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Everything posted by ReconRat

  1. I haven't thought about it, but I guess I didn't realize that there were riders that couldn't cover the front brake with two fingers and still control the throttle. I've heard some throttles are so stiff it can't be done. Dunno. I suppose I didn't do that when I was first learning and starting to ride. I also use the two front brake fingers to control throttle return position. Maybe it's the 40 years of experience I got. And yes, both brakes, whenever and wherever I want to use them. Which is usually quickly and suddenly, to reduce velocities early, while time is available. And that means learning to use them both in all possible conditions. No, most people haven't learned how to do that. I've heard a lot of misconceptions about where and when brakes can be used. I'll say brakes can be used anywhere and anytime, if you've learned how to use them.
  2. Dunno, but I see 90 guests viewing user profile.... ???
  3. ha, my imagination says half of the population would just go fix it without much asking. The other half would cry about it, saying "don't do that, they are just misunderstood, and have a legitimate claim to blah blah blah".
  4. Seems I read a lot of history stuff, especially warfare. Including the Middle East. So there is some historical precedence to judge with. When will Israel strike at Iran? Oh, probably one to three days before Iran or Syria executes plans to attack Israel... Somebody I was talking with, was weaseling about Israel defending itself from those rocket attacks. I asked them, what if your neighbor was throwing hand grenades over the fence into your yard? Not a lot, maybe one or three a day. Nobody in your family gets hurt too bad, just little wounds. How long would you put up with it, and what would you do? He didn't answer... Another thought is what would this country do, if some other country was shooting rockets across our border... yeehah... Never shoot at a cowboy or cowgirl, I'm pretty sure he or she will shoot back.
  5. There's been only one news article on it so far, with very little info. I'll edit it in in a bit. Motorcyclist Critically hurt in Crash
  6. Indeed, goat is preferred. Both are legal tender.
  7. USD$15.8 million in Iraq is payable in sheep... you know...
  8. ReconRat

    1911 ?

    I love all the 1911 family, Colts to Kimbers. But I'd give the Paraordnance stuff a look too. For bang for the buck, I'd get a Rock Island or a Springfield. Or maybe even one of the Argentinean or Brazilian pistols made on Colt tooling. There used to be a Chinese 1911 copy around, and it wasn't too bad either. No matter what you buy, it may need a little work to make it more accurate. (Barrel, bushing and spring mostly.) But that's not the point unless you are trying to buy or build a competition race pistol. These are mostly combat replicas, and should be enjoyed as they are.
  9. ditto Max Power, when the salt hits the roads. It will destroy a motorcycle. And around here, we use brine liquid on the roads, long before using serious salt and sand. The brine is hard to spot, but when it's put down on the roads, I'll stop riding. In the late Winter or early Spring, a couple of real hard rains are needed to remove the salt. Then it's time to ride again. I'd like to have a beater motard bike, to ride all winter. Studded snow tires would be nice.
  10. clicking the link gets this type of thing - junk mail: Recession Proof Investments - Start Investing Now
  11. I think I'd have been a bit rough, if finding those conditions. I probably would have set my own conditions on what her response should be. Fast action, and nothing less. There really are no excuses. You'd think she would be embarrassed to behave that way. So very callous... I've dealt with many campus "landlords", and knew how to handle each "unique personality". But one thing was always true. They would drag their feet at spending money for anything. Some I would fix stuff and send them a statement of services. If they didn't pay it, I notified them, and then deducted it from the rent. Some were ok with that, it must be to their advantage in some way. (I did good work, and worked for low wages.) I'd love to show that picture to one of the news teams.
  12. ok sure, I've been impressed with some of the renovation in that area. I should go look up what streets I can remember are bad. I wouldn't even walk on those streets. I suppose it's cleaned up some, but that's where all the felons lived. A bit weird to have that right there near Battelle. If you are North of Battelle, great. That bad zone was to the South.

  13. MJ - My experience... in the area around Battelle, there is a couple of streets that are historically very rough areas to live in. The rest is typical campus level danger. No where around there, would I leave anything outside (motorcycle). Vehicle theft has always been high around South campus. Just saying, I like the neighborhood also, but it comes with some risks. YouknowwhatImean.

  14. kaum. ein wenig. Meine Mutter ist deutsch. Ich muss babelfish benutzen!:grin: ehh, mein Deutsch ist nicht gut. I was in Germany a few years ago, touring and visiting cousins near Munich. I could get in and out of a store or gas station without anyone knowing I wasn't German. That's about all I can speak.
  15. I thought leathers were supposed to be hot and sweaty.... I dunno... You know, if you ride long enough, you learn to sweat (perspire for the ladies) out of other parts of the body, like your feet. (True Story) Then again, you might not want to be around when I take shoes off after riding... Do we need NASCAR cool suits? Wearable air conditioning under the gear? Should I figure out how to transfer body BTU's to a mini radiator on the back of the jacket? It shouldn't be much different that a heated jacket, other than it won't take much watts to run it. Or we could do it the solid state thermoelectric method of cooling ( Peltier effect), real NASA stuff... Or get a cooling vest Or... the old fashioned method, tie a wet bandana around your neck. Nice and chilly...
  16. Ok. I know that a couple of times, I had to really work at it to get one right. Even taking the tube out and putting it back in again. Even replacing damaged tubes after I messed up, learning the hard way. I still do tube tires on the front lawn, I can't resist the trauma of the challenge. And yes, many times it would have been cheaper to have a motorcycle tire shop do it for me. Replacing tube and valve when open is always a good idea. Especially on the front tire.
  17. Well, if it's tube tire, you have to be careful not to pinch the tube between the rim and tire. You avoid that by putting a small amount of air in the tube before pushing it into the tire. I can't imagine your tube lost all air. Also common is the thick part of the tube, where the air nozzle is located, getting stuck under the tire bead, instead of inside the bead. That will force the tire inward also. So there are two things you have to watch for, when getting a tube tire mounted up and nice and round. I did an edit up there, I'd try letting a bunch of air out, using a tire mounting lube (soapy water), and beat on it again with the rubber mallet. Recheck all around after setting correct tire pressure. Maybe hose the tire down with water when done, and look for leak bubbles, just to make sure. edited: thick part of tube pushes the tire inward, not outward. Same visible condition.
  18. Yes, you can see where the "line around the tire" dips in toward the rim. That indicates it isn't seated right. I always eyeball check that all the way around on both sides, whether it's me or somebody else mounting the tire. I've seen it too many times. edit: Squirt some water or soapy water on there and hit it with the rubber mallet. That might do it. Although you might have to let all the air out to get it to cooperate.
  19. The tire bead isn't seating right. It probably moved in toward the rim when it was extremely out of air. Kinda rare, but that's what it sounds like. Not too cool if that's a tubeless tire. It's real common on the old tube tires. You should still be able to pop it back to where it belongs. I've done that, and fiddling around with it will put it back where it belongs. Letting a little air out will make it easier to re-position. Sometimes just beating the tire with a rubber mallet will pop it out. If it's the valve stem leaking, you can buy those and put a new one in. With a valve stem tool, of course. But even then, I wouldn't want to push my luck with a front tire. And no, I wouldn't want to jump on and ride long distance after that happening.
  20. HA! What did you guys do? Stop IN the park? That Green Ranger probably been waiting all Summer to talk to a batch of youse road rockets...
  21. I like tanks! (Armored Assault Vehicles)
  22. shup... it's getting near midnight, get out and ride...
  23. yeah... I still want one of those on a T-shirt...
  24. shup all, I used to stuntz before you'all were born...
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