Ok, yeah, the texting is bad. The phones aren't far behind. Any Friday downtown after work can show the extreme. 90+% of everyone is on a phone or texting, on local streets, up the ramp, and on the freeway. If texting is 23 times more likely to cause an accident, then the inverse, 95.65% of accidents might eventually be from texting distractions. If everyone was texting all the time, that is what we would have to look forward to. I'm sorry, but most people can't walk, talk, and chew gum at the same time. And they shouldn't be trying... my opinion: it should become standard practice to search and seize all communication devices at a serious accident. All devices should then be checked to see if they were in use at the time of the accident. Penalties should not be strictly secondary offenses. Penalties should be equal to the damage done. In other words, killing some one by neglect, should be considered murder. edit: Yes, I've actually stood on the side of the road and counted the drivers on phones or texting, as they pass by.... edit2: don't ever walk across a street, in a crosswalk, in front of a car that the driver is on the phone... really risky. Late on hitting the brakes is real common.