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Everything posted by ReconRat

  1. Urban wildlife studies have shown two things: Species not found inside cities are moving back in. The basic list is bear, lion/puma, coyote, and wolf. Even a few cases of bobcat/wildcat. Most everything else is already there. Studies of raccoons are showing that city raccoons are nothing like their country cousins, and don't want to live in the country. The food available in the cities has noticeably increased the life span and intelligence of city raccoons. That's right, they are getting smarter.
  2. Cheaper Than Dirt resumed firearms sales on line pending policy changes: Currently running 5 to 7 days behind on all orders of everything.
  3. shoot, I could probably use it on something. Always need something...
  4. Also: Correlation does not imply lack of causation Lack of correlation does not imply causation Lack of correlation does not imply lack of causation
  5. hahaha my hood. I'll check it out and see what's up. Generally can't find anyone working in that part of the store. I've seen crazy stuff in that parking lot. There's generally also a PD cruiser picking up a shop lifter 24 hours a day. I would advise not being in that parking lot at night unless you know the neighborhood and how to handle it. Don't walk out at night with anything visibly worth grabbing, like a bag from the pharmacy.
  6. Got it, I confused this guy with the mayor, who at the time was facing charges of something like cocaine use and possession.
  7. I'm thinking more of a "shall issue" permit for items that were on the 1994 ban list. Along with the high capacity magazines. That would probably require using an FFL to purchase. Future purchases only. The infrastructure is already there for CCW. This would be a state's rights thing.
  8. 1938 German motorcycle pulled from Big Swan Lake in Minnesota. A sunk ride rises: Motorcycle lost to lake in 1956 resurfaces http://d6673sr63mbv7.cloudfront.net/archive/x2056565615/g0002580000000000000825fe426db09dade84a063100076b74e158a631.jpg
  9. lol at the side bar question: Is it legal to Ship Guns Over the Internet? (December 21, 2012) Yes, but you have to break the firearm down to it's molecular components. And transmit the type, configuration and arrangement of the molecules across the data stream and re-assemble at it's destination.
  10. It's what the wacko portion of the population wanted. He provided. I'm sure there is room for litigation against that behavior. edit: Expect an apology when his employer starts back pedaling.
  11. You know, standard firearm ownership isn't the same as say a permit allowed class three. Same with CCW. Should there be another tier of ownership? One for those weapons currently in contention? I'd be the first to say veterans automatically qualify, unless otherwise eliminated. edit: If it involved getting a registered permit and paying a fee, they would do it. Additional income is seldom turned down.
  12. A standard practice for me is to hit the junk yard and get another fuel line. Also can check out the parts and fit while there. Cheap and fun. edit: If it was that easy to fall off and get lost, NAPA should have the parts for you.
  13. Yes it did. Media insisted on having access to records. Wiser heads prevailed, and it was dropped.
  14. Don't remember the DC mayor's name, but years ago the DC mayor shot a kid in his swimming pool. With an illegal handgun. Did he get prosecuted? No he did not, that I can remember. So, the nobility can do what they want, but the peasants and serfs have to abide?
  15. You selling the pelt? I would. edit: squirrels. Red squirrels are invading the local population of grey squirrels and taking the territory. Greys bury nuts and seeds and grow forests. Reds hoard nuts and seeds in caches. Ergo: grey squirrels grow forests, red squirrels do not. There's already a noticeable difference in forest regrown due to invasion of red squirrels. Your responsibility to this ecological disaster: eat more red squirrels. Yotes should heed this warning also, eat more red squirrels. edit: I also saw a little yote tracking a very scared raccoon in my yard one night. The raccoon saw me, the yote did not. I think the raccoon was thinking about climbing to escape. I was in the way. It quick ran across the street to another tree.
  16. I meant to post this last year. It's from 2011. Just now getting around to it. Yes, it's warm just about all year in Florida. http://youtu.be/OIXQ2VMBApU
  17. That's the problem. There are certain key characteristics of a rampage murderer, but not even 1% would ever have a problem. It's not enough to do anything about it without persecuting the other 99%. Even then, it could be bad data. There just isn't a way of identifying some types of problems by behavior. Not yet anyway.
  18. I think I've read that 28% of the schools or high schools already have on duty or off duty police. I wonder if there's any stats on how that has worked out. edit: I think that includes protective coverage at football games at night. That survey wasn't too official, and the way it was worded would include after school stuff once a week.
  19. I thought the mental health thing wasn't allowed to be part of firearm clearances, because of privacy and medical records issues? Damned if you do, and damned if you don't. edit: Has any place actually tried arming anyone in a school to see if it works? The few places that are known don't seem to have any problems. (Which includes high schools i both Columbus and Cleveland.) No one would have data unless a fair number were set up and tried for 10-20 years. So far, it apparently works. But data be damned, fear rules.
  20. There is also a "Life of Duty" free membership for certain military, law enforcement and first responders. Lots of ways to get one.
  21. Let me fix it. I don't care if the "gun free zone" sign stays up or gets taken down. Put up another sign that says "criminals with firearms will be shot". Isn't that policy? Do something simple and cheap and claim it's fixed?
  22. ReconRat


    Mexican cartel shipment headed South?
  23. Feinstein's response to the NRA was at something like 1:15pm. I find nothing anywhere yet...
  24. I just saw an Ovenbird. Never seen one before.
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