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Everything posted by Cdubyah

  1. So use the gift card toward the purchase of the hard drive. Still cheaper.
  2. Loud pipes, baffled pipes no difference. Stupid people still aren't on the lookout for bikes.
  3. Welp I doubt they will start Lee again for game 6, so I'm guessin the Phillies chances are nill.
  4. endurance racing is a blast! You actually have to have a little strategy. Or be so far ahead that it doesn't matter what the hell you do.
  5. Yep still suck when wet, on my truck tho. Locks the tires right up.
  6. Twas a good evening yesterday for funny pictures.
  7. Cdubyah

    Did you vote?

    another glorious year at the poll. Didn't get to ride there this year tho.
  8. Have you given your testimonial yet casper?
  9. What's up you sexy bitch? Just spreadin the love seed....heh heh heh

  10. I hate it when the BAM comes before I run out of rep!
  11. A Klubhouse huh? Do we get super nifty ID badges to get us in the door?
  12. Agreed... I liked FM, and FM2. However, FM2 took forever, I still haven't beat it. That and the acheivements were ridiculous to get. Or I am just a turrable driver...turrable turrable turrable.
  13. Not so sure it's al about stopping. But taking less damage in a lowside. So only one side of the bike gets fucked.
  14. Hey buddy, I was down in your neck of the woods not to long ago. Thought I would share.

  15. We not all bad! I still heart you fella.

  16. So we don't sit a round a camp fire singing kumbaya...big whoop, wanna fight about it?
  17. I don't think I've ever had the chips and salsa... Usually get it to go.
  18. Maybe he used his wallet as a distraction to get to his gun.
  19. Hookers...and perhaps blow.
  20. I've gotten hooked on Land Shark. What are your thoughts?
  21. Thats cuz everything got moved to the other forum.
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