We still don't know how many there were, but the bikes appeared to stretch out about two miles on the road. We signed in around the 200 mark, and there were plenty after us. We were guessing 300 or a little over. The classic event, was the lady that wanted everyone to get out of her way so she could pull onto the road. One of the road guards with passenger, physically blocked her entry with their bike. A rather nice argument was overheard by all that passed by. It wasn't a good idea on her part, since apparently most of the road guards were off duty police and firemen. Thanks again for the good job by the road guards. There were about 20 of them. There were so many of us, that traffic approaching from the other direction, often pulled over and stopped. Even on four lane roads. Amazing. We had our fair share of little kids and big ones too, running out to watch the show. Yes, I got stupid and left the key on in the Lancaster stop. Pointed at a wall where no one could see it was still on. Enough juice to power the fuel pump, but not quite enough to start. Thanks for the backward ride up the parking lot and the push start. It seems to have charged back up ok, and is starting normally. But I'm thinking it's about time to look for a battery. The battery has sounded a bit weak lately, and a new one probably would have taken the abuse.