something the US Navy might have developed.
  16. umm, I read it is supposed to make "sound like a jet landing". (electric vehicles are so quiet the Feds require noise making under some low speed) Sort of want to predict that less than 200 will be sold.
  17. Yes, we are doomed again. A variety of advanced hacking techniques. One of which isn't even connected to the computer, it just listens to the keyboard... http://www.newscientist.com/article/mg22229744.000-hackers-reverseengineer-nsas-leaked-bugging-devices.html edit: or alternate title, Why you should play really loud music when using a credit card on-line.
  18. With technology doubling at an ever faster increasing pace, I'm thinking that breakthroughs in almost anything is just right over the horizon. Computers and programs figure things out faster than people can deal with it. And that includes warp physics. You just have to ask the computer the right questions. Which often isn't easy.
  19. IXS Enterprise - first warp ship concept Just a concept for now, the math doesn't quite work yet for the warp drive. NASA is still working on that part. But impressive that this was done in association with NASA. https://www.flickr.com/photos/123021064@N05/sets/72157644113972600/ http://img.washingtonpost.com/news/post-nation/wp-content/uploads/sites/23/2014/06/14038693038_0da3b292a6_b.jpg edit: and yes, they nearly destroyed a computer trying to model this. Something like 25,000 parts. They had to get a bigger better faster computer. And every part on this model has a real life (imaginary for now) function.
  20. Yes. We make our own monsters. From unnecessary and poorly executed medications and ramped up media hype. And ignorance. Then deny it, and blame it on something else other than ourselves.
  21. Stock bulbs are dim, and get dimmer with age. I also switched to basic Sylvania H4ST SilverStar replacements. Keep the old bulb (or spare bulb) with the bike in case you need it. The replacement won't last as long as a dim stock bulb. Mine's still working ok though. The trick is finding the right bulb that fits. WalMart might have it. I've seen motorcycle headlight bulbs there, but not mine (Honda). edit: go here to select: https://www.sylvania.com/en-us/applications/automotive-lighting-systems/Pages/lrgmain.aspx Motorcycles are on the list. I notice there is a new SilverStar Ultra. The basic SilverStar was the one available when I was buying. I'll try the SilverStar Ultra next time. edit again: wear gloves when handling/installing, otherwise they burn out early. note: These type bulbs are rated for 150 hours life, a standard bulb is rated 1100 hours.
  22. Nope. Just learn from it and get back on and ride. I went down on ice one morning. More annoyed than anything else. Fought it all the way down and took a hit on the knee trying to spare the bike. Spun it on the clutch cover, so only had to replace that. The leasons learned were: "take it easy on cold tires" warm them up first- engine can performance "jump" when the computer kicks in. Most engine management computers are in limp home rich mode for a few minutes after starting - and... wet wheels can freeze up when they spin, if it's at near freezing temps outside. A few weeks later I spun a power slide 180 in the same intersection... same deal Riding in freezing weather with a lot of torque is tricky.
  23. This is all there is right now, no name... http://www.ajc.com/news/news/man-dies-in-road-atlanta-motorcycle-accident/ngGmc/
  24. Two more lost in the same time frame. One hit a semi South of Columbus on Thursday afternoon at maybe 4:30pm, and one crashed on 315 at about 2:15am Friday morning.
  25. btw, I read that the outlawed open carry in Florida is being challenged. Apparently there is a large loop hole. It's allowed if you're going "fishing" or "hunting". So apparently loads of people are packing heat and saying they are going "hunting" or "fishing".
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