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Everything posted by ReconRat

  1. Nope. Mine uses a Yuasa YTZ10S-BS AGM. 130 bucks maybe for a new Yuasa AGM. Or 55 bucks for a cheapo AGM. The YTZ14S is worth 75 to 214 (OEM retail) bucks new, on Google shopping search, depending on what type it is and who made it. Yuasa model and AGM (Absorbed Glass Mat) type are at the high end of price, of course.
  2. Dude, that battery will probably last longer than you think. It's probably good for the rest of this year. I just like buying parts. Leaving the key on seldom works out.
  3. We still don't know how many there were, but the bikes appeared to stretch out about two miles on the road. We signed in around the 200 mark, and there were plenty after us. We were guessing 300 or a little over. The classic event, was the lady that wanted everyone to get out of her way so she could pull onto the road. One of the road guards with passenger, physically blocked her entry with their bike. A rather nice argument was overheard by all that passed by. It wasn't a good idea on her part, since apparently most of the road guards were off duty police and firemen. Thanks again for the good job by the road guards. There were about 20 of them. There were so many of us, that traffic approaching from the other direction, often pulled over and stopped. Even on four lane roads. Amazing. We had our fair share of little kids and big ones too, running out to watch the show. Yes, I got stupid and left the key on in the Lancaster stop. Pointed at a wall where no one could see it was still on. Enough juice to power the fuel pump, but not quite enough to start. Thanks for the backward ride up the parking lot and the push start. It seems to have charged back up ok, and is starting normally. But I'm thinking it's about time to look for a battery. The battery has sounded a bit weak lately, and a new one probably would have taken the abuse.
  4. Not a drop, I think. I shot down the right side of an abnormally long line of cars going through the freeway construction, and cut in. On the freeway it wasn't going to catch me, but it was bad both to the North and the West. Raining now. edit: It got to Hilliard an hour sooner than I thought it would. Oops. Sorry Lance, we had to all cut out.
  5. I hope so. Looks like maybe in between rain,, I guess. Waiting a bit to see what happens.

  6. Shoot black or grey gunkote on the stainless clamps and bake yourself happy. Note: do not let the wife catch you doing this. Errr.... find someone with an oven in the garage...
  7. hahahaha, it's raining HERE. On the East side, just West of BWR. A tiny storm brewed up out of the downtown area, and is moving East. So expect small amounts of rain on the East side, moving toward BWR right now (6:45pm). I'm just gonna ride through it. Remember, I like riding in the rain... edit: oops, now it's raining hard... I think I'll let this one move on down the road a bit... I think I'll be fashionably late... edit2: great... now a 2nd little storm has brewed up downtown and is moving East at slow speed. The two storms are now doing a dance over the East side. Revolving clockwise around each other.... zzzzz.... Storm ground speeds are zero to 6 knots, but they don't seem to know which way they are going yet... edit3: the two storms are still dancing, and a third has created near the Broad and I-70 exit... They aren't moving anywhere...
  8. I've bought "motorcycles in a box" before. Just make sure that the parts that are broken or missing, that will be replaced, aren't going to take the total cost up over what it is worth when done. You have to be able to know what you are looking at and actually look over each part. Things like engine moving parts, and adjacent engine that might have been damaged if it grenade'd. Like holes in any of the engine cases, etc. Good crank, cam, pistons, and gears would be a good start. If you've torn one of these down before, that will help a lot.
  9. I see that on the radar. Stalled storm. It's dumped up to an inch already.
  10. Forecast dropped to 20%. Rainfall amounts .01"-.02" average. Higher in storms. Small isolated Tstorms are barely moving across two fronts with two different movement of activity from wind directions. None are yet close to Cbus. Storms in KY are sliding across the edge of the fronts and should pass South of Cbus. The Ky storms are proceeded by occasional lightning and are easy to spot. Tstorms to the West of Cbus are stalled, but will very slowly make their way to the East. They appear to be 5 to 10 hours away. New storms generating closer to Cbus are possible.
  11. yeah, neighbor girl had one of those removed. creepy stuff.
  12. ReconRat


    It expired, no doubt. Pain in the butt MicroSoft sneaky ass trickery. Use the OpenOffice. It's free and nearly everything that Office is or was. Forget the templates. They sux. They look like... templates. Unless you got a really good one. If you know any peeps in personnel or HR, a friend, have them look your stuff over. That helps a lot. The trend is away from the fancy, flowery, buzz word resumes. Get down and gritty and say what you mean. Cut it down to one page, unless they ask for more. Use good English and proper grammar. Don't dare misspell even one word. Use nice paper and don't ever send a photograph. Concentrate on the cover letter. Make the cover letter slap in the face. Make them read it. The best way is to say right up front, you've already been doing this type work. That's an automatic into the keeper pile. An HR friend told me he used to take the stack of hundreds of resumes with cover letters, and sit there and throw them on the floor one by one. He didn't look for more than a few seconds each. A big pile of rejects and a little pile of keepers. Make yours a keeper.
  13. Technical notes: In order to haul a whale, the rear shock must be removed in order to install a special "whale strut". Be advised that this has a tendency to toss the cargo onto the back of the rider-in-charge. Special wrist and forearm braces are available for the resulting load transfer.
  14. Always meant to ask, is that a Krauser rig on the VFR tail? I got one, K5, I just haven't needed to haul stuff yet... I can send you sci fi books to read on the computer... which would probably put you to sleep.
  15. Lol, middle of the night used to be my preferred time to ride. Now it's too many deer and I need more light. Maybe when the Moon is full, heh?
  16. They sorta think the guy that died was just trying to get out of the way, of the trucks that were racing. I try to stay off of James between Broad and Livingston. Dunno, I just don't go there anymore.
  17. Pickup trucks racing on James Rd run over car? But motorcycles and wheelies are mentioned as well. Columbus Dispatch article Channel 10
  18. http://www.10tv.com/live/content/local/stories/2009/08/25/story_motorcycle.html
  19. lol, the rain cover costs twice what I paid for my mil-spec surplus backpack. I think I'll just use a handful of big ziplock bags... besides, it's in the back, just go faster, it won't get wet...
  20. That looks like an old records box, or paymaster's box. Probably even more rare.
  21. ReconRat


    It has that potential, as so many disaster movies do. But Independence Day was a winner. So maybe it will happen. I doubt it also.
  22. ReconRat


    I think I'll start over to clear the confusion. This is a contest website to win stuff. http://www.instituteforhumancontinuity.org/ You pretend to enter to be one of those to survive the apocalypse, and the winners are drawn like a lotto. It's a publicity stunt by Sony, for the November release of the movie 2012. They've done several of these before, most are fun.
  23. ReconRat


    our posts crossed each other. 2012=exterminate! is a Dalek thing. Doctor Who, the pic that Jagr posted.
  24. ReconRat


    argh... did either of you actually look at the website?
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